{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:39:13}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_PALETTECOLOR}} The [[_PALETTECOLOR]] statement sets the color value of a palette entry of an image using 256 color modes or less (4 or 8 BPP). {{PageSyntax}} :[[_PALETTECOLOR]] {{Parameter|attribute%}}, {{Parameter|newColor&}}[, {{Parameter|destHandle&}}] {{PageDescription}} * The {{Parameter|attribute%}} is the palette index number of the color to set, ranging from 0 to 15 (4 bit) or 0 to 255 (8 bit) color modes. * The [[LONG]] {{Parameter|newColor&}} is the new color value to set using [[_RGB32]] or [[_RGBA32]] values or using [[HEX$ 32 Bit Values]]. * If {{Parameter|destHandle&}} is omitted, [[_DEST|destination]] is assumed to be the current write page or screen surface. * If {{Parameter|attribute%}} is outside of image or [[SCREEN|screen]] mode attribute range (0 to 15 or 0 to 255), an [[ERROR Codes|illegal function call]] error will occur. * If {{Parameter|destHandle&}} does not use a palette, an [[ERROR Codes|illegal function call]] error occurs. '''Will not work in 24/32 bit color palette modes.''' * If {{Parameter|destHandle&}} is an invalid handle value, an [[ERROR Codes|invalid handle]] error occurs.
'''Basic's 16 Default Color Attributes (non-[[DAC]])'''
{{OutputStart}}{{text|  Attribute    Description     Red   Green   Blue 32 HEX HTML Name |Gold}}  0 Black 0 0 0 000000 Black {{text|  1 Dark Blue 0 0 42 00008B DarkBlue|#00208B}} {{text|  2 Dark Green 0 42 0 006400 DarkGreen|#006400}} {{text|  3 Dark Cyan 0 42 42 008B8B DarkCyan|#008B8B}} {{text|  4 Dark Red 42 0 0 8B0000 DarkRed|#8B0000}} {{text|  5 Dark Magenta 42 0 42 8B008B DarkMagenta|#8B008B}} {{text|  6 Dark Yellow 42 21 0 DAA520 GoldenRod|#DAA520}} {{text|  7 Light Grey 42 42 42 D3D3D3 LightGrey|#D3D3D3}} {{text| 8 Dark Grey 21 21 21 696969 DimGray|#696969}} {{text|  9 Blue 21 21 63 0000FF Blue|#1515FF}} {{text| 10 Green 21 63 21 15FF15 Lime|#15FF15}} {{text| 11 Cyan 21 63 63 15FFFF Cyan|#15FFFF}} {{text| 12 Red 63 21 21 FF1515 Red|#FF1515}} {{text| 13 Magenta 63 21 63 FF15FF Magenta|#FF15FF}} {{text| 14 Yellow 63 63 21 FFFF00 Yellow|#FFFF00}} {{text| 15 White 63 63 63 FFFFFF White|#FFFFFF}} {{OutputEnd}}
[http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp HTML Color Table Values and Names] or [http://www.tayloredmktg.com/rgb/#OR Other RGB colors]
::: ''Note:'' '''QB64''' 32 bit color intensity values from 0 to 255 can be found by multiplying above values by 4. ''Summary:'' The red, green, and blue intensity values can be changed using [[OUT]] or [[PALETTE]] statements. Some '''QBasic''' RGB color attribute values can be changed in [[DAC]] [[SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN]] modes and the [[DAC]] RGB intensity settings may be different. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Creating custom background colors in SCREEN 0 that follow the text. [[CLS]] makes entire background one color. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|_PALETTECOLOR}} 1, {{Cl|_RGB32}}(255, 255, 255) ' white. {{Cl|_PALETTECOLOR}} 2, {{Cl|_RGB32}}(255, 170, 170) ' lighter red. {{Cl|_PALETTECOLOR}} 3, {{Cl|_RGB32}}(255, 85, 85) ' light red. {{Cl|_PALETTECOLOR}} 4, {{Cl|_RGB32}}(255, 0, 0) ' red. {{Cl|_PALETTECOLOR}} 5, {{Cl|_RGB32}}(170, 0, 0) ' dark red. {{Cl|_PALETTECOLOR}} 6, {{Cl|_RGB32}}(85, 0, 0) ' darker red. {{Cl|COLOR}} 0, 1: {{Cl|PRINT}} "black on white." {{Cl|COLOR}} 0, 2: {{Cl|PRINT}} "black on lighter red." {{Cl|COLOR}} 0, 3: {{Cl|PRINT}} "black on light red." {{Cl|COLOR}} 0, 4: {{Cl|PRINT}} "black on red." {{Cl|COLOR}} 0, 5: {{Cl|PRINT}} "black on dark red." {{Cl|COLOR}} 0, 6: {{Cl|PRINT}} "black on darker red. {{Cl|COLOR}} 1, 6: {{Cl|PRINT}} "white on darker red" {{Cl|COLOR}} 2, 6: {{Cl|PRINT}} "ligher red on darker red" {{CodeEnd}} : ''Note:'' [[_PALETTECOLOR]] expects [[LONG]] [[_RGB32]] or [[_RGBA32]] 32 bit color values, not [[_RGB]] or [[_RGBA]] palette attribute values. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[COLOR]], [[_RGB32]], [[_RGBA32]] * [[_PALETTECOLOR (function)]] * [[PALETTE]], [[OUT]], [[INP]] * [[Images]] * [[HEX$ 32 Bit Values]] {{PageNavigation}} [[Category:Latest]]