CHDIR ".\samples\pete\simpire" ' ²±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±² ' ² Simpire Beta ² ' ²±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±² ' By Pyrus, ' E-mail me with comments or suggestions. ' ' A strategy-type game in QuickBasic. ' ' You may will out of string space or memory in Qbasic 1.1, ' but this does work in Quickbasic 4.5. I would compile it, but ' it gets alot of errors... ' ' Some of the unfinished features in the beta are that ' you cannot battle another city, you cannot load a custom ' map yet, and sound has not been added. Also, the gold mine ' needs it's options programmed. You must go down to the CHDIR ' command and change it to the directory the program is in. ' I also need to make the small map update it's self. ' ' To gain citizens, build houses and Townhalls. To gain gold, ' you cut down trees and trade them for gold or by assassinating ' another city leader. To get more soldiers, you trade gold ' for them. Use the arror keys to scroll, and S to select menu ' items. ' For speed DEFINT A-Z ' Declare subroutines and functions DECLARE SUB printFX (text AS STRING) DECLARE SUB menu () DECLARE FUNCTION CheckForVillage! () DECLARE SUB talkwin (text$, text2$, text3$, text4$, text5$, text6$, text7$, text8$, more%) DECLARE SUB viewspr (filename$) DECLARE SUB loadpal () DECLARE SUB changeanim () DECLARE SUB InitVars () DECLARE SUB LoadTiles () DECLARE SUB LoadWorld () DECLARE SUB ShowMap () DECLARE SUB MoveDown () DECLARE SUB MoveLeft () DECLARE SUB MoveRight () DECLARE SUB MoveUp () DECLARE SUB PutPlayerPic () DECLARE SUB PutTile (Ico, Jco, mapno) DECLARE SUB LoadTile (Array()) DECLARE SUB jfont (a$, C, XCoordinate, YCoordinate, size) DECLARE SUB PutCursorPic (cursor%) DECLARE SUB Delay (seconds!) DEFINT A-Z ' Some TYPES TYPE WorldDataType Rows AS INTEGER Cols AS INTEGER TopRow AS INTEGER TopCol AS INTEGER Action AS INTEGER AnimCycle AS INTEGER Direc AS INTEGER PlayerY AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE MapType tile AS INTEGER WalkOn AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE HUES Red AS INTEGER grn AS INTEGER blu AS INTEGER END TYPE ' Define some Constants CONST North = 1, South = 2, East = 3, West = 4 CONST true = -1, false = 0 ' DIM Some Varibles ' "640K Ought to be enough for anyone" -Bill Gates' DIM SHARED charset(128, 8, 6) 'array for storing font information DIM SHARED WorldData AS WorldDataType DIM SHARED map(-7 TO 70, -7 TO 62) AS MapType DIM ColPal AS STRING * 768 DIM ColPal2 AS STRING * 768 DIM NewPal AS STRING * 768 DIM SHARED fontcolor$ DIM SHARED gold% DIM SHARED wood% ' DIM the tile set DIM SHARED ruble(205), stump(205), grass(205), water(205), Tree(205), stone(205), blank(205), ushore(205), dshore(205), lshore(205), rshore(205), tlshore(205), trshore(205), blshore(205), brshore(205), itlshore(205), itrshore(205), iblshore(205), _ ibrshore(205), cpath(205) DIM SHARED farm.topleft(205), farm.topright(205), castle.topleft(205), castle.topright(205), townhall.topleft(205), townhall.topright(205), civil.topleft(205), civil.topright(205) DIM SHARED farm.bottomleft(205), farm.bottomright(205), castle.bottomleft(205), castle.bottomright(205), townhall.bottomleft(205), townhall.bottomright(205), civil.bottomleft(205), civil.bottomright(205) DIM SHARED goldiconmask(205), goldicon(205) DIM SHARED woodiconmask(205), woodicon(205) DIM SHARED mine.topleft(205), mine.topright(205), mine.bottomleft(205), mine.bottomright(205) DIM SHARED enemy.knight(205), path(205) 'DIM the cursor DIM SHARED cursor(205), cursor02(205), cursormask(205), cursor02mask(205) DIM SHARED woodtext(1050), bricktext(1050), cursor2(205), cursor2mask(205), cursor3mask(305), cursor3(305) ' DIM a few other graphics DIM SHARED smallmap(9000), woodtextmini(205) DIM SHARED person.consultor(805),, person.other(805), person.snow(805), person.mean(805) ' Define some keys upkey$ = CHR$(0) + "H" downkey$ = CHR$(0) + "P" RightKey$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(77) LeftKey$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(75) F1$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(59) F2$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(60) F3$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(61) F4$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(62) F5$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(63) F6$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(64) F7$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(65) F8$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(66) F9$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(67) F10$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(68) F11$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(69) CtrlRight$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(116) CtrlLeft$ = CHR$(0) + CHR$(115) enter$ = CHR$(13) ' 320x200 with 256 color Resolution SCREEN 13 printFX "By Pyrus" PLAY "T160O0L32EF" DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = " " OR x$ = CHR$(13) ' Load Custom Palette loadpal ' Load Custom Font OPEN "fontdata.dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 FOR a = 1 TO 126 FOR x = 1 TO 8 FOR y = 1 TO 6 INPUT #1, B charset(a, x, y) = B NEXT y NEXT x NEXT a CLOSE ' Loads graphic tile set CALL LoadTiles DIM title(5000) DIM titlemask(5000) viewspr ("title.spr") GET (1, 1)-(119, 39), title GET (1, 40)-(119, 79), titlemask CLS ' intro and title screen FOR y = 0 TO 180 STEP 20 FOR x = 0 TO 300 STEP 20 PUT (x, y), bricktext, PSET NEXT NEXT PUT (95, 15), titlemask, AND PUT (95, 15), title, OR CALL jfont("v1.0", 15, 220, 30, 1) LINE (95, 50)-(215, 140), 0, BF LINE (95, 50)-(215, 140), 112, B CALL jfont("Begin Simpire", 2, 117, 65, 1) CALL jfont("Load Custom Map", 15, 111, 75, 1) CALL jfont("Options", 15, 135, 85, 1) CALL jfont("Help", 15, 144, 95, 1) CALL jfont("About", 15, 142, 105, 1) CALL jfont("Quit to Dos", 15, 124, 115, 1) sel = 1 DIM tempimg(8200) menu: DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = upkey$ OR x$ = downkey$ OR x$ = CHR$(13) IF x$ = CHR$(13) THEN IF sel = 6 THEN FOR T = 1 TO 84 STEP 