SUB AryAddStr (Ary() AS STRING, value AS STRING) 'create new entry and return its index IF LEN(Ary(0)) = 0 THEN Ary(0) = "0" index = VAL(Ary(0)) + 1 lastIndex = UBOUND(Ary) IF index > lastIndex THEN lastIndex = index * 2 REDIM _PRESERVE Ary(lastIndex) AS STRING END IF Ary(0) = STR$(index) Ary(index) = value AryNewStr = index END SUB FUNCTION AryLastStr (Ary() AS STRING) 'get last used index or 0 if none used IF LEN(Ary(0)) = 0 THEN Ary(0) = "0" AryLastStr = VAL(Ary(0)) END FUNCTION SUB CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile (thisFile$, find$, replaceWith$) fh = FREEFILE OPEN thisFile$ FOR BINARY AS #fh a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)) GET #fh, , a$ starti=1 DO WHILE INSTR(starti, a$, find$) > 0 i = INSTR(starti, a$, find$) a$ = LEFT$(a$, i - 1) + replaceWith$ + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - i - LEN(find$) + 1) starti=i+len(replaceWith$) LOOP CLOSE #fh KILL thisFile$ OPEN thisFile$ FOR BINARY AS #fh PUT #1, , a$ CLOSE #fh END SUB FUNCTION CreateAndroidProject_EscapeFileName$ (a$, method) a2$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) c$ = CHR$(ASC(a$, i)) IF method <> 2 THEN IF c$ = ":" THEN c$ = "\:" END IF IF c$ = "\" THEN c$ = "\\" a2$ = a2$ + c$ NEXT CreateAndroidProject_EscapeFileName$ = a2$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION CreateAndroidProject_FindFile$ (thisFile$) fh = FREEFILE OPEN "programs\android\template\located_files.txt" FOR BINARY AS #fh: CLOSE #fh OPEN "programs\android\template\located_files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, a2$ IF RIGHT$(a2$, LEN(thisFile$)) = thisFile$ THEN IF _FILEEXISTS(a2$) THEN 'verify file exists CreateAndroidProject_FindFile$ = a2$ CLOSE #fh EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c dir /s /b " + CHR$(34) + "c:\" + thisFile$ + CHR$(34) + " >internal\temp\files.txt" OPEN "internal\temp\files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #fh a$ = "" IF NOT EOF(fh) THEN LINE INPUT #fh, a$ END IF CLOSE #fh IF a$ <> "" THEN inLocatedFiles = 0 OPEN "programs\android\template\located_files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, a2$ IF a2$ = a$ THEN inLocatedFiles = 1 END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh IF inLocatedFiles = 0 THEN OPEN "programs\android\template\located_files.txt" FOR APPEND AS #fh PRINT #fh, a$ CLOSE #fh END IF END IF CreateAndroidProject_FindFile$ = a$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION CreateAndroidProject_GetNdkPath$ CreateAndroidProject_Message "Locating NDK in filesystem (this could take a while the first time)" thisFile$ = CreateAndroidProject_FindFile$("ndk-build") IF thisFile$ <> "" THEN CreateAndroidProject_Message "NDK located at '" + thisFile$ + "'" END IF IF thisFile$ = "" THEN CreateAndroidProject_Message "NDK not found. Assuming 'c:\ndk\ndk-build'" thisFile$ = "c:\ndk\ndk-build" 'use default path END IF FOR i = LEN(thisFile$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF ASC(thisFile$, i) = 92 THEN thisFile$ = LEFT$(thisFile$, i - 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT CreateAndroidProject_GetNdkPath$ = thisFile$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION CreateAndroidProject_GetSdkPath$ CreateAndroidProject_Message "Locating SDK in filesystem (this could take a while the first time)" thisFile$ = CreateAndroidProject_FindFile$("AVD Manager.exe") IF thisFile$ <> "" THEN CreateAndroidProject_Message "SDK located at '" + thisFile$ + "'" END IF IF thisFile$ = "" THEN CreateAndroidProject_Message "SDK not found. Assuming '%appdata%\..\local\android\sdk\AVD Manager.exe'" thisFile$ = "%appdata%\..