The {{KW|_DISPLAY}} statement turns off automatic display while only displaying the screen changes when called. {{PageSyntax}} ::: '''_DISPLAY'' ''Usage:'' * '''_DISPLAY''' turns off the default [[_AUTODISPLAY]] when used. Prevents screen flickering. * Call _DISPLAY each time the screen graphics are to be displayed. Place call after the image has been changed. * Re-enable the automatic display by calling [[_AUTODISPLAY]]. If it isn't re-enabled, things may not be displayed later! ''Examples:'' Displaying a circle bouncing around the screen. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} 12 x = 21: y =31 'start position dx = 3: dy = 3 'number of pixel moves per loop {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 100 ' set to 100 frames per second x = x + dx: y = y + dy {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} x < 0 {{Cl|OR}} x > 640 {{Cl|THEN}} dx = -dx 'limit columns and reverse column direction each side {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} y < 0 {{Cl|OR}} y > 480 {{Cl|THEN}} dy = -dy 'limit rows and reverse row direction top or bottom IF px <> x OR py <> y THEN FOR d = 1 to 20: CIRCLE (px, py), d, 0: NEXT 'erase FOR c = 1 TO 20: {{Cl|CIRCLE}} (x, y), c, 6: NEXT 'draw new circle at new position px = x: py = y 'save older coordinates to erase older circle next loop {{Cl|_DISPLAY}} 'after new circle is set, show it {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} = CHR$(27) '' '' {{CodeEnd}} :''Explanation:'' The loop is set with [[_LIMIT]] to 100 frames per second to limit CPU usage and the speed of the ball. Each loop a circle is drawn while the previous one is erased when the coordinates change. _DISPLAY only shows the new circle position once each loop. The '''_DISPLAY''' routine eliminates the need for setting [[SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN]] swap pages, [[CLS]] and [[PCOPY]]. _DISPLAY keeps the image off of the screen until the changes have all completed. Drawing 40 circles every loop helps slow down the ball. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_AUTODISPLAY]] {{text|(default mode)}} * [[PCOPY]] * [[_DISPLAY (function)]] {{PageNavigation}}