The '''PALETTE''' statement can swap color settings, set colors to default or set the Red, Green, Blue color palette. ''RGB'' {{PageSyntax}} :::PALETTE [''attribute'', ''Red'' + (''Green'' * 256) + (''Blue'' * 65536)] ''Swap'' {{PageSyntax}} :::PALETTE [''set_attribute'', new_attribute] * ''Red'', ''Green'' and ''Blue'' values can be from 0 to 63. Many color shades possible in non-[[DAC]] color attributes. * If the Red, Green and Blue color intensity settings are all the same value the color is greyscale. * Screens 0, 7 and 9 ([[DAC]]) colors cannot be changed by the RGB syntax statement in QBasic! Can use [[OUT]] to change attribute 1 thru 5 intensity settings. * A swap is often used with [[DAC]] color attributes that cannot change RGB settings. Only the RGB color settings are swapped from original ''set_attribute'' to ''new_attribute''. Screens 0 thru 9 support swaps. Screen 10 up to 8 only. * PALETTE without any value sets any changed RGB settings back to the Qbasic default color settings including [[DAC]] colors. * [[PALETTE USING]] can be used when color intensity values are stored in an [[Arrays|array]]. ''Example:'' Displaying all 64 DAC color hues as backgrounds in SCREEN 9 using a PALETTE swap. {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} 9 ' background is default black {{Cl|LOCATE}} 20, 33: {{Cl|PRINT}} "Press any Key!" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 64 a$ = {{Cl|INPUT$}}(1) ' wait for a keypress {{Cl|PALETTE}} 0, i {{Cl|NEXT}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} :''Note:'' Other attributes(1 to 15) can be swapped for DAC foreground colors also. ''See also:'' * [[PALETTE USING]] * [[COLOR]] * [[OUT]], [[INP]] * [[SCREEN]] {{PageNavigation}}