\local\android\sdk\AVD Manager.exe" 'use default path END IF FOR i = LEN(thisFile$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF ASC(thisFile$, i) = 92 THEN thisFile$ = LEFT$(thisFile$, i - 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT CreateAndroidProject_GetSdkPath$ = thisFile$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION CreateAndroidProject_GetGradlePath$ CreateAndroidProject_Message "Locating Gradle in filesystem (this could take a while the first time)" thisFile$ = CreateAndroidProject_FindFile$("gradle.bat") IF thisFile$ <> "" THEN CreateAndroidProject_Message "Gradle located at '" + thisFile$ + "'" END IF IF thisFile$ = "" THEN thisFile$ = "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\gradle\gradle-2.2.1\bin\gradle.bat" CreateAndroidProject_Message "Gradle not found. Assuming '+thisFile$+" '" END IF FOR i = LEN(thisFile$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF ASC(thisFile$, i) = 92 THEN thisFile$ = LEFT$(thisFile$, i - 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT CreateAndroidProject_GetGradlePath$ = thisFile$ END FUNCTION SUB CreateAndroidProject_Message (message AS STRING) statusWindowX=2 statusWindowY=idewy - 3 statusWindowHeight=3 statusWindowWidth=idewx - 2 'clear status window for y=statusWindowY to statusWindowY+statusWindowHeight-1 locate y,statusWindowX: PRINT SPACE$(statusWindowWidth); next for y=statusWindowY to statusWindowY+statusWindowHeight-1 messageLength=len(message) if messageLength>0 then if messageLength>statusWindowWidth then messageLength=statusWindowWidth locate y,statusWindowX: print left$(message,messageLength); message=right$(message,len(message)-messageLength) end if next PCOPY 3, 0 END SUB SUB CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile (file AS STRING, projectFolder AS STRING) SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c copy programs\android\template\untitled\" + file + " " + projectFolder + "\" + file END SUB FUNCTION CreateAndroidProject_PathReference$ (path AS STRING) a$ = path FOR i = 1 TO LEN(a$) IF ASC(a$, i) = 92 THEN ASC(a$, i) = 47 NEXT CreateAndroidProject_PathReference$ = a$ END FUNCTION SUB CreateAndroidProject_AddDir (code AS STRING, dir AS STRING) 'mkdir("subfolder",0770); code = code + "mkdir(" + CHR$(34) + CreateAndroidProject_PathReference$(dir) + CHR$(34) + ",0770);" + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) END SUB SUB CreateAndroidProject_AddFile (code AS STRING, file AS STRING) 'android_get_file_asset(mgr, "subfolder/subfolderfile.txt"); code = code + "android_get_file_asset(mgr," + CHR$(34) + CreateAndroidProject_PathReference$(file) + CHR$(34) + ");" + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) END SUB SUB CreateAndroidProject (projectName2 AS STRING) 'sanitise project name dim projectName as string for projectNameI=1 to len(projectName2) projectNameA$=LCASE$(mid$(projectName2,projectNameI,1)) projectNameAsc=ASC(projectNameA$) projectNameAValid=0 if projectNameAsc>=97 and projectNameAsc<122 then projectNameAValid=1 if len(projectName)>=1 then if projectNameAsc>=48 and projectNameAsc<=57 then projectNameAValid=1 end if if projectNameAValid then projectName=projectName+projectNameA$ next if projectName="" then projectName="untitled" projectVersion$ = "QB64_ANDROID_1.5" DIM projectFolder AS STRING DIM cFolder AS STRING cFolder = "internal\c" projectFolder = "programs\android\" + projectName versionFile$ = projectFolder + "\qb64_android_version.txt" sameVersion = 0 newProject = 1 IF _DIREXISTS(projectFolder) THEN 'check version IF _FILEEXISTS(versionFile$) THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN versionFile$ FOR INPUT AS #fh LINE INPUT #fh, a$ IF a$ = projectVersion$ THEN sameVersion = 1: newProject = 0 CLOSE #fh END IF IF sameVersion = 0 THEN 'existing project incompatible, remove it CreateAndroidProject_Message "Removing existing project" SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c rmdir /s /q " + projectFolder ELSE CreateAndroidProject_Message "Updating existing project" END IF END IF IF newProject THEN CreateAndroidProject_Message "Creating new project" CreateAndroidProject_Message "Copying project template" IF _DIREXISTS(projectFolder) = 0 THEN MKDIR projectFolder SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c xcopy /e programs\android\template\untitled\*.