{{QBDLDATE:05-20-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:13:11}} The [[ERL]] function returns the closest previous line number before the last error. {{PageSyntax}} : ''lastErrorLine&'' = [[ERL]] {{PageDescription}} * Used in an error handler to report the last line number used before the error. * If the program does not use line numbers, then ERL returns 0. * Use [[_ERRORLINE]] to return the actual code line position of an error in a QB64 program. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Using a fake error code to return the line number position in a program. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|ON ERROR}} {{Cl|GOTO}} errorfix 1 {{Cl|ERROR}} 250 {{Cl|ERROR}} 250 5 {{Cl|ERROR}} 250 {{Cl|END}} errorfix: {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|ERL}} {{Cl|RESUME}} {{Cl|NEXT}} {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}}1 1 5 {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[ERR]] * [[ERROR]] * [[ON ERROR]] * [[_ERRORLINE]], [[_INCLERRORLINE]], [[_INCLERRORFILE$]] * [[ERROR Codes]] {{PageNavigation}}