CHDIR ".\samples\qb64\original" DECLARE SUB ripples (waterheight%, dlay!, amplitude!, wavelength!) DECLARE FUNCTION LoadPcx% (PCX$) DECLARE SUB DELAY (x!) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'RIPPLES, by Antoni Gual 26/1/2001 'Simulates water reflection in a SCREEN 13 image '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Who said QBasic is obsolete? 'This is a remake of the popular LAKE Java applet. 'You can experiment with different images and different values of the 'parameters passed to RIPPLES sub. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'PCX Loader modified from Kurt Kuzba. 'Timber Wolf came with PaintShopPro 5, I rescaned it to fit SCREEN13 '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'WARNING!: PCX MUST be 256 colors and 320x 200.The loader does'nt check it!! '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Use as you want, only give me credit. 'E-mail me to tell me about! '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINT A-Z SCREEN 13: CLS dummy = LoadPcx("twolf.pcx") IF dummy THEN PRINT "File twolf.pcx not Found!": END ripples 150, .1, 2, 1 SUB DELAY (x!) 'Hope it will not freeze at midnight! T! = TIMER + x! DO: LOOP UNTIL TIMER > T! OR TIMER < x! END SUB FUNCTION LoadPcx (PCX$) 'LOADS A 320x200x256 PCX. Modified from Kurt Kuzba bseg& = &HA000 F = FREEFILE OPEN PCX$ FOR BINARY AS #F IF LOF(F) = 0 THEN CLOSE #F: KILL PCX$: LoadPcx = 1: EXIT FUNCTION fin& = LOF(1) - 767: SEEK #F, fin&: p$ = INPUT$(768, 1) p% = 1: fin& = fin& - 1 OUT &H3C8, 0: DEF SEG = VARSEG(p$) FOR T& = SADD(p$) TO SADD(p$) + 767: OUT &H3C9, PEEK(T&) \ 4: NEXT SEEK #F, 129: T& = BOFS&: RLE% = 0 DO p$ = INPUT$(256, F): fpos& = SEEK(F): l% = LEN(p$) IF fpos& > fin& THEN l% = l% - (fpos& - fin&): done = 1 FOR p& = SADD(p$) TO SADD(p$) + l% - 1 DEF SEG = VARSEG(p$): dat% = PEEK(p&): DEF SEG = bseg& IF RLE% THEN FOR RLE% = RLE% TO 1 STEP -1: POKE T&, dat%: T& = T& + 1 NEXT ELSE IF (dat% AND 192) = 192 THEN RLE% = dat% AND 63 ELSE POKE T&, dat%: T& = T& + 1 END IF END IF NEXT LOOP UNTIL done CLOSE F END FUNCTION SUB ripples (waterheight, dlay!, amplitude!, wavelength!) '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Ripples SUB, by Antoni Gual 26/1/2001 'Simulates water reflection in a SCREEN 13 image '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'PARAMETERS: 'waterheight in pixels from top 'dlay! delay between two recalcs in seconds 'amplitude! amplitude of the distortion in pixels 'wavelength! distance between two ripples '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'these are screen size constants, don't touch it! widh = 319 height = 199 REDIM a%(162) DIM r%(0 TO 200) 'precalc a sinus table for speed FOR i! = 0 TO 200 r(i!) = CINT(SIN(i! / wavelength!) * amplitude!) NEXT j = 0 'the loop! DO 'it must be slowed down to look real! DELAY dlay! FOR i = 1 TO height - waterheight temp = waterheight - i + r((j + i) MOD 200) GET (1, temp)-(widh, temp), a% PUT (1, waterheight + i), a%, PSET NEXT IF j = 200 THEN j = 0 ELSE j = j + 1 LOOP UNTIL LEN(INKEY$) END SUB