The {{KW|_PIXELSIZE}} function returns the color depth (Bits Per Pixel) of an image. {{PageSyntax}} :''return&'' = {{KW|_PIXELSIZE}}([{{Parameter|imageHandle&}}]) {{PageDescription}} * If {{Parameter|imageHandle&}} is omitted, it is assumed to be a handle to the current write page. * Returns: :: 0 if the image or screen page specified by {{Parameter|imageHandle&}} is in text mode. :: 1 If the image specified by {{Parameter|imageHandle&}} is in 1(B & W), 4(16 color) or 8(256 color) BPP mode. :: 4 Image specified is a 24/32-bit compatible mode. Pixels use three bytes, one per Red, Green and Blue color intensity. * The [[SCREEN]] or [[_NEWIMAGE]] or [[_LOADIMAGE]] color(256 or 32) mode can influence the pixel sizes that can be returned. * If {{Parameter|imageHandle&}} is an invalid handle, then an [[ERROR Codes|invalid handle]] error is returned. ''Example:'' Saving Images for later program use. Handle values could be saved to an array. {{CodeStart}} '' '' handle1& = _Getimage(sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, sourcehandle&) ' function call {{Cl|FUNCTION}} GetImage& (sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, sourcehandle&) bytespp = {{Cl|_PIXELSIZE}}(sourcehandle&) {{Cl|IF}} bytespp = 4 {{Cl|THEN}} Pal = 32 {{Cl|ELSE}} {{Cl|IF}} bytespp = 1 {{Cl|THEN}} Pal = 256 {{Cl|ELSE}} {{Cl|EXIT FUNCTION}} h& = {{Cl|_NEWIMAGE}}({{Cl|ABS}}(sx2 - sx1) + 1, {{Cl|ABS}}(sy2 - sy1) + 1, Pal) {{Cl|_PUTIMAGE}} (0, 0), sourcehandle&, h&, (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2) 'image is not displayed GetImage& = h& {{Cl|END FUNCTION}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} {{small|Adapted from code by Galleon}} ''See examples:'' * [[SAVEIMAGE]] {{text|(SUB to convert image to bitmap)}} * [[SaveIcon32]] {{text|(convert any image to icon)}} * [[ThirtyTwoBit SUB]] {{text|(convert partial image to bitmap)}} * [[Bitmaps]] {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_LOADIMAGE]] * [[_NEWIMAGE]] * [[_PUTIMAGE]] * [[_COPYPALETTE]] {{PageNavigation}}