{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:41:39}} The [[CSRLIN]] function returns the current text row position of the [[PRINT]] cursor. {{PageSyntax}} : {{Parameter|row%}} = [[CSRLIN]] {{PageDescription}} * The value returned is within the range of 1 to the current number of rows in the [[SCREEN]] mode used. ** In [[SCREEN]] 0 (text mode), the [[_HEIGHT]] function returns the number of text rows. ** In graphic modes, the number of available text rows can be calculated by dividing [[_HEIGHT]] (measured in pixels in graphic modes) by [[_FONTHEIGHT]]: '''''totalRows%'' = _HEIGHT / _FONTHEIGHT''' * In screen modes that support page flipping, the [[CSRLIN]] function returns the vertical coordinate of the cursor on the active page. * x = [[POS]](0) returns the column location of the cursor. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' A semicolon stops the print cursor immediately after the print. {{CodeStart}} LOCATE 5, 5: PRINT "HELLO "; Y = {{Cl|CSRLIN}} 'save the row X = {{Cl|POS}}(0) 'save the column LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "WORLD" LOCATE Y, X 'restore saved position PRINT "GOODBYE" {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} HELLO GOODBYE WORLD {{OutputEnd}} :''Explanation:'' "HELLO " is printed and the semicolon stops the cursor immediately after the text. The [[CSRLIN]] variable records the current print cursor's text row in Y. The [[POS]] function records the current print cursor's text column in X. The second [[PRINT]] statement displays the comment "WORLD" on the 10th line of the screen. The last [[LOCATE]] statement restores the position of the cursor to the original line and column immediately after the first print. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[SCREEN]], [[LOCATE]], [[POS]] * [[_PRINTSTRING]] (graphic print) {{PageNavigation}}