The '''DECLARE''' statement is used to tell Qbasic that a [[SUB]] or [[FUNCTION]] is to be used in the program with specific parameter types. {{PageSyntax}} :: DECLARE SUB ProcedureName ([parameters [[AS]] type]) * '''QB64 ignores DECLARE statements, so define the parameter [[TYPE]]s in the SUB procedure!''' * Parameters MUST be placed in parenthesis separated by commas when necessary. * Empty parenthesis are required when no parameters are used. * Declarations should be placed at the top of the main program code after {{KW|Metacommand}} and {{KW|DEFINT|DEF}} statements if used. * Parameters can be defined in a DECLARE statement [[AS]] [[INTEGER]], [[SINGLE]], [[DOUBLE]], [[LONG]], [[STRING]] or [[ANY]]. * The Qbasic IDE can automatically DECLARE a SUB or FUNCTION once the procedure is called and the module is Saved. * If a procedure is never called, it will not be automatically be DECLAREd by the Qbasic IDE when the program is saved. ''See also:'' * [[SUB]], [[FUNCTION]], [[BYVAL]] * [[DECLARE LIBRARY]] (QB64 ONLY) {{PageNavigation}}