The {{KW|_SNDPLAYCOPY}} statement copies a sound, plays it and automatically closes the copy using a handle parameter passed from {{KW|_SNDOPEN}} or {{KW|_SNDCOPY}} {{PageSyntax}} :{{KW|_SNDPLAYCOPY}} {{Parameter|handle&}}[, {{Parameter|volume!}}] {{PageDescription}} * Opened sound files must have the "SYNC" capability to use this statement. (Currently WAV, OGG, AIF, RIF and VOC) * The volume parameter can be any {{KW|SINGLE}} value from 0 (no volume) to 1 (full volume). *Makes coding easier by doing all of the following automatically: :#Copies/duplicates the source handle (see {{KW|_SNDCOPY}}) :#Changes the volume of the copy if volume is passed (file must have "VOL" capability) :#Plays the copy :#Closes the copy * This statement is a better choice than {{KW|_SNDPLAYFILE}} if the sound will be played often, reducing the burden on computer. ''Example 1:'' Playing a sound at half volume. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|_SNDPLAYCOPY}} applause&, 0.5 {{CodeEnd}} ''Example 2:'' Playing a song at random volumes. {{CodeStart}} chomp& = _SNDOPEN("chomp.wav", "VOL,SYNC") _SNDPLAYCOPY chomp&, 0.5 + RND * 0.49 {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} *{{KW|_SNDOPEN}} *{{KW|_SNDCOPY}} {{PageNavigation}}