4 Delay .0009 LINE (0, 0)-(T, 200), 0, BF LINE (80, 0)-(80 + T, 200), 0, BF LINE (160, 0)-(160 + T, 200), 0, BF LINE (240, 0)-(240 + T, 200), 0, BF NEXT CLS END END IF IF sel = 1 THEN GOTO start IF sel = 2 THEN GET (30, 50)-(291, 111), tempimg LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 0, BF LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 112, B FOR x = 1 TO 260 STEP 20 PUT (30 + x, 51), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 71), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 91), woodtextmini, PSET NEXT LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 0, BF PUT (41, 60), person.snow, PSET LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 112, B LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 0, BF LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 112, B CALL jfont("This feature is not ready yet.", 15, 95, 61, 1) CALL jfont("", 2, 95, 71, 1) CALL jfont("", 2, 95, 81, 1) CALL jfont("Press Enter", 15, 95, 91, 1) DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) PUT (30, 50), tempimg, PSET ERASE tempimg END IF IF sel = 3 THEN GET (30, 50)-(291, 111), tempimg LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 0, BF LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 112, B FOR x = 1 TO 260 STEP 20 PUT (30 + x, 51), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 71), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 91), woodtextmini, PSET NEXT LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 0, BF PUT (41, 60),, PSET LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 112, B LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 0, BF LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 112, B CALL jfont("What kind of sound do you want?", 15, 95, 61, 1) CALL jfont("I want Adlib Compable.", 2, 95, 71, 1) CALL jfont("I want PC Speaker.", 15, 95, 81, 1) CALL jfont("Press Enter when done", 15, 95, 91, 1) sel = 1 options: DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) OR x$ = upkey$ OR x$ = downkey$ IF x$ = downkey$ THEN sel = sel + 1 IF x$ = upkey$ THEN sel = sel + 1 IF sel = 3 THEN sel = 1 IF sel = 0 THEN sel = 2 CALL jfont("I want Adlib Compable.", 15, 95, 71, 1) CALL jfont("I want PC Speaker.", 15, 95, 81, 1) IF sel = 1 THEN CALL jfont("I want Adlib Compable.", 2, 95, 71, 1) IF sel = 2 THEN CALL jfont("I want PC Speaker.", 2, 95, 81, 1) IF x$ = CHR$(13) THEN IF sel = 1 THEN CALL talkwin("This feature has not been added yet.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) END IF IF sel = 2 THEN CALL talkwin("This feature has not been added yet.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) END IF PUT (30, 50), tempimg, PSET ERASE tempimg sel = 3 GOTO donesound END IF GOTO options donesound: END IF IF sel = 4 THEN GET (30, 50)-(291, 111), tempimg LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 0, BF LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 112, B FOR x = 1 TO 260 STEP 20 PUT (30 + x, 51), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 71), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 91), woodtextmini, PSET NEXT LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 0, BF PUT (41, 60), person.mean, PSET LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 112, B LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 0, BF LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 112, B CALL jfont("How to play.", 15, 95, 61, 1) CALL jfont("Arror keys control scrolling.", 2, 95, 71, 1) CALL jfont("S controls the menu.", 2, 95, 81, 1) CALL jfont("Press Enter", 15, 95, 91, 1) sel = 1 DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) PUT (30, 50), tempimg, PSET ERASE tempimg sel = 4 END IF IF sel = 5 THEN GET (30, 50)-(291, 111), tempimg LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 0, BF LINE (30, 50)-(291, 111), 112, B FOR x = 1 TO 260 STEP 20 PUT (30 + x, 51), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 71), woodtextmini, PSET PUT (30 + x, 91), woodtextmini, PSET NEXT LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 0, BF PUT (41, 60), person.other, PSET LINE (40, 60)-(81, 99), 112, B LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 0, BF LINE (90, 60)-(278, 100), 112, B CALL jfont("Simpire v1.0", 15, 95, 61, 1) CALL jfont("By Pyrus of WinterScape", 2, 95, 71, 1) CALL jfont("", 2, 95, 81, 1) CALL jfont("Press Enter", 15, 95, 91, 1) DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) PUT (30, 50), tempimg, PSET ERASE tempimg END IF END IF IF x$ = downkey$ THEN sel = sel + 1 IF x$ = upkey$ THEN sel = sel - 1 IF sel = 0 THEN sel = 6 IF sel = 7 THEN sel = 1 CALL jfont("Begin Simpire", 15, 117, 65, 1) CALL jfont("Load Custom Map", 15, 111, 75, 1) CALL jfont("Options", 15, 135, 85, 1) CALL jfont("Help", 15, 144, 95, 1) CALL jfont("About", 15, 142, 105, 1) CALL jfont("Quit to Dos", 15, 124, 115, 1) IF sel = 1 THEN CALL jfont("Begin Simpire", 2, 117, 65, 1) IF sel = 2 THEN CALL jfont("Load Custom Map", 2, 111, 75, 1) IF sel = 3 THEN CALL jfont("Options", 2, 135, 85, 1) IF sel = 4 THEN CALL jfont("Help", 2, 144, 95, 1) IF sel = 5 THEN CALL jfont("About", 2, 142, 105, 1) IF sel = 6 THEN CALL jfont("Quit to Dos", 2, 124, 115, 1) GOTO menu start: ' Start Up Subs CALL InitVars CALL LoadWorld CALL menu ' A few other im[porrtant varibles selct% = 1: menutitle% = 1: abletotrade% = 1: gold% = 20: wood% = 20 ' Makes the begining main menu LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 0, BF LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 112, B LINE (5, 72)-(56, 72), 112 CALL jfont("Menu:", 15, 7, 62, 1) CALL jfont("Build", 2, 7, 75, 1) CALL jfont("Destroy", 15, 7, 85, 1) CALL jfont("Attack", 15, 7, 95, 1) CALL jfont("Trade", 15, 7, 105, 1) CALL jfont("Status", 15, 7, 115, 1) CALL jfont("Quit", 15, 7, 125, 1) ' Prints how much gold and wood you have COLOR 15 LOCATE 21, 4: PRINT gold% LOCATE 23, 4: PRINT wood% ' Show the map CALL ShowMap CALL PutCursorPic(1) ' Startup Message startup: CALL talkwin("Welcome to this demo of Simpire. Feel free to", "build a city. If you can achieve a population", "of 100 citizens, you will win.", "", "", "", "", "", 2) ' Starts the main loop again: ' Checks if you have reached your goal IF poplation% >= 100 THEN CALL talkwin("You achieved a population of 100 citizens.", "Very good job.