{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:44:47}} The '''SEEK''' function returns the current byte or record position in a file. {{PageSyntax}} :: byte = SEEK(filenumber&) * Filenumber is the number of an [[OPEN]] file in any mode. * In [[RANDOM]] files SEEK returns the current record position. * In [[BINARY]] or sequencial files SEEK returns the current byte position(first byte = 1). * Since the first file position is 1 it may require adding one to an offset value when documentation uses that position as 0. * Devices that do not support SEEK (SCRN, CONS, KBRD, COMn and LPTn) return 0. ''See also:'' *[[SEEK (statement)]] *[[LOC]] {{PageNavigation}}