The '''_CLIP''' option is used in a QB64 graphics [[PUT (graphics statement)|PUT]] to allow placement of an image partially off of the screen. {{PageSyntax}} :{{KW|PUT (graphics statement)|PUT}} [{{KW|STEP}}](column, row), ''image''[, {{KW|_CLIP}}] [{XOR|PSET|AND|OR|PRESET}][, ''omitcolor'']] {{PageDescription}} * _CLIP should be placed immediately before the PUT action if used. XOR is default when not used. * The offscreen portions of the image will be the omit color. * {{KW|GET (graphics statement)|GET}} can get portions of the images offscreen in '''QB64'''. ''Example:'' Placing an image partially or fully offscreen. {{CodeStart}}'' '' {{Cl|DIM}} mypic(500) {{Cl|SCREEN}} 13 {{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|CIRCLE}} (10,10),10 {{Cl|GET (graphics statement)|GET}} (0,0)-(20,20), mypic(0) {{Cl|PRINT}} "This program puts an image off screen." {{Cl|PRINT}} "Select which option you'd like to try." {{Cl|PRINT}} "1 will produce an illegal function call." {{Cl|PRINT}} "1 is putting without _CLIP." {{Cl|PRINT}} "2 is putting with _CLIP PSET." {{Cl|PRINT}} "3 is putting with _CLIP XOR." {{Cl|PRINT}} "4 is putting with _CLIP PSET, 4." {{Cl|INPUT}} sel {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} sel = 1 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PUT (graphics statement)|PUT}} (-10, 10), mypic(0), PSET ' this causes an illegal function call {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} sel = 2 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PUT (graphics statement)|PUT}} (-10, 10), mypic(0), {{Cl|_CLIP}} PSET ' allows graphic to be drawn off-screen {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} sel = 3 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PUT (graphics statement)|PUT}} (-10, 10), mypic(0), {{Cl|_CLIP}} ' uses the default PUT XOR operation {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} sel = 4 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PUT (graphics statement)|PUT}} (-10, 10), mypic(0), {{Cl|_CLIP}} PSET, 4 ' doesn't draw red pixels {{Cl|END}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} *{{KW|PUT (graphics statement)}} {{PageNavigation}}