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) CLS END END IF ' Prints how much gold and wood you have LOCATE 21, 4: PRINT gold% LOCATE 23, 4: PRINT wood% ' Starts a loop that waits for keys DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = "d" OR x$ = "D" OR x$ = "p" OR x$ = "P" OR x$ = "q" OR x$ = "Q" OR x$ = enter$ OR x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" OR x$ = CHR$(27) OR x$ = CHR$(0) + "H" OR x$ = CHR$(0) + "P" OR x$ = CHR$(0) + "K" OR x$ = CHR$(0) + "M" ' Determines what key you pressed IF x$ = "d" OR x$ = "D" THEN IF destroy% = 0 THEN GOTO nokill IF destroy% = 1 THEN IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 41 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 2 destroy% = 0: GOTO donedes END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 4 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 3 destroy% = 0: wood% = wood% + 1 IF wood% >= 99 THEN wood% = 99 GOTO donedes END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 5 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 2: destroy% = 0 END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 18 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 20 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 23 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 25 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 1 destroy% = 0 END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 19 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 21 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 24 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 26 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 7, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 7, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 1 destroy% = 0 END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 27 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 29 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 32 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 34 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 4).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 4).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 destroy% = 0 END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 28 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 30 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 33 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 35 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 7, WorldData.TopRow + 4).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 4).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 7, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 destroy% = 0 END IF END IF donedes: CALL ShowMap nokill: END IF IF x$ = "p" OR x$ = "P" THEN IF wantbuild% = 0 THEN GOTO noplace IF buildtoplace% = 0 THEN GOTO noplace IF canbuild% = 1 THEN IF gold% >= 5 AND wood% >= 5 THEN IF buildtoplace% = 1 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 18 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 19 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 27 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 28 CALL ShowMap typ% = 1: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%) farms% = farms% + 1 poplation% = poplation% + 1 wantbuild% = 0 gold% = gold% - 5 wood% = wood% - 5 END IF END IF IF gold% >= 15 AND wood% >= 15 THEN IF buildtoplace% = 2 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 20 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 21 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 29 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 30 CALL ShowMap typ% = 1: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%) wantbuild% = 0 gold% = gold% - 15 wood% = wood% - 15 castle% = castle% + 1 soldiers% = soldiers% + 5 END IF END IF IF gold% >= 15 AND wood% >= 15 THEN IF buildtoplace% = 3 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 23 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 24 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 32 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 33 CALL ShowMap typ% = 1: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%) wantbuild% = 0 gold% = gold% - 15 wood% = wood% - 15 townhall% = townhall% + 1 poplation% = poplation% + 10 END IF END IF IF gold% >= 5 AND wood% >= 5 THEN IF buildtoplace% = 4 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 25 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 26 map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 34 map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile = 35 CALL ShowMap typ% = 1: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%) wantbuild% = 0 gold% = gold% - 5 wood% = wood% - 5 house% = house% + 1 poplation% = poplation% + 3 END IF END IF IF gold% >= 1 AND wood% >= 1 THEN IF buildtoplace% = 5 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 41 CALL ShowMap typ% = 1: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%) wantbuild% = 0 gold% = gold% - 1 wood% = wood% - 1 numofspac% = 0 END IF END IF IF gold% >= 1 AND wood% >= 1 THEN IF buildtoplace% = 6 THEN map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 4 CALL ShowMap typ% = 1: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%) wantbuild% = 0 gold% = gold% - 1 wood% = wood% - 1 numofspac% = 0 END IF END IF END IF noplace: END IF IF x$ = "q" OR x$ = "Q" THEN END END IF IF x$ = CHR$(0) + "H" THEN CALL MoveUp END IF IF x$ = CHR$(0) + "P" THEN CALL MoveDown END IF IF x$ = CHR$(0) + "K" THEN CALL MoveLeft END IF IF x$ = CHR$(0) + "M" THEN CALL MoveRight END IF IF x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" THEN selct% = selct% + 1 selectmenu: IF menutitle% = 1 THEN IF selct% = 7 THEN selct% = 1 CALL jfont("Menu:", 15, 7, 62, 1) CALL jfont("Build", 15, 7, 75, 1) CALL jfont("Destroy", 15, 7, 85, 1) CALL jfont("Attack", 15, 7, 95, 1) CALL jfont("Trade", 15, 7, 105, 1) CALL jfont("Status", 15, 7, 115, 1) CALL jfont("Quit", 15, 7, 125, 1) IF selct% = 1 THEN CALL jfont("Build", 2, 7, 75, 1) IF selct% = 2 THEN CALL jfont("Destroy", 2, 7, 85, 1) IF selct% = 3 THEN CALL jfont("Attack", 2, 7, 95, 1) IF selct% = 4 THEN CALL jfont("Trade", 2, 7, 105, 1) IF selct% = 5 THEN CALL jfont("Status", 2, 7, 115, 1) IF selct% = 6 THEN CALL jfont("Quit", 2, 7, 125, 1) END IF IF menutitle% = 2 THEN IF selct% = 8 THEN selct% = 1 CALL jfont("Build:", 15, 7, 62, 1) CALL jfont("Farm", 15, 7, 75, 1) CALL jfont("Castle", 15, 7, 85, 1) CALL jfont("Townhall", 15, 7, 95, 1) CALL jfont("House", 15, 7, 105, 1) CALL jfont("Path", 15, 7, 115, 1) CALL jfont("Tree", 15, 7, 125, 1) CALL jfont("Exit", 15, 7, 135, 1) IF selct% = 1 THEN CALL jfont("Farm", 2, 7, 75, 1) IF selct% = 2 THEN CALL jfont("Castle", 2, 7, 85, 1) IF selct% = 3 THEN CALL jfont("Townhall", 2, 7, 95, 1) IF selct% = 4 THEN CALL jfont("House", 2, 7, 105, 1) IF selct% = 5 THEN CALL jfont("Path", 2, 7, 115, 1) IF selct% = 6 THEN CALL jfont("Tree", 2, 7, 125, 1) IF selct% = 7 THEN CALL jfont("Exit", 2, 7, 135, 1) END IF END IF IF x$ = enter$ THEN IF menutitle% = 1 AND selct% = 1 THEN selct% = 0 menutitle% = 2 LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 0, BF LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 112, B LINE (5, 72)-(56, 72), 112 GOTO selectmenu: END IF IF menutitle% = 1 AND selct% = 6 THEN CALL talkwin("Thanks for Playing.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) FOR T = 1 TO 84 STEP 4 Delay .0009 LINE (0, 0)-(T, 200), 0, BF LINE (80, 0)-(80 + T, 200), 0, BF LINE (160, 0)-(160 + T, 200), 0, BF LINE (240, 0)-(240 + T, 200), 0, BF NEXT CLS SYSTEM END IF IF menutitle% = 1 AND selct% = 2 THEN CALL talkwin("Please select what you want to destory. Then", "press D.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) destroy% = 1 END IF IF menutitle% = 1 AND selct% = 5 THEN CALL talkwin("Welcome to the status menu.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 0, BF LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 112, B FOR x = 1 TO 220 STEP 20 PUT (80 + x, 51), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 71), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 91), bricktext, PSET NEXT LINE (90, 55)-(131, 95), 0, BF LINE (90, 55)-(131, 96), 112, B PUT (91, 56), person.mean, PSET LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 0, BF LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 112, B even% = RND * 9 + 1 IF even% = 1 AND abletotrade% = 1 THEN event1$ = "Snow Fall Blocks Trade." event2$ = "" LINE (90, 55)-(131, 95), 0, BF LINE (90, 55)-(131, 96), 112, B PUT (91, 56), person.snow, PSET abletotrade% = 0 END IF IF even% = 2 THEN event1$ = "Forigners cut down" event2$ = "many trees." p% = RND * 40 FOR I = p% TO p% + 10 FOR J = p% TO p% + 10 IF map(J, I).tile = 4 THEN map(J, I).tile = 3 NEXT NEXT END IF IF even% = 3 THEN event1$ = "You recive 5 gold!" event2$ = "" gold% = gold% + 5 IF gold% >= 99 THEN gold% = 99 END IF IF even% = 4 AND abletotrade% = 0 THEN event1$ = "The snowing stops." event2$ = "" abletotrade% = 1 GOTO eventss END IF IF even% = 4 AND abletotrade% = 1 THEN event1$ = "3 new soldiers join" event2$ = "your army." soldiers% = soldiers% + 3 IF soldiers% >= 999 THEN soldiers% = 999 END IF IF even% >= 5 AND even% <= 10 THEN event1$ = "No new Events." event2$ = "" END IF eventss: CALL jfont("Important Events:", 15, 145, 56, 1) CALL jfont(event1$, 2, 145, 66, 1) CALL jfont(event2$, 2, 145, 76, 1) CALL jfont("Press Enter", 15, 145, 86, 1) sel = 1 statusmenu: DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) IF x$ = CHR$(13) THEN LOCATE 21, 4: PRINT gold% LOCATE 23, 4: PRINT wood% LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 0, BF LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 112, B CALL jfont("Population, Soldiers", 15, 145, 56, 1) LOCATE 10, 19: PRINT poplation%; ", "; soldiers% CALL jfont("Press Enter to Exit", 15, 145, 86, 1) DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) END IF END IF IF menutitle% = 1 AND selct% = 3 THEN CALL talkwin("Welcome to the attack menu.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 0, BF LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 112, B attmenu: FOR x = 1 TO 220 STEP 20 PUT (80 + x, 51), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 71), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 91), bricktext, PSET NEXT LINE (90, 55)-(131, 95), 0, BF PUT (91, 56), person.other, PSET LINE (90, 55)-(131, 95), 112, B LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 0, BF LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 112, B CALL jfont("How you want to attack?", 15, 145, 56, 1) CALL jfont("Battle a city.", 2, 145, 66, 1) CALL jfont("Kill a city leader.", 15, 145, 76, 1) CALL jfont("Exit attack", 15, 145, 86, 1) sel = 1 attackmenu: DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = upkey$ OR x$ = downkey$ OR x$ = CHR$(13) OR x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" IF x$ = CHR$(13) THEN IF sel = 1 THEN CALL talkwin("This feature has not been added yet.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) END IF IF sel = 3 THEN GOTO exitattack IF sel = 2 THEN GOTO assattack END IF IF x$ = upkey$ THEN sel = sel - 1 IF x$ = downkey$ THEN sel = sel + 1 IF x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" THEN sel = sel + 1 IF sel = 0 THEN sel = 4 IF sel = 4 THEN sel = 1 CALL jfont("How you want to attack?", 15, 145, 56, 1) CALL jfont("Battle a city.", 15, 145, 66, 1) CALL jfont("Kill a city leader.", 15, 145, 76, 1) CALL jfont("Exit attack", 15, 145, 86, 1) IF sel = 1 THEN CALL jfont("Battle a city.", 2, 145, 66, 1) IF sel = 2 THEN CALL jfont("Kill a city leader.", 2, 145, 76, 1) IF sel = 3 THEN CALL jfont("Exit attack", 2, 145, 86, 1) GOTO attackmenu assattack: LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 0, BF LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 112, B FOR x = 1 TO 220 STEP 20 PUT (80 + x, 51), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 71), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 91), bricktext, PSET NEXT LINE (90, 55)-(131, 95), 0, BF LINE (90, 55)-(131, 96), 112, B PUT (91, 56),, PSET LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 0, BF LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 112, B CALL jfont("Are you sure?", 15, 145, 56, 1) CALL jfont("Yes.", 2, 145, 66, 1) CALL jfont("Exit kill menu", 15, 145, 86, 1) sel = 1 assmenu: LOCATE 21, 4: PRINT gold% LOCATE 23, 4: PRINT wood% DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = upkey$ OR x$ = downkey$ OR x$ = CHR$(13) OR x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" IF x$ = CHR$(13) THEN IF sel = 1 THEN kil% = RND * 9 + 1 IF kil% <= 4 THEN CALL talkwin("You sucsessfully assassinated a city leader.", "You gain 10 gold, 10 wood, and 5 soldires.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) gold% = gold% + 10 wood% = wood% + 10 IF gold% >= 99 THEN gold% = 99 IF wood% >= 99 THEN wood% = 99 soldiers% = soldiers% + 5 END IF IF kil% >= 5 THEN CALL talkwin("The assassination was not sucessful. The city", "demands at least 20 gold.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) gold% = gold% - 20 IF gold% <= 0 THEN gold% = 0 END IF END IF IF sel = 2 THEN GOTO attmenu END IF IF x$ = upkey$ THEN sel = sel - 1 IF x$ = downkey$ THEN sel = sel + 1 IF x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" THEN sel = sel + 1 IF sel = 0 THEN sel = 2 IF sel = 3 THEN sel = 1 CALL jfont("Are you sure?", 15, 145, 56, 1) CALL jfont("Yes.", 15, 145, 66, 1) CALL jfont("Exit kill menu", 15, 145, 86, 1) IF sel = 1 THEN CALL jfont("Yes.", 2, 145, 66, 1) IF sel = 2 THEN CALL jfont("Exit kill menu", 2, 145, 86, 1) GOTO assmenu exitattack: END IF IF menutitle% = 1 AND selct% = 4 AND abletotrade% = 0 THEN CALL talkwin("Snowfall blocks trade.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) END IF IF menutitle% = 1 AND selct% = 4 AND abletotrade% = 1 THEN CALL talkwin("Welcome to the trade menu.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 0, BF LINE (80, 50)-(301, 111), 112, B FOR x = 1 TO 220 STEP 20 PUT (80 + x, 51), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 71), bricktext, PSET PUT (80 + x, 91), bricktext, PSET NEXT LINE (90, 55)-(131, 95), 0, BF LINE (90, 55)-(131, 95), 112, B PUT (91, 55), person.consultor, PSET LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 0, BF LINE (140, 55)-(290, 95), 112, B CALL jfont("What you want to trade?", 15, 145, 56, 1) CALL jfont("10 wood for 5 gold.", 2, 145, 66, 1) CALL jfont("5 gold for a soldiers.", 15, 145, 76, 1) CALL jfont("Exit Trade", 15, 145, 86, 1) sel = 1 trademenu: LOCATE 21, 4: PRINT gold% LOCATE 23, 4: PRINT wood% DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = upkey$ OR x$ = downkey$ OR x$ = CHR$(13) OR x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" IF x$ = CHR$(13) THEN IF sel = 3 THEN GOTO exittrade IF sel = 1 THEN IF wood% >= 10 THEN wood% = wood% - 10 gold% = gold% + 5 IF gold% >= 99 THEN gold% = 99 CALL talkwin("You traded.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) GOTO donesel2 END IF IF wood% <= 9 THEN CALL talkwin("You dont have enough wood.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) END IF donesel2: END IF IF sel = 2 THEN IF gold% >= 5 THEN gold% = gold% - 5 soldiers% = soldiers% + 1 CALL talkwin("You traded.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) GOTO donesel1 END IF IF gold% <= 4 THEN CALL talkwin("You dont have enough gold.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2) END IF END IF donesel1: END IF IF x$ = upkey$ THEN sel = sel - 1 IF x$ = downkey$ THEN sel = sel + 1 IF x$ = "s" OR x$ = "S" THEN sel = sel + 1 IF sel = 0 THEN sel = 4 IF sel = 4 THEN sel = 1 CALL jfont("What you want to trade?", 15, 145, 56, 1) CALL jfont("10 wood for 5 gold.", 15, 145, 66, 1) CALL jfont("5 gold for a soldiers.", 15, 145, 76, 1) CALL jfont("Exit Trade", 15, 145, 86, 1) IF sel = 1 THEN CALL jfont("10 wood for 5 gold.", 2, 145, 66, 1) IF sel = 2 THEN CALL jfont("5 gold for a soldiers.", 2, 145, 76, 1) IF sel = 3 THEN CALL jfont("Exit Trade", 2, 145, 86, 1) GOTO trademenu exittrade: END IF IF menutitle% = 2 THEN IF selct% = 1 THEN IF gold% >= 5 AND wood% >= 5 THEN CALL talkwin("Please select where you want to build a farm.", "Then press P.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): buildtoplace% = 1: typ% = 3: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%): wantbuild% = 1 IF gold% <= 4 OR wood% <= 4 THEN CALL talkwin("You do not have enough gold or wood.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): wantbuild% = 0 END IF IF selct% = 2 THEN IF gold% >= 15 AND wood% >= 15 THEN CALL talkwin("Please select where you want to build a", "castle. Then press P.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): buildtoplace% = 2: typ% = 3: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%): wantbuild% = 1 IF gold% <= 14 OR wood% <= 14 THEN CALL talkwin("You do not have enough gold or wood.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): wantbuild% = 0 END IF IF selct% = 3 THEN IF gold% >= 15 AND wood% >= 15 THEN CALL talkwin("Please select where you want to build a town", "hall. Then press P.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): buildtoplace% = 3: typ% = 3: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%): wantbuild% = 1 IF gold% <= 14 OR wood% <= 14 THEN CALL talkwin("You do not have enough gold or wood.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): wantbuild% = 0 END IF IF selct% = 4 THEN IF gold% >= 5 AND wood% >= 5 THEN CALL talkwin("Please select where you want to build a house.", "Then press P.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): buildtoplace% = 4: typ% = 3: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%): wantbuild% = 1 IF gold% <= 4 OR wood% <= 4 THEN CALL talkwin("You do not have enough gold or wood.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): wantbuild% = 0 END IF IF selct% = 5 THEN IF gold% >= 1 AND wood% >= 1 THEN CALL talkwin("Please select where you want to build a path", "segement. Then press P.