{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:43:45}} The [[ON_TIMER(n)|ON TIMER]] statement sets up a timed event to be repeated at specified intervals throughout a program when enabled. {{PageSyntax}} : '''ON TIMER'''({{Parameter|seconds%}}) [[GOSUB]] {{{Parameter|lineLabel}}|{{Parameter|lineNumber}}} : '''ON TIMER'''([{{Parameter|number%}},] {{Parameter|seconds!}}) { [[SUB]]procedure | [[GOSUB]] {{{Parameter|lineLabel}}|{{Parameter|lineNumber}}} } {{PageDescription}} ===Legacy syntax=== * In the first syntax, the [[INTEGER]] {{Parameter|seconds%}} parameter can be from 1 to 86400 seconds (one day). * A [[TIMER (statement)|TIMER ON]] statement must follow an '''ON TIMER''' event setup to initiate it. * [[TIMER (statement)|TIMER STOP]] disables timer events but remembers previous events when enabled again by a [[TIMER (statement)|TIMER ON]] statement, and the recorded events may be executed immediately if a timer event has occurred. * [[TIMER (statement)|TIMER OFF]] disables timer event trapping. Events will not be remembered in a subsequent [[TIMER (statement)|TIMER ON]] statement. * '''ON TIMER''' events will interrupt a [[SLEEP]] call and [[RETURN]] to running program procedures. * Only one TIMER event can be set at a time using this legacy syntax and all TIMER code must be in the main code, as it uses [[GOSUB]]. ===QB64 syntax=== * '''QB64''' can use multiple numbered timer events and [[SINGLE]] floating point second values down to one millisecond (.001). * The '''TIMER''' {{Parameter|number%}} must be obtained from the [[_FREETIMER]] function. Store _FREETIMER numbers in a variable or an array to be able to reference them later. * If the '''TIMER''' number is omitted or {{InlineCode}}'''ON TIMER'''(0, {{Parameter|seconds!}}){{InlineCodeEnd}} is used, then the TIMER used is the ''base TIMER'' (same as in the legacy syntax above). * [[SUB]] procedures are allowed to be referenced, but [[CALL]] must not be used. * '''[[SUB]] parameter values are passed by value and should be [[SHARED]] or literal values.''' * Specific '''TIMER''' events can be turned on, suspended, turned off or freed using [[TIMER (statement)|TIMER(n)]] ON, STOP, OFF or FREE. * Use '''TIMER(n) FREE''' to release a timer event after it has been turned off or is no longer used. ** The ''base TIMER'' cannot be freed. * '''QB64''' allows TIMER statements to also be inside of SUB and FUNCTION procedures. * '''ON TIMER''' events will interrupt a [[SLEEP]] call and [[RETURN]] to running program procedures. * [[$CHECKING]]:OFF can disable all QB64 event checking. '''Setting $CHECKING:OFF is only designed for 100% stable, error-less sections of code, where every CPU cycle saved counts.''' ==QB64 Timing Alternatives== * The [[TIMER]] function can be used to find timed intervals down to 1 millisecond(.001) accuracy. * The [[_DELAY]] statement can be used to delay program execution for intervals down to milliseconds. * [[_LIMIT]] can slow down loops to a specified number of frames per second. This can also alleviate a program's CPU usage. {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Using a numbered TIMER to check the mouse button press status in '''QB64'''. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|DIM}} {{Cl|SHARED}} Button {{Cl|AS}} {{Cl|LONG}} 'share variable value with Sub t1 = _{{Cl|TIMER (statement)|FREE}}{{Cl|TIMER}} 'get a timer number from _FREETIMER ONLY! {{Cl|ON TIMER(n)|ON TIMER}}(t1, .05) MouseClick {{Cl|TIMER}}(t1) ON DO {{Cl|LOCATE}} 1, 1 {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} Button {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PRINT}} "Mouse button"; Button; "is pressed."; {{Cl|ELSE}} {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|SPACE$}}(70) {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|_DISPLAY}} {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} = {{Cl|CHR$}}(27) {{Cl|TIMER}}(t1) {{Cl|OFF}} {{Cl|TIMER}}(t1) {{Cl|TIMER (statement)|FREE}} 'release timer {{Cl|END}} {{Cl|SUB}} MouseClick {{Cl|DO...LOOP|DO}} {{Cl|WHILE}} {{Cl|_MOUSEINPUT}} {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} {{Cl|_MOUSEBUTTON}}(1) {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|COLOR}} 10: Button = 1 {{Cl|ELSEIF}} {{Cl|_MOUSEBUTTON}}(2) {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|COLOR}} 12: Button = 2 {{Cl|ELSE}} Button = 0 {{Cl|END IF}} {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|END SUB}} {{CodeEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[TIMER]], [[_FREETIMER]] * [[TIMER (statement)]], [[_DELAY]], [[_LIMIT]] * [[$CHECKING]] {{text|(QB64 [[Metacommand]])}} {{PