#!/bin/bash # Arg 1: qb54 location # Arg 2: Optional category to test PREFIX="Compilation" RESULTS_DIR="./tests/results/$PREFIX" mkdir -p $RESULTS_DIR QB64=$1 if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then CATEGORY="/$2" fi show_failure() { cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$1-$2-compile_result.txt" cat "$RESULTS_DIR/$2-compilelog.txt" } show_incorrect_result() { printf "EXPECTED: '%s'\n" "$1" printf "GOT: '%s'\n" "$2" } # This env variable exists when running in CI. It can also be defined locally # to enable the small OS-dependent testing # # This is either win, lnx, or osx OS=$CI_OS # Each .bas file represents a separate test. while IFS= read -r test do category=$(basename "$(dirname "$test")") testName=$(basename "$test" .bas) TESTCASE="$category/$testName" EXE="$RESULTS_DIR/$category-$testName - output" if [ "$OS" == "win" ]; then EXE="$EXE.exe" fi # If a .err file exists, then this test is actually testing a compilation error testType="success" if test -f "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.err"; then testType="error" fi # Clear out temp folder before next compile, avoids stale compilelog files rm -fr ./internal/temp/* # Clean up existing EXE, so we don't use it by accident rm -f "$EXE*" compileResultOutput="$RESULTS_DIR/$category-$testName-compile_result.txt" # A .flags file contains any extra compiler flags to provide to QB64 for this test compilerFlags= if test -f "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.flags"; then compilerFlags=$(cat "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.flags") fi # If a license file for this OS exists, then we also check the generated license is correct checkLicense= if [ ! -z "$OS" ] && test -f "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.$OS.license"; then compilerFlags="$compilerFlags -f:GenerateLicenseFile=true" checkLicense=y fi pushd . >/dev/null cd "./tests/compile_tests/$category" # -m and -q make sure that we get predictable results "../../../$QB64" $compilerFlags -q -m -x "$testName.bas" -o "../../../$EXE" 1>"../../../$compileResultOutput" ERR=$? popd >/dev/null cp_if_exists ./internal/temp/compilelog.txt "$RESULTS_DIR/$category-$testName-compilelog.txt" if [ "$testType" == "success" ]; then (exit $ERR) assert_success_named "Compile" "Compilation Error:" show_failure "$category" "$testName" test -f "$EXE" assert_success_named "exe exists" "$test-output executable does not exist!" show_failure "$category" "$testName" if [ "$checkLicense" == "y" ]; then expectedResult="$(cat "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.$OS.license")" testResult="$(cat "$EXE.license.txt")" [ "$testResult" == "$expectedResult" ] assert_success_named "license" "License file is wrong:" show_incorrect_result "$expectedResult" "$testResult" fi # Some tests do not have an output or err file because they should # compile successfully but cannot be run on the build agents if [ ! -f "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.output" ]; then continue fi expectedResult="$(cat "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.output")" pushd . > /dev/null cd "./tests/compile_tests/$category" testResult=$("../../../$EXE" 2>&1) ERR=$? popd > /dev/null (exit $ERR) assert_success_named "run" "Execution Error:" echo "$testResult" [ "$testResult" == "$expectedResult" ] assert_success_named "result" "Result is wrong:" show_incorrect_result "$expectedResult" "$testResult" # Restart pulseaudio between each test to make sound tests work on Linux if [ "$CI_TESTING" == "y" ] && command -v pulseaudio > /dev/null then pulseaudio -k pulseaudio -D fi else ! (exit $ERR) assert_success_named "Compile" "Compilation Success, was expecting error:" show_failure "$category" "$testName" ! test -f "$EXE" assert_success_named "Exe exists" "'$category-$testName - output' exists, it should not!" show_failure "$category" "$testName" expectedErr="$(cat "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.err")" diffResult=$(diff -y "./tests/compile_tests/$category/$testName.err" "$compileResultOutput") assert_success_named "Error result" "Error reporting is wrong:" echo "$diffResult" fi done < <(find ./tests/compile_tests$CATEGORY -name "*.bas" -print)