* " + projectFolder 'copy c folder (without unnecessary files) CreateAndroidProject_Message "Copying C folder" fh = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\temp\xcopy_exclude.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh PRINT #fh, "c_compiler\" PRINT #fh, "os\" PRINT #fh, "download\" PRINT #fh, ".bat" PRINT #fh, ".command" PRINT #fh, ".sh" PRINT #fh, ".o" PRINT #fh, ".a" PRINT #fh, ".lib" PRINT #fh, ".txt" PRINT #fh, ".bin" CLOSE fh SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c xcopy /e /EXCLUDE:internal\temp\xcopy_exclude.txt " + cFolder + "\*.* " + projectFolder + "\app\src\main\jni\c" 'set version fh = FREEFILE OPEN versionFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #fh PRINT #fh, projectVersion$ CLOSE #fh ELSE CreateAndroidProject_Message "Cleaning project" SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c del /q " + projectFolder + "\app\src\main\jni\temp\*.*" 'must be unindexed temp folder 'restore key files CreateAndroidProject_Message "Restoring setting files" CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile "", projectFolder CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile "untitled.iml", projectFolder CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile ".idea\modules.xml", projectFolder CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile ".idea\name", projectFolder CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile "app\app.iml", projectFolder CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile "app\build.gradle", projectFolder CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile "add\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml", projectFolder CreateAndroidProject_RestoreFile "app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml", projectFolder END IF CreateAndroidProject_Message "Copying TEMP" + tempfolderindexstr2 + " (program source files) folder" SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c copy internal\temp" + tempfolderindexstr2 + "\*.txt " + projectFolder + "\app\src\main\jni\temp" 'indexed to unindexed 'remove unrequired files delStr$ = "cmd /c del /q " + projectFolder + "\app\src\main\jni\temp\" SHELL _HIDE delStr$ + "xcopy_exclude.txt" SHELL _HIDE delStr$ + "root.txt" SHELL _HIDE delStr$ + "paths.txt" SHELL _HIDE delStr$ + "files.txt" 'prepend fullscreen directive to main.txt CreateAndroidProject_Message "Prepending _FULLSCREEN _SQUAREPIXELS directive" thisFile$ = projectFolder + "\app\src\main\jni\temp\main.txt" fh = FREEFILE OPEN thisFile$ FOR BINARY AS #fh a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)) GET #fh, , a$ CLOSE #fh KILL thisFile$ OPEN thisFile$ FOR BINARY AS #fh a2$ = "sub__fullscreen( 3 ,0);" PUT #1, , a2$ PUT #1, , a$ CLOSE #fh CreateAndroidProject_Message "Updating project references" fh = FREEFILE OPEN projectFolder + "\" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh PRINT #fh, "sdk.dir=" + CreateAndroidProject_EscapeFileName$(CreateAndroidProject_GetSdkPath$, 1) PRINT #fh, "ndk.dir=" + CreateAndroidProject_EscapeFileName$(CreateAndroidProject_GetNdkPath$, 1) CLOSE #fh IF _FILEEXISTS(projectFolder + "\" + projectName$ + ".iml") THEN KILL projectFolder + "\" + projectName$ + ".iml" NAME projectFolder + "\untitled.iml" AS projectFolder + "\" + projectName$ + ".iml" CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\.idea\modules.xml", "untitled", projectName$ CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\.idea\gradle.xml", "$QB64_GRADLE_HOME$", CreateAndroidProject_GetGradlePath$ CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\.idea\.name", "untitled", projectName$ CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\app\app.iml", "untitled", projectName$ CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\app\build.gradle", "untitled", projectName$ CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\app\build.gradle", "$QB64_NDK_BUILD_CMD_FILE$", CreateAndroidProject_EscapeFileName$(CreateAndroidProject_GetNdkPath$, 2) + "\\ndk-build.cmd" CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml", "untitled", projectName$ CreateAndroidProject_ReplaceInFile projectFolder + "\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml", "untitled", projectName$ 'REDIM SHARED installFiles(0) AS STRING 'REDIM SHARED installFilesIn(0) AS STRING 'REDIM SHARED installFolder(0) AS STRING 'REDIM SHARED installFolderIn(0) AS STRING 'IF idemode THEN basPath$ = idepath$ + pathsep$ ELSE basPath$ = getfilepath$(sourcefile$) 'IF LEN(basPath$) > 0 THEN ' IF RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "/" OR RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "\" THEN basPath$ = LEFT$(basPath$, LEN(basPath$) - 1) 'END IF 'IF basPath$ = "" THEN basPath$ = "." 'to prevent misunderstanding files will first be moved to an isolation folder 'this isolation folder will be destroyed after work is completed 'create empty assets folder DO WHILE _DIREXISTS(projectFolder + "\app\src\main\assets") 'just by waiting this problem can sometimes be resolved automatically CreateAndroidProject_Message "Waiting to clean open/locked folder '" + projectFolder + "\app\src\main\assets'..." _LIMIT 10 SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c rmdir /s /q " + projectFolder + "\app\src\main\assets" LOOP MKDIR projectFolder + "\app\src\main\assets" 'may fail if assets folder is open/locked and this folder MUST be empty before continuing dirCode$ = "" fileCode$ = "" CreateAndroidProject_Message "Adding $INSTALLFOLDER(s)" FOR f = 1 TO AryLastStr(installFolder()) p$ = installFolder(f) 'IF idemode THEN basPath$ = idepath$ + pathsep$ ELSE basPath$ = getfilepath$(sourcefile$) 'IF LEN(basPath$) > 0 THEN ' IF RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "/" OR RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "\" THEN basPath$ = LEFT$(basPath$, LEN(basPath$) - 1) 'END IF 'IF basPath$ = "" THEN basPath$ = "." basPath$ = installFolderSourceLocation(f) IF LEN(basPath$) > 0 THEN IF RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "/" OR RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "\" THEN basPath$ = LEFT$(basPath$, LEN(basPath$) - 1) END IF IF basPath$ = "" THEN basPath$ = "." path$ = basPath$ IF p$ <> "" THEN path$ = path$ + "\" + p$ 'purge temp_assets IF _DIREXISTS(projectFolder + "\temp_assets") THEN SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c rmdir /s /q " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets" MKDIR projectFolder + "\temp_assets" 'copy to temp_assets SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c xcopy /e " + CHR$(34) + path$ + CHR$(34) + " " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets" 'files are now isolated in a known folder which makes path stripping easier p$ = installFolderIn(f) destPath$ = projectFolder$ + "\app\src\main\assets" 'build dest path (it may not exist) tp$ = p$ ii = 0 DO WHILE INSTR(ii, tp$, "\") i = INSTR(ii, tp$, "\") IF i THEN tp2$ = LEFT$(tp$, i - 1) ii = i + 1 d$ = destPath$ + "\" + tp2$ IF _DIREXISTS(d$) = 0 THEN MKDIR d$ CreateAndroidProject_AddDir dirCode$, tp2$ END IF END IF LOOP tp2$ = tp$ IF tp2$ <> "" THEN d$ = destPath$ + "\" + tp2$ IF _DIREXISTS(d$) = 0 THEN MKDIR d$ CreateAndroidProject_AddDir dirCode$, tp2$ END IF END IF IF p$ <> "" THEN destPath$ = destPath$ + "\" + p$ androidPath$ = p$ IF LEN(androidPath$) <> 0 THEN androidPath$ = androidPath$ + "/" 'generate file listing 'PRINT "cmd /c dir /s /b " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets\*.* >internal\temp\files.txt" SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c dir /s /b " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets\*.* >internal\temp\files.txt" OPEN "internal\temp\files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, f$ 'will include files and folders i = INSTR(f$, "\temp_assets\") lf$ = androidPath$ + RIGHT$(f$, LEN(f$) - i - 12) IF _DIREXISTS(f$) THEN 'it's a folder '** add necessary code for building a folder ** CreateAndroidProject_AddDir dirCode$, lf$ ELSE 'it's a file '** add necessary code importing an asset file ** CreateAndroidProject_AddFile fileCode$, lf$ END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh 'copy to assets folder app\src\main\assets SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c xcopy /e " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets " + CHR$(34) + destPath$ + CHR$(34) NEXT CreateAndroidProject_Message "Adding $INSTALLFILES" FOR f = 1 TO AryLastStr(installFiles()) p$ = installFiles(f) basPath$ = installFilesSourceLocation(f) IF LEN(basPath$) > 0 THEN IF RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "/" OR RIGHT$(basPath$, 1) = "\" THEN basPath$ = LEFT$(basPath$, LEN(basPath$) - 1) END IF IF basPath$ = "" THEN basPath$ = "." path$ = basPath$ IF p$ <> "" THEN path$ = path$ + "\" + p$ 'purge temp_assets IF _DIREXISTS(projectFolder + "\temp_assets") THEN SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c rmdir /s /q " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets" MKDIR projectFolder + "\temp_assets" 'copy to temp_assets SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c copy " + CHR$(34) + path$ + CHR$(34) + " " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets" 'files are now isolated in a known folder which makes path stripping easier p$ = installFilesIn(f) destPath$ = projectFolder$ + "\app\src\main\assets" 'build dest path (it may not exist) tp$ = p$ ii = 0 DO WHILE INSTR(ii, tp$, "\") i = INSTR(ii, tp$, "\") IF i THEN tp2$ = LEFT$(tp$, i - 1) ii = i + 1 d$ = destPath$ + "\" + tp2$ IF _DIREXISTS(d$) = 0 THEN MKDIR d$ CreateAndroidProject_AddDir dirCode$, tp2$ END IF END IF LOOP tp2$ = tp$ IF tp2$ <> "" THEN d$ = destPath$ + "\" + tp2$ IF _DIREXISTS(d$) = 0 THEN MKDIR d$ CreateAndroidProject_AddDir dirCode$, tp2$ END IF END IF IF p$ <> "" THEN destPath$ = destPath$ + "\" + p$ androidPath$ = p$ IF LEN(androidPath$) <> 0 THEN androidPath$ = androidPath$ + "/" 'generate file listing 'PRINT "cmd /c dir /s /b " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets\*.* >internal\temp\files.txt" SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c dir /s /b " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets\*.* >internal\temp\files.txt" OPEN "internal\temp\files.txt" FOR INPUT AS #fh DO UNTIL EOF(fh) LINE INPUT #fh, f$ 'will include files and folders i = INSTR(f$, "\temp_assets\") lf$ = androidPath$ + RIGHT$(f$, LEN(f$) - i - 12) IF _DIREXISTS(f$) THEN 'it's a folder 'must be ignored ELSE 'it's a file '** add necessary code importing an asset file ** CreateAndroidProject_AddFile fileCode$, lf$ END IF LOOP CLOSE #fh 'copy to assets folder app\src\main\assets SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c copy " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets\*.* " + CHR$(34) + destPath$ + CHR$(34) NEXT 'purge temp_assets IF _DIREXISTS(projectFolder + "\temp_assets") THEN SHELL _HIDE "cmd /c rmdir /s /q " + projectFolder + "\temp_assets" OPEN projectFolder + "\app\src\main\jni\temp\assets.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, dirCode$ PRINT #1, fileCode$ CLOSE #1 'mkdir("subfolder",0770); 'android_get_file_asset(mgr, "subfolder/subfolderfile.txt"); CreateAndroidProject_Message "Android project generation complete" END SUB