# Argument 1: Location of qb64 (blank means current directory # Argument 2: If not blank, qb64 will not be started after compiltaion cd "$(dirname "$1")" dont_run="$2" Pause() { OLDCONFIG=`stty -g` stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 0 dd count=1 2>/dev/null stty $OLDCONFIG } echo "QB64 Setup" echo "" find . -name "*.command" -exec chmod +x {} \; if [ -z "$(which clang++)" ]; then echo "Apple's C++ compiler not found." echo "Attempting to install Apple's Command Line Tools for Xcode..." echo "After installation is finished, run this setup script again." xcode-select --install [ -z "$dont_run" ] && Pause exit 1 fi echo "Building 'QB64'" make OS=osx clean make OS=osx BUILD_QB64=y echo "" if [ -f ./qb64 ]; then if [ -z "$dont_run" ]; then echo "Launching 'QB64'" ./qb64 fi echo "" echo "Note: 'qb64' is located in same folder as this setup program." echo "Press any key to continue..." [ -z "$dont_run" ] && Pause exit 0 else echo "Compilation of QB64 failed!" [ -z "$dont_run" ] && Pause exit 1 fi