{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:43:53}} The [[OR]] numerical operator returns a comparative bit value of 1 if either value's bit is on. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|result}} = firstValue [[OR]] secondValue {{PageDescription}} * If both bits are off, it returns 0. * If one or both bits are on then it returns 1. * [[OR]] never turns off a bit and can be used only to turn a bit on. {{LogicalTruthTable}} {{PageExamples}} ''Example 1:'' OR always turns bits on! Never off. {{CodeStart}} a% = 5 ' 101 binary b% = 4 ' 100 binary results% = a% {{Cl|OR}} b% ' still 101 binary using OR {{Cl|PRINT}} "Results% ="; results% {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} Results% = 5 {{OutputEnd}} ''Example 2:'' Turning a data register bit on. {{CodeStart}} address% = 888 'parallel port data register bytevalue% = {{Cl|INP}}(address%) {{Cl|OUT}} address%, bytevalue% {{Cl|OR}} 4 {{CodeEnd}} :''Explanation:'' The third register bit is only turned on if it was off. This ensures that a bit is set. OR could set more bits on with a sum of bit values such as: OUT address%, 7 would turn the first, second and third bits on. 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[AND]], [[XOR]] * [[AND (boolean)]], [[OR (boolean)]] * [[Binary]], [[Boolean]] {{PageNavigation}}