'''INTEGER''' is a 2 byte number type definition that can hold whole numerical values. {{PageSyntax}} :: DIM ''variable'' AS INTEGER * Integers do not use decimal point values but will round those off to the nearest even whole number. * Qbasic Integer values can range from -32768 to 32767 without an "overflow" error. * For larger Integer values Qbasic can use the [[LONG]] Integer values. * '''QB64''' [[_UNSIGNED]] Integers can range from 0 to 65535. * '''QB64''' _UNSIGNED [[_INTEGER64]] values range from 0 to 18446744073709551615 * Many Graphic programs require INTEGER arrays or DEFINT. * Variable type suffix is % or ~% for [[_UNSIGNED]]. Suffix can also be placed after a literal or hexadecimal numerical value. * [[LONG]] integers use the '''&''' suffix and [[_INTEGER64]] use the '''&&''' suffix. * Values can be converted to 2 byte [[ASCII]] string values using [[MKI$]] and back with [[CVI]]. * '''When a variable has not been assigned or has no type suffix, the value defaults to [[SINGLE]].''' * '''Warning: Qbasic keyword names cannot be used as numerical variable names with or without the type suffix!''' ''See also:'' * [[DIM]], [[DEFINT]] * [[LONG]], [[_INTEGER64]] * [[LEN]], [[MKI$]], [[CVI]] * [[_UNSIGNED]] * [[Variable Types]] * [[&B]] (binary), [[&O]] (octal), [[&H]] (hexadecimal) * [[\|Integer Division]], [[MOD]] (Integer remainder division) {{PageNavigation}}