{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:42:24}} The [[OPEN]] statement is used to open a file or [[OPEN_COM|COM]] serial communications port for program input or output. {{PageSyntax}} : [[OPEN]] {{Parameter|fileName$}} ['''FOR''' {{Parameter|mode}}] [{{{KW|ACCESS}}|{{{KW|LOCK}}|SHARED}} [{READ|WRITE}] [[AS]] [#]{{Parameter|fileNumber&}} [LEN = {{Parameter|recordLength}}] ===Legacy ''GW-BASIC'' syntax=== : [[OPEN]] {{Parameter|modeLetter$}}, [#]{{Parameter|fileNumber&}}, {{Parameter|fileName$}}[, {{Parameter|recordLength}}] {{Parameters}} * The {{Parameter|fileName$}} is a [[STRING]] variable or literal file name (path optional) in quotes. * FOR mode can be: [[APPEND]] (write to end), [[BINARY]] (read/write), [[INPUT (file mode)|INPUT]] (read), [[OUTPUT]] (write new) or [[RANDOM]] (read/write). * GW-BASIC's {{Parameter|modeLetter$}} is a [[STRING]] variable or the letter "A", "B", "I", "O" or "R" designating the OPEN modes above. * {{Parameter|fileNumber&}} can be any '''positive''' [[INTEGER]] or [[LONG]] whole number value or an unused value determined by the [[FREEFILE]] function. * [[LEN]] = or {{Parameter|recordLength}} is optional to denote the RANDOM file record byte length (default = 128) or sequential (default = 512) load buffer. {{PageDescription}} * '''QB64''' can open as many files as your computer memory can handle. QBasic could only open about 15 at a time. * '''QB64 will allocate 4 bytes of memory for every possible file number up to the highest number used in a program.''' * {{Parameter|mode}} defaults to RANDOM if the {{Parameter|mode}} or FOR access statement is omitted. (see open modes described below) * '''Only the {{Parameter|fileName$}}, {{Parameter|fileNumber&}} and LEN = {{Parameter|recordLength}} values can use variable values in the QBasic syntax.''' * If [[LEN]] = is ommitted, sequential file record sizes default to 512 and [[RANDOM]] to 128 bytes in Qbasic. * {{Parameter|fileName$}} can be up to 255 characters with no limit on file name extension length in '''QB64'''. * Once a file or port is opened, it can be used in any program procedure using the assigned file number. * The '''"SCRN:"''' device is supported in '''version 1.000 and up''' (see Example 3). * '''Devices such as "KYBD:", "CONS:", "COMn" and "LPTn:" are [[Keywords currently not supported by QB64|not supported in QB64.]]'''. : '''Note:''' OPEN "LPTn" is not supported by QB64, but may be supported directly by your operating system. * [[OPEN COM]] can also be used for serial port access in '''QB64'''. {{PageErrors}} * Illegal '''QB64''' Windows filename characters are ''' " * / \ | ? : < > '''. Multiple dots (periods) are allowed. * Possible OPEN [[ERROR Codes|errors]] include "Bad file name or number", "Bad File Mode", "File Not Found" or "Path Not Found". ** An OPEN file not found error may occur if [[CHR$]](0) to (31) are used in a Windows file name. * '''QB64''' does not have DOS file name limitations. ==Details== ===File ACCESS and LOCK Permissions=== * [[ACCESS]] clause limits file access to READ, WRITE or READ WRITE on a network. * [[LOCK (access)|LOCK]] clause can specify SHARED or a LOCK READ or LOCK WRITE file lock in an OPEN statement working on a network. * A separate [[LOCK]] statement can lock or [[UNLOCK]] file access on a network using a format that can lock specific records. * If another process already has access to a specified file, program access is denied for that file OPEN access. A "Permission Denied" error 70 will be returned. A network program must be able to handle a denial of access error. ===File Access Modes=== * FOR mode can be: ** '''OUTPUT''': Sequential mode creates a new file or erases an existing file for new program output. Use [[WRITE (file statement)|WRITE #]] to write numerical or text data or [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT #]] for text. '''OUTPUT clears files of all data''' and clears the receive buffer on other devices such as [[ON COM(n)|COM]]. ** '''APPEND''': Sequential mode creates a new file if it doesn't exist or appends program output to the end of an existing file. Use [[WRITE (file statement)|WRITE #]] for numerical or text data or [[PRINT (file statement)|PRINT #]] for text as in the OUTPUT mode. '''APPEND does not remove previous data.''' ** '''INPUT''' : Sequential mode '''only reads input''' from an existing file. '''[[ERROR Codes|File error]] if file does not exist.''' Use [[INPUT (file statement)|INPUT #]] for comma separated numerical or text data and [[LINE INPUT (file statement)|LINE INPUT #]] or [[INPUT$]] to only read text data. '''Use [[_FILEEXISTS]] or [[_DIREXISTS]] to avoid errors.''' ** '''BINARY''': Creates a new file when it doesn't exist or reads and writes to an existing binary file. Use [[GET|GET #]] to read or [[PUT|PUT #]] to write byte positions simultaneously. [[LEN]] = statements are ignored in this mode. ** '''RANDOM''': Creates a new file when it doesn't exist or reads or writes to an existing random file record. Use [[GET|GET #]] or [[PUT|PUT #]] to read or write to file records. A [[LEN]] = statement can define the byte size of a record (no LEN statement defaults to 128 bytes) ** Modes '''INPUT''', '''BINARY''' and '''RANDOM''' allow a file to be concurrently opened in a different mode and number. ====GW-BASIC modes==== * ''Mode letter'' is a variable or literal [[STRING]] letter value as one of the following: ** "A" = '''APPEND'''. ** "B" = '''BINARY'''. ** "I" = '''INPUT'''. ** "O" = '''OUTPUT'''. ** "R" = '''RANDOM'''. {{PageExamples}} ''Example 1:'' Function that displays errors and the number of errors in QBasic filenames. Returns 0 when filename is OK. {{CodeStart}} file$ = "Hello,~1.mp3" 'example call below {{Cl|LOCATE}} 20, 30: errors% = CheckName%(file$): {{Cl|COLOR}} 14: {{Cl|PRINT}} " Total Errors ="; errors% {{Cl|FUNCTION}} CheckName% (Filename$) '{{Cl|NOT}}E: Function also displays filename errors so {{Cl|LOCATE}} on screen before call! {{Cl|DIM}} L {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}}, DP {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}}, XL {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}} L = {{Cl|LEN}}(Filename$): DP = {{Cl|INSTR}}(Filename$, "."): {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} DP {{Cl|THEN}} XL = L - DP 'extension {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} L = 0 {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} L > 12 {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} DP > 9 {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} XL > 3 {{Cl|THEN}} CheckName% = -1: {{Cl|COLOR}} 12: {{Cl|PRINT}} "Illegal format!"; : {{Cl|EXIT FUNCTION}} {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i% = 1 {{Cl|TO}} L 'check each filename character" code% = {{Cl|ASC}}({{Cl|MID$}}(Filename$, i%, 1)): {{Cl|COLOR}} 10 ' see ASCII codes {{Cl|SELECT CASE}} code% 'check for errors and highlight in red '{{Cl|CASE}} 34, 42 {{Cl|TO}} 44, 47, 58 {{Cl|TO}} 63, 91 {{Cl|TO}} 93, 124: E% = E% + 1: {{Cl|COLOR}} 12 ' '''QBasic errors''' {{Cl|CASE}} 34, 42, 47, 58, 60, 62, 92, 124: E% = E% + 1: {{Cl|COLOR}} 12 ' '''QB64 errors''' {{Cl|CASE}} 46: dot% = dot% + 1: {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} dot% > 1 {{Cl|THEN}} E% = E% + 1: {{Cl|COLOR}} 12 {{Cl|END SELECT}} {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(code%); 'use {{Cl|LOCATE}} before {{Cl|FUNCTION}} call to place print {{Cl|NEXT}} CheckName% = E% {{Cl|END FUNCTION}} {{CodeEnd}} ''Note: The QBasic character error list is commented out and the function will return invalid filenames under QB64. {{OutputStart}} {{text|Hello|#54FC54}}{{text|,|red}}{{text|~1.mp3|#54FC54}} {{text|Total Errors|yellow}} = {{text|1|yellow}} {{OutputEnd}} :''Note:'' The screen output displays filename characters in green except for red comma QBasic error. ''Example 2:'' When '''OPEN "SCRN:" FOR OUTPUT AS #f''' is used, '''PRINT #f''' will print the text to the screen instead of to a file: {{CodeStart}} f% = {{Cl|FREEFILE}} 'should always be 1 at program start {{Cl|OPEN}} "SCRN:" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} {{Cl|OUTPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #f% g% = {{Cl|FREEFILE}} 'should always be 2 after 1 {{Cl|OPEN}} "temp.txt" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} {{Cl|OUTPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #g% {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 2 {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #i, "Hello World, Screen and File version" NEXT {{CodeEnd}}{{small|code by Steve McNeill}} : ''Note:'' Linux or Mac file names can use a path destination such as ".\SCRN:" to use SCRN: as an actual file name. ''Example 3:'' Showcasing different file modes. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|CLS}} {{Cl|OPEN}} "test.tst" {{Cl|FOR (file statement)|FOR}} {{Cl|OUTPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #1 {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "If test.tst didn't exist:" {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "A new file was created named test.tst and then deleted." {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "If test.tst did exist:" {{Cl|PRINT (file statement)|PRINT}} #1, "It was overwritten with this and deleted." {{Cl|CLOSE}} #1 {{Cl|OPEN}} "test.tst" {{Cl|FOR (file statement)|FOR}} {{Cl|INPUT (file mode)|INPUT}} {{Cl|AS}} #1 {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|EOF}}(1) {{Cl|INPUT (file statement)|INPUT}} #1, a$ {{Cl|PRINT}} a$ {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|CLOSE}} #1 {{Cl|KILL}} "test.tst" {{Cl|END}} {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} If test.tst didn't exist: A new file was created named test.tst and then deleted. If test.tst did exist: It was overwritten with this and deleted. {{OutputEnd}} :'''Warning:''' Make sure you don't have a file named test.tst before you run this or it will be overwritten. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[PRINT (file statement)]], [[INPUT (file statement)]] * [[GET]], [[PUT]], [[WRITE (file statement)]] * [[INPUT$]], [[LINE INPUT (file statement)]] * [[CLOSE]], [[LOF]], [[EOF]], [[LOC]] * [[SEEK (statement)]], [[SEEK]] * [[OPEN COM]], [[LEN]], [[RESET]] * [[FIELD]], [[TYPE]] * [[_FILEEXISTS]], [[_DIREXISTS]] * [[_OPENCLIENT]], [[_OPENHOST]], [[_OPENCONNECTION]] {{text|(TCP/IP)}} * [[_SNDOPEN]], [[_LOADIMAGE]] {{PageNavigation}}