{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:38:12}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_INSTRREV}} The [[_INSTRREV]] function searches for a substring inside another string, but unlike [[INSTR]] it searches from right to left. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|position%}} = [[_INSTRREV]]([{{Parameter|start%}},] {{Parameter|baseString$}}, {{Parameter|subString$}}) {{Parameters}} * The optional literal or variable [[INTEGER]] {{Parameter|start%}} indicates where in the {{Parameter|baseString$}} the search must start, counted from the left. * The {{Parameter|baseString$}} is a literal or variable [[STRING]] value to be searched for an exact match including [[UCASE$|letter cases]]. * The {{Parameter|subString$}} is a literal or variable [[STRING]] value being searched. {{PageDescription}} * The function returns the {{Parameter|position%}} in the {{Parameter|baseString$}} where the {{Parameter|subString$}} was found, from right to left. * {{Parameter|position%}} will be 0 if the search found no matches in the base string. * [[_INSTRREV]] returns 0 if an empty {{Parameter|baseString$}} is passed, and returns [[LEN]]({{Parameter|baseString$}}) with an empty {{Parameter|subString$}}. * The {{Parameter|start%}} position is useful when making multiple searches in the same string. See the example below. * The {{Parameter|subString$}} should be smaller or equal in [[LEN|length]] to the {{Parameter|baseString$}}, or 0 is returned. * A {{Parameter|start%}} value of 0 or less starts search from the end of the {{Parameter|baseString$}} (same as not passing a {{Parameter|start%}} parameter). {{PageExamples}} ''Example 1:'' Separating a file name from a full path. {{CodeStart}} fullPath$ = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\qb64\internal\c\libqb\os\win\libqb_1_2_000000000000.o" file$ = {{Cl|MID$}}(fullPath$, {{Cl|_INSTRREV}}(fullPath$, "\") + 1) {{Cl|PRINT}} file$ {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} libqb_1_2_000000000000.o {{OutputEnd}} ''Example 2:'' Searching for multiple instances of a substring inside a base string, going from the end to the start. {{CodeStart}} sentence$ = " This is a string full of spaces, including at start and end... " {{Cl|PRINT}} sentence$ {{Cl|DO}} findPrevSpace% = {{Cl|_INSTRREV}}(findPrevSpace% - 1, sentence$, {{Cl|SPACE$}}(1)) {{Cl|IF}} findPrevSpace% = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|LOCATE}} 4, 1 {{Cl|PRINT}} "No more spaces" {{Cl|EXIT}} {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|LOCATE}} 2, findPrevSpace% {{Cl|PRINT}} "^" totalSpaces = totalSpaces + 1 {{Cl|IF}} findPrevSpace% = 1 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|LOCATE}} 4, 1 {{Cl|PRINT}} "Last space found at position 1" {{Cl|EXIT}} {{Cl|DO}} {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|PRINT}} "Total spaces found: "; totalSpaces {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} This is a string full of spaces, including at start and end... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Last space found at position 1 Total spaces found: 13 {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[MID$]], [[INSTR]] * [[SPACE$]] {{PageNavigation}}