{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:53:58}} The '''$''' is used to denote QBasic [[Metacommand]]s or as a [[STRING]] variable type suffix. ''Usage:'' $INCLUDE: 'QB.bi' * [[$STATIC]] denotes that all arrays can only be dimensioned once using [[DIM]]. * [[$DYNAMIC]] denotes that all arrays can be redimensioned using [[REDIM]] ONLY. * [[$INCLUDE]] includes a BI file or QBasic Library in a program. The file name requires a comment before and after the name. * The [[STRING|string]] variable suffix MUST be used if the variable is not dimensioned in a DIM statement. The statement can also set a fixed string [[LEN|length]]. ''See also: * [[DIM]], [[REDIM]] * [[Metacommand]] {{PageNavigation}}