[[BSAVE]] saves the contents of an image array to a {{KW|BINARY}} file. {{PageSyntax}} ::: '''BSAVE''' {{Parameter|savefile$}}''', [[VARPTR]]'''({{Parameter|Array(index)}})''',''' {{Parameter|Filesize&}} {{Parameters}} * ''savefile$'' is the STRING file name of the file designated to be created. * ''Array(index)'' is the image [[arrays|array]] that already holds the [[GET (graphics statement)|GET]] image data. * ''Filesize'' must be a bit over twice the size of the elements used in an {{KW|INTEGER}} [[Arrays|array]]. {{PageDescription}} * To place image data into the array, use [[GET (graphics statement)|GET]] to store a box area image of the screen. * [[SCREEN]] 12 can only GET 1/3 of the screen image at one time using a 26K array. * Image arrays are [[DIM]]ensioned as [[INTEGER]]. Use [[DEFINT]] when working with large graphic arrays. * Any arrays can be saved, but Image arrays are most common. * [[DEF SEG]] = [[VARSEG]] must be used to designate the array segment position in memory. * [[VARPTR]] returns the Array index offset of the memory segment. Array sizes are limited to 32767 Integer elements due to the use of [[VARPTR]] in QB and '''QB64'''!. * '''QB64''' can load larger arrays directly to and from binary files using [[PUT]] # and [[GET]] # without BSAVE. * [[BSAVE]] files can later be opened with {{KW|BLOAD}}. ''Example 1:'' Saving array data to a file quickly. {{CodeStart}} '' '' LB% = {{Cl|LBOUND}}(Array) bytes% = {{Cl|LEN}}(Array(LB%)) filesize& = (({{Cl|UBOUND}}(Array) - LB%) + 1) * bytes% {{Cl|DEF SEG}} = {{Cl|VARSEG}}(Array(0)) {{Cl|BSAVE}} filename$, {{Cl|VARPTR}}(Array(LB%)), filesize& ' changeable index {{Cl|DEF SEG}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} : ''Explanation:'' Procedure determines the filesize from the array size automatically. {{KW|LBOUND}} is used with {{KW|UBOUND}} to determine array size and byte size. Works with any type of array except variable length Strings. Great for saving program data fast! ''Example 2:'' {{KW|BSAVE}}ing a bitmap and calculating the file size {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|DEF SEG}} = {{Cl|VARSEG}}(Image(0)) {{Cl|PSET}}(BMPHead.PWidth - 1, BMPHead.PDepth - 1) 'color lower right corner if black {{Cl|GET (graphics statement)|GET}} (0, 0)-(BMPHead.PWidth - 1, BMPHead.PDepth - 1), Image(NColors * 3) ' for 16 or 256 colors {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} a& = 26000 {{Cl|TO}} 0 {{Cl|STEP}} -1 {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} Image(a&) {{Cl|THEN}} ArraySize& = a&: {{Cl|EXIT FOR}} {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|BSAVE}} SaveName$, {{Cl|VARPTR}}(Image(0)), (2 * ArraySize&) + 200 'file size {{Cl|DEF SEG}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} : ''Explanation:'' The {{KW|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} loop reads backwards through the image array until it finds a value not 0. The {{KW|LONG}} {{Parameter|ArraySize&}} value is doubled and 200 is added. {{Parameter|BMPhead.PWidth}} and {{Parameter|BMPhead.PDepth}} are found by reading the bitmap's information header using a {{KW|TYPE}} definition. See [[Bitmaps]]. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[GET (graphics statement)]], [[PUT (graphics statement)]] * [[BLOAD]], [[OPEN]], [[BINARY]] * [[GET]], [[PUT]] {{text|(file statements)}} * [[VARSEG]], [[VARPTR]] * [[DEF SEG]], [[TYPE]] * [[Text Using Graphics]] {{PageNavigation}}