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): buildtoplace% = 5: typ% = 3: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%): wantbuild% = 1: numofspac% = 1 IF gold% <= 0 OR wood% <= 0 THEN CALL talkwin("You do not have enough gold or wood.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): wantbuild% = 0 END IF IF selct% = 6 THEN IF gold% >= 1 AND wood% >= 1 THEN CALL talkwin("Please select where you want to plant a Tree.", "Then press P.", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): buildtoplace% = 6: typ% = 3: CALL PutCursorPic(typ%): wantbuild% = 1: numofspac% = 1 IF gold% <= 0 OR wood% <= 0 THEN CALL talkwin("You do not have enough gold or wood.", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2): wantbuild% = 0 END IF IF selct% = 7 THEN menutitle% = 1 selct% = 0 LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 0, BF LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 112, B LINE (5, 72)-(56, 72), 112 CALL jfont("Menu:", 15, 7, 62, 1) CALL jfont("Build", 15, 7, 75, 1) CALL jfont("Destroy", 15, 7, 85, 1) CALL jfont("Attack", 15, 7, 95, 1) CALL jfont("Trade", 15, 7, 105, 1) CALL jfont("Status", 15, 7, 115, 1) CALL jfont("Quit", 15, 7, 125, 1) END IF okok: END IF END IF IF x$ = CHR$(27) THEN IF wantbuild% = 1 THEN wantbuild% = 0: GOTO noesx IF destroy% = 1 THEN destroy% = 0: GOTO noesx menutitle% = 1 selct% = 0 LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 0, BF LINE (5, 60)-(56, 152), 112, B LINE (5, 72)-(56, 72), 112 CALL jfont("Menu:", 15, 7, 62, 1) CALL jfont("Build", 15, 7, 75, 1) CALL jfont("Destroy", 15, 7, 85, 1) CALL jfont("Attack", 15, 7, 95, 1) CALL jfont("Trade", 15, 7, 105, 1) CALL jfont("Status", 15, 7, 115, 1) CALL jfont("Quit", 15, 7, 125, 1) noesx: END IF CALL ShowMap ' Places an appropiate cursor IF destroy% = 1 THEN IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 3 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 2 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 37 OR map( _ WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 38 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 39 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 40 THEN CALL PutCursorPic(2) GOTO donecursor END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile > 2 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile < 1 THEN CALL PutCursorPic(3) GOTO donecursor END IF END IF IF wantbuild% = 1 THEN IF numofspac% = 1 THEN IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile <= 3 THEN CALL PutCursorPic(3) canbuild% = 1 GOTO donecursor END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile >= 4 THEN CALL PutCursorPic(2) canbuild% = 2 GOTO donecursor END IF END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile >= 4 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile >= 4 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile >= 4 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile >= 4 THEN CALL PutCursorPic(2) canbuild% = 2 GOTO donecursor END IF IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile <= 2 AND map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile <= 2 AND map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile <= 2 AND map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile <= 2 OR _ map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile <= 3 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile <= 3 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile <= 3 OR map(WorldData.TopCol + 9, WorldData.TopRow + 6).tile <= 3 THEN CALL PutCursorPic(3) canbuild% = 1 GOTO donecursor END IF END IF IF destroy% = 0 AND wantbuild% = 0 THEN CALL PutCursorPic(1) donecursor: ' Go to the top of the loop GOTO again SUB changeanim ' Simple. If they are on animation tile 1, make it 2, or vice versa. IF WorldData.AnimCycle = 1 THEN WorldData.AnimCycle = 2 ELSE IF WorldData.AnimCycle = 2 THEN WorldData.AnimCycle = 1 END SUB DEFSNG A-Z FUNCTION CheckForVillage IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5).tile = 1 THEN CheckForVillage = true END IF END FUNCTION SUB Delay (seconds!) DEF SEG = 0 D& = FIX(seconds! * 18.20444444#) FOR T& = 0 TO D& D% = PEEK(&H46C) AND 255 DO WHILE D% = (PEEK(&H46C) AND 255) LOOP NEXT T& END SUB DEFINT A-Z SUB InitVars ' Initalize some variables WorldData.TopRow = 5 WorldData.TopCol = 5 WorldData.Direc = West WorldData.AnimCycle = 1 WorldData.PlayerY = 94 END SUB SUB jfont (a$, C, XCoordinate, YCoordinate, size) size = INT(size) 'No decimals allowed! IF size > 10 THEN size = 10 'Check and fix invalid size calls IF size < 1 THEN size = 1 'likewise for <. YCoordinate = INT(YCoordinate / size) 'Prevent ballooning of YCoordinates 'that is a result of using 'size values larger than 1 for size 'Enter 999 as XCoordinate for centered text... IF XCoordinate = 999 THEN XCoordinate = 160 - (LEN(a$) * 3 * size) startx = XCoordinate 'set Starting X-Val for character drawing FOR E = 1 TO LEN(a$) B$ = MID$(a$, E, 1) ' read each character of the string a = ASC(B$) ' get ASCII values of each character FOR x = 1 TO 8 FOR y = 1 TO 6 SELECT CASE charset(a, x, y) 'use ASCII value (a) to point 'to the correct element in 'the array CASE 0: col = 0 ' Don't draw pixel CASE 1: col = C ' Draw pixel CASE ELSE ' Error! CLS SCREEN 9 BEEP COLOR 4 PRINT "Error in FONTDATA.DAT" PRINT "Program will now continue, but may exhibit erratic behavior..." DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" SCREEN 13 END SELECT IF col <> 0 THEN 'Draw a pixel! LINE (startx + pixelsright, (x + YCoordinate) * size)-(startx + pixelsright + (size - 1), ((x + YCoordinate) * size) + (size - 1)), col, BF END IF startx = startx + size 'Set starting X-value for next pixel NEXT y startx = XCoordinate 'reset startx for next line of pixels NEXT x pixelsright = pixelsright + (6 * size) ' add pixels for next character NEXT E END SUB SUB loadpal DIM Pal(255) AS HUES 'dim array for palette DEF SEG = VARSEG(Pal(0)) 'point to it BLOAD "default.pal", 0 'load the goods OUT &H3C8, 0 'inform vga FOR atrib = 0 TO 255 'entire palette OUT &H3C9, Pal(atrib).Red 'send red component OUT &H3C9, Pal(atrib).grn 'send grn component OUT &H3C9, Pal(atrib).blu 'send blu component NEXT atrib 'next attribute END SUB SUB LoadTiles GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), blank viewspr ("tiles.spr") GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), grass GET (20, 0)-(39, 19), stone GET (40, 0)-(59, 19), water GET (60, 0)-(79, 19), Tree GET (80, 0)-(99, 19), stump GET (100, 0)-(119, 19), ruble GET (0, 40)-(19, 59), path GET (0, 20)-(19, 39), ushore GET (20, 20)-(39, 39), dshore GET (40, 20)-(59, 39), lshore GET (60, 20)-(79, 39), rshore GET (80, 20)-(99, 39), tlshore GET (100, 20)-(119, 39), trshore GET (120, 20)-(139, 39), blshore GET (140, 20)-(159, 39), brshore GET (160, 20)-(179, 39), itlshore GET (180, 20)-(199, 39), itrshore GET (200, 20)-(219, 39), iblshore GET (220, 20)-(239, 39), ibrshore GET (0, 40)-(19, 59), cpath GET (0, 60)-(19, 79), farm.topleft GET (20, 60)-(39, 79), farm.topright GET (40, 60)-(59, 79), castle.topleft GET (60, 60)-(79, 79), castle.topright GET (100, 60)-(119, 79), townhall.topleft GET (120, 60)-(139, 79), townhall.topright GET (140, 60)-(159, 79), civil.topleft GET (160, 60)-(179, 79), civil.topright GET (0, 100)-(19, 119), mine.topleft GET (20, 100)-(39, 119), mine.topright GET (0, 80)-(19, 99), farm.bottomleft GET (20, 80)-(39, 99), farm.bottomright GET (40, 80)-(59, 99), castle.bottomleft GET (60, 80)-(79, 99), castle.bottomright GET (100, 80)-(119, 99), townhall.bottomleft GET (120, 80)-(139, 99), townhall.bottomright GET (140, 80)-(159, 99), civil.bottomleft GET (160, 80)-(179, 99), civil.bottomright GET (0, 120)-(19, 139), mine.bottomleft GET (20, 120)-(39, 139), mine.bottomright GET (0, 140)-(19, 159), enemy.knight CLS viewspr ("buttons.spr") GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), cursor GET (20, 0)-(39, 19), cursor02 GET (40, 0)-(59, 19), cursormask GET (60, 0)-(79, 19), cursor02mask GET (0, 20)-(19, 39), cursor2 GET (60, 20)-(79, 39), cursor2mask GET (0, 40)-(19, 59), cursor3 GET (60, 40)-(79, 59), cursor3mask GET (80, 0)-(99, 19), goldicon GET (100, 0)-(119, 19), goldiconmask GET (80, 20)-(99, 39), woodicon GET (100, 20)-(119, 39), woodiconmask GET (0, 60)-(39, 99), woodtext GET (0, 60)-(19, 79), woodtextmini GET (40, 60)-(59, 79), bricktext GET (0, 100)-(39, 139), person.consultor GET (40, 100)-(79, 139), GET (80, 100)-(119, 139), person.other GET (120, 100)-(159, 139), person.snow GET (160, 100)-(199, 139), person.mean CLS END SUB SUB LoadWorld WorldData.Rows = 50 WorldData.Cols = 50 ' Get the rows and cols to read. RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR I = 1 TO WorldData.Rows ' Go through a for loop to FOR J = 1 TO WorldData.Cols ' load the world map data. tempnum% = RND * 10 IF tempnum% >= 1 THEN map(J, I).tile = 2 IF tempnum% <= 1 THEN map(J, I).tile = 4 IF tempnum% = 10 THEN f% = RND * 5 IF f% = 5 OR f% = 4 THEN map(J, I).tile = 5 END IF IF map(J, I).tile = 0 THEN map(J, I).WalkOn = false IF map(J, I).tile <> 0 THEN map(J, I).WalkOn = true IF map(J, I).tile = 2 THEN PSET (J, I), 70 IF map(J, I).tile = 4 THEN PSET (J, I), 65 IF map(J, I).tile = 36 THEN PSET (J, I), 1 IF map(J, I).tile <> 2 AND map(J, I).tile <> 4 AND map(J, I).tile <> 36 THEN PSET (J, I), 70 NEXT J NEXT I ' randomly places mine a = RND * 49 B = RND * 49 map(a, B).tile = 37 map(a + 1, B).tile = 38 map(a, B + 1).tile = 39 map(a + 1, B + 1).tile = 40 PSET (a, B), 14 GET (1, 1)-(49, 50), smallmap END SUB SUB menu PUT (0, 0), woodtext, PSET PUT (39, 0), woodtext, PSET PUT (0, 40), woodtext, PSET PUT (39, 40), woodtext, PSET PUT (0, 80), woodtext, PSET PUT (39, 80), woodtext, PSET PUT (0, 120), woodtext, PSET PUT (39, 120), woodtext, PSET PUT (0, 160), woodtext, PSET PUT (39, 160), woodtext, PSET LINE (0, 0)-(60, 199), 112, B LINE (5, 5)-(55, 56), 0, BF LINE (5, 5)-(55, 56), 112, B LINE (24, 155)-(55, 195), 0, BF LINE (23, 154)-(56, 196), 112, B PUT (1, 155), goldiconmask, AND PUT (1, 155), goldicon, OR PUT (1, 175), woodiconmask, AND PUT (1, 175), woodicon, OR PUT (6, 6), smallmap, PSET END SUB SUB MoveDown WorldData.Direc = South ' Change players direc to south. CALL changeanim ' Change player animation state. IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5 + 1).WalkOn = true THEN WorldData.TopRow = WorldData.TopRow + 1 ' If the tile below them END IF ' (WD.TopRow + 5 + 1) is ' walkable, move there. END SUB SUB MoveLeft WorldData.Direc = West ' Refer to SUB MoveDown. CALL changeanim IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8 - 1, WorldData.TopRow + 5).WalkOn = true THEN WorldData.TopCol = WorldData.TopCol - 1 END IF END SUB SUB MoveRight WorldData.Direc = East ' Refer to SUB MoveDown. CALL changeanim IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8 + 1, WorldData.TopRow + 5).WalkOn = true THEN WorldData.TopCol = WorldData.TopCol + 1 END IF END SUB SUB MoveUp WorldData.Direc = North ' Refer to SUB MoveDown. CALL changeanim IF map(WorldData.TopCol + 8, WorldData.TopRow + 5 - 1).WalkOn = true THEN WorldData.TopRow = WorldData.TopRow - 1 END IF END SUB SUB printFX (text AS STRING) DIM x AS INTEGER, y AS INTEGER DIM zoom AS SINGLE, I AS INTEGER, clock AS SINGLE DIM xOff AS INTEGER, yOff AS INTEGER DIM textLen AS INTEGER, banner AS INTEGER limX = 319: limY = 199 tileSize = 17: pSize = 170 midX = limX \ 2 - tileSize \ 2: midY = limY \ 2 - tileSize \ 2 IF LEFT$(text, 1) = ">" THEN text = RIGHT$(text, LEN(text) - 1) banner = 40 END IF PALETTE 1, 0 COLOR 1 LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT text textLen = LEN(text) * 8 - 3 DIM pic(textLen, 7) AS INTEGER FOR x = 0 TO textLen FOR y = 0 TO 7 IF POINT(x, y) = 1 THEN pic(x, y) = true NEXT NEXT CLS FOR I = 0 TO 35 OUT 968, I + palMax + 1 OUT 969, I + 15 OUT 969, I + 15 OUT 969, I + 15 NEXT IF banner > 0 THEN FOR I = 0 TO 35 OUT 968, I + banner + 1 OUT 969, I + 15 OUT 969, (I + 1) \ 4 OUT 969, (I + 1) \ 4 NEXT END IF FOR zoom = .2 TO 3.3 STEP .2 xOff = midX - (textLen * zoom) \ 2 + zoom yOff = midY - (7 * zoom) \ 2 + zoom colr = palMax + 1 + zoom * 9 + zoom bancol = (banner + 1 + zoom * 9 + zoom) * SGN(banner) FOR x = 0 TO textLen FOR y = 0 TO 7 IF