QB64-PE Testing Framework ========================= QB64-PE features two separate testing frameworks, one for QB64-based tests (mainly for the compiler and language functionality), and one for C++-based tests (for `libqb`). QB64-based Tests ---------------- The QB64-based tests live in `./tests/compile_tests`. Each folder in that directory represents a different category of tests, and within each of those category folders are `*.bas` files. Accompanying each `*.bas` file is either an `*.output` or `*.err` file with the same base name as a coresponding `.bas` file. For test with an `*.output`, the `*.output` file contains the text that the program compiled from the `*.bas` file should produce. For `*.err` tests, the `*.err` file contains the text of the error the QB64-PE compiler should produce when attempting to compile that code. Tests can also have an optional `*.flags` file. The contents of this file will be provide as command line arguments to QB64-PE when compiling the test source. These tests are run via the `./tests/compile_tests.sh` script. The script searches the `./tests/compile_tests` directory for any `*.bas` files, and then uses the provide QB64-PE compiler to test them. C++-based Tests --------------- The C++-based testing lives in `./tests/c/`. The tests themselves exist as `.cpp` files that compile into individual programs (each has its own `main()`). The tests make use of `test.h` to run their tests and give proper output, and failure is reported via the exit code. The C++ tests are compiled using the `./tests/build.mk` make build logic. It's fairly straight forward, each test executable gets its own name and then its own combination of source/object files necessary to produce it. If you're testing functionality from `libqb`, then you need to link the proper object files into your test. Additionally, any extra compiler flags can be defined individually for each test. `./tests/run_c_tests.sh` is a script that runs all of the C++ tests during the build. Internally it has a list of the names of all the test executables (to avoid having to use `make` to discover them). It expects the tests to have already been built via a `make build-tests` call, and runs the executables one at a time and checks their exit code for errors. QBasic Testcases ---------------- The QBasic testcases are a selection of QBasic programs that live in `./tests/qb64_testcases`. During the build process all of these programs are tested to verify that QB64-PE is still capable of compiling them with no errors. The behavior of the compiled programs is not verified.