{{DISPLAYTITLE:_CEIL}} The '''_CEIL''' function rounds a numeric value up to the next whole number or [[INTEGER]] value. {{PageSyntax}} :: result = [[_CEIL]](''expression'') * [[_CEIL]] returns he smallest integral value that is greater than the numerical ''expression'' (as a floating-point value). * This means that [[_CEIL]] rounds up for both positive and negative numbers. *(Only available in QB64-GL, from Dirty Builds after 06/20/2014. Previous versions of QB64 don't support this command.) ''Example:'' Displaying the rounding behavior of [[INT]], [[CINT]] and [[FIX]] vs [[_CEIL]]. {{CodeStart}} PRINT INT(2.5), CINT(2.5), FIX(2.5), _CEIL(2.5) PRINT INT(-2.5), CINT(-2.5), FIX(-2.5), _CEIL(-2.5) {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 2 2 2 3 -3 -2 -2 -2 {{OutputEnd}} ''See also:'' * [[INT]], [[FIX]] * [[CINT]], [[CLNG]], * [[CSNG]], [[CDBL]] * [[_ROUND]] {{PageNavigation}}