{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:43:58}} The [[PAINT]] statement is used to fill a delimited area in a graphic screen mode with color. {{PageSyntax}} : [[PAINT]] ['''STEP'''] ({{Parameter|column%}}, {{Parameter|row%}}), {{Parameter|fillColor}}[, {{Parameter|borderColor%}}] {{Parameters}} * Can use the [[STEP]] keyword for relative coordinate placements. See example 1 below. * {{Parameter|fillColor}} is an [[INTEGER]] or [[LONG]] 32-bit value to paint the inside of an object. Colors are limited to the [[SCREEN]] mode used. * Optional [[INTEGER]] or [[LONG]] 32-bit {{Parameter|borderColor%}} is the color of the border of the shape to be filled when this is different from the fill color. * {{Parameter|fillColor}} can be a string made up of a sequence of [[CHR$]] values, each representing a tiling pattern to fill the shape. See Example 3 below. {{PageDescription}} * Graphic {{Parameter|column%}} and {{Parameter|row%}} [[INTEGER]] pixel coordinates should be inside of a fully closed "shape", whether it's a rectangle, circle or custom-drawn shape using [[DRAW]]. * If the coordinates passed to the [[PAINT]] statement are on a pixel that matches the border colors, no filling will occur. * If the shape's border isn't continuous, the "paint" will "leak". * If the shape is not totally closed, every color except the border color may be painted over. * [[DRAW]] shapes can be filled using the string "P {{Parameter|fillColor}}, {{Parameter|borderColor}}". Use a "B" blind move to offset from the shape's border. {{PageExamples}} ''Example 1:'' Painting a [[CIRCLE]] immediately after it is drawn using [[STEP]](0, 0) to paint from the circle's center point. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} 12 x = 200: y = 200 {{Cl|CIRCLE}} (x, y), 100, 10 {{Cl|PAINT}} {{Cl|STEP}}(0, 0), 2, 10 {{CodeEnd}} :''Results:'' A circle located at x and y with a bright green border filled in dark green. The last coordinate used was the circle's center point and PAINT used it also with the [[STEP]] relative coordinates being zero. ''Example 2:'' Routine to check a [[DRAW]] string to make sure that the drawn shape is fully closed so that a PAINT does not "leak". {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|SCREEN}} 12 drw$ = "C15S20R9D4R6U3R3D3R7U5H3U2R9D3G2D6F1D3F5L10D1G1L4H2L7G2L3H2L3U8L2U5R1BF4" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} i = 1 {{Cl|TO}} {{Cl|LEN}}(drw$) tmp$ = {{Cl|UCASE$}}({{Cl|MID$}}(drw$, i, 1)) check = 1 {{Cl|SELECT CASE}} tmp$ {{Cl|CASE}} "U": ver = -1: hor = 0 {{Cl|CASE}} "D": ver = 1: hor = 0 {{Cl|CASE}} "E": ver = -1: hor = 1 {{Cl|CASE}} "F": ver = 1: hor = 1 {{Cl|CASE}} "G": ver = 1: hor = -1 {{Cl|CASE}} "H": ver = -1: hor = -1 {{Cl|CASE}} "L": ver = 0: hor = -1 {{Cl|CASE}} "R": ver = 0: hor = 1 {{Cl|CASE ELSE}}: check = 0 {{Cl|END SELECT}} {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} check {{Cl|THEN}} snum$ = "" {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} j = i + 1 {{Cl|TO}} i + 4 'set for up to 4 digits and spaces {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} j > {{Cl|LEN}}(drw$) {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|EXIT}} {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} n$ = {{Cl|MID$}}(drw$, j, 1) num = {{Cl|ASC}}(n$) {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} (num > 47 {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} num < 58) {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} num = 32 {{Cl|THEN}} snum$ = snum$ + n$ {{Cl|ELSE}}: {{Cl|EXIT}} {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|NEXT}} vertical = vertical + (ver * {{Cl|VAL}}(snum$)) horizont = horizont + (hor * {{Cl|VAL}}(snum$)) {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|PRINT}} tmp$, horizont, vertical '{{Cl|SLEEP}} {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|PSET}} (300, 300): {{Cl|DRAW}} drw$ {{CodeEnd}} : ''Explanation:'' If the [[DRAW]] string is fully closed, the end values should each be 0. In the example, the proper result should be 4, 4 as there is a BF4 offset for PAINT which cannot be on a border. The result is 4, 5 because the shape is not completely closed. ''Example 3:'' Tiling using PAINT to create a red brick pattern inside a yellow border: {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|DIM}} Row$(1 {{Cl|TO}} 8) {{Cl|SCREEN}} 12 'make red-brick wall Row$(1) = {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}FE) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}FE) Row$(2) = Row$(1) Row$(3) = Row$(1) Row$(4) = {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) Row$(5) = {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}0) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}EF) + {{Cl|CHR$}}({{Cl|&H}}EF) Row$(6) = Row$(5) Row$(7) = Row$(5) Row$(8) = Row$(4) Tile$ = Row$(1) + Row$(2) + Row$(3) + Row$(4) + Row$(5) + Row$(6) + Row$(7) + Row$(8) {{Cl|LINE}} (59, 124)-(581, 336), 14, B 'yellow box border to paint inside {{Cl|PAINT}} (320, 240), Tile$, 14 'paints brick tiles within yellow border {{CodeEnd}} ''Example 4:'' Generating a tiling pattern for PAINT from [[DATA]] statements: {{CodeStart}} ptndata: {{Cl|DATA}} "c4444444" {{Cl|DATA}} "c4444444" {{Cl|DATA}} "cccccccc" {{Cl|DATA}} "444c4444" {{Cl|DATA}} "444c4444" {{Cl|DATA}} "444c4444" {{Cl|DATA}} "cccccccc" {{Cl|DATA}} "c4444444" {{Cl|DATA}} --- {{Cl|RESTORE}} ptndata: ptn$ = loadpattern$ {{Cl|SCREEN}} 7 {{Cl|DRAW}} "c15l15f10g10r30g10f10l50u80r100m160,100" {{Cl|PAINT}} (160, 90), ptn$, 15 {{Cl|FUNCTION}} loadpattern$ {{Cl|DIM}} quad(0 TO 3) {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|INTEGER}} res$ = "" {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|READ}} row$ {{Cl|IF}} {{Cl|LEFT$}}(row$, 3) = "---" {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|EXIT}} {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|FOR}} x = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 7 pixel = {{Cl|VAL}}("&h" + {{Cl|MID$}}(row$, x + 1, 1)) {{Cl|FOR}} bit = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 3 {{Cl|IF}} pixel {{Cl|AND}} 2 ^ bit {{Cl|THEN}} quad(bit) = quad(bit) {{Cl|OR}} (2 ^ (7 - x)) {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|IF}} {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|FOR}} i = 0 {{Cl|TO}} 3 res$ = res$ + {{Cl|CHR$}}(quad(i)) quad(i) = 0 {{Cl|NEXT}} {{Cl|LOOP}} loadpattern$ = res$ {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|FUNCTION}} {{CodeEnd}} :: ''Code provided by collaborator https://github.com/NEONTEC75'' {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[PSET]], [[PRESET]] * [[CIRCLE]], [[LINE]], [[DRAW]] * [[SCREEN]], [[CHR$]] {{PageNavigation}}