pic(x, y) THEN LINE (xOff + x * zoom, yOff + y * zoom)-STEP(zoom, zoom), 8, BF ELSE LINE (xOff + x * zoom, yOff + y * zoom)-STEP(zoom, zoom), bancol, BF END IF NEXT NEXT clock = TIMER DO UNTIL clock + .001 - TIMER <= 0 LOOP NEXT END SUB SUB PutCursorPic (cursor%) IF cursor% = 1 THEN IF WorldData.AnimCycle = 1 THEN PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursormask, AND PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursor, OR END IF IF WorldData.AnimCycle <> 1 THEN PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursor02mask, AND PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursor02, OR END IF END IF IF cursor% = 2 THEN PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursor2mask, AND PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursor2, OR END IF IF cursor% = 3 THEN PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursor3mask, AND PUT (160, WorldData.PlayerY + 6), cursor3, OR END IF END SUB SUB PutTile (Ico, Jco, mapno) SELECT CASE mapno CASE 0 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), blank, PSET CASE 1 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), ruble, PSET CASE 5 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), stone, PSET CASE 2 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), grass, PSET CASE 3 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), stump, PSET CASE 4 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), Tree, PSET CASE 6 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), ushore, PSET CASE 7 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), dshore, PSET CASE 8 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), lshore, PSET CASE 9 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), rshore, PSET CASE 10 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), tlshore, PSET CASE 11 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), trshore, PSET CASE 12 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), blshore, PSET CASE 13 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), brshore, PSET CASE 14 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), itlshore, PSET CASE 15 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), itrshore, PSET CASE 16 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), iblshore, PSET CASE 17 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), cpath, PSET CASE 18 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), farm.topleft, PSET CASE 19 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), farm.topright, PSET CASE 20 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), castle.topleft, PSET CASE 21 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), castle.topright, PSET CASE 23 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), townhall.topleft, PSET CASE 24 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), townhall.topright, PSET CASE 25 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), civil.topleft, PSET CASE 26 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), civil.topright, PSET CASE 27 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), farm.bottomleft, PSET CASE 28 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), farm.bottomright, PSET CASE 29 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), castle.bottomleft, PSET CASE 30 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), castle.bottomright, PSET CASE 32 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), townhall.bottomleft, PSET CASE 33 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), townhall.bottomright, PSET CASE 34 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), civil.bottomleft, PSET CASE 35 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), civil.bottomright, PSET CASE 36 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), water, PSET CASE 37 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), mine.topleft, PSET CASE 38 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), mine.topright, PSET CASE 39 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), mine.bottomleft, PSET CASE 40 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), mine.bottomright, PSET CASE 41 PUT (Ico * 20, Jco * 20), path, PSET END SELECT END SUB SUB ShowMap FOR I = 3 TO 15 FOR J = 0 TO 9 PutTile I, J, map(I + WorldData.TopCol, J + WorldData.TopRow).tile NEXT J NEXT I END SUB SUB talkwin (text$, text2$, text3$, text4$, text5$, text6$, text7$, text8$, more%) DIM talkw(9000) GET (7, 7)-(284, 54), talkw LINE (10, 10)-(280, 50), 0, BF LINE (9, 9)-(281, 51), 8, B LINE (8, 8)-(282, 52), 7, B LINE (7, 7)-(283, 53), 15, B CALL jfont(text$, 15, 12, 12, 1) CALL jfont(text2$, 15, 12, 20, 1) CALL jfont(text3$, 15, 12, 28, 1) CALL jfont(text4$, 15, 12, 38, 1) DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) IF more% = 1 THEN LINE (10, 10)-(280, 50), 0, BF LINE (9, 9)-(281, 51), 8, B LINE (8, 8)-(282, 52), 7, B LINE (7, 7)-(283, 53), 15, B CALL jfont(text5$, 15, 12, 12, 1) CALL jfont(text6$, 15, 12, 20, 1) CALL jfont(text7$, 15, 12, 28, 1) CALL jfont(text8$, 15, 12, 38, 1) DO x$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL x$ = CHR$(13) END IF PUT (7, 7), talkw, PSET END SUB SUB viewspr (filename$) OPEN filename$ FOR BINARY AS #1 filesize& = LOF(1) CLOSE #1 Bytes = (filesize& - 7) \ 2 - 1 'BSAVE & BLOAD use 7 bytes REDIM sprites(Bytes) 'redim the sprite array DEF SEG = VARSEG(sprites(0)) 'point to it BLOAD filename$, 0 'load the sprite file spritewidth = sprites(0) \ 8 'get sprite width spriteheight = sprites(1) 'get sprite height xsprites = 319 \ (spritewidth + 1) 'calc number of sprites across xend = spritewidth * (xsprites - 1) + xsprites 'last one ElmPerSprite = ((spritewidth * spriteheight) \ 2) + 3 'elements per image 'clear the screen x = 0: y = 0 'first sprite location offset = 0 'point to sprite DO PUT (x, y), sprites(offset), PSET 'PUT image x = x + spritewidth 'next column IF x > xend THEN 'end of row? x = 0 'restart y = y + spriteheight 'next row END IF offset = offset + ElmPerSprite 'point to next sprite LOOP WHILE offset < Bytes 'do all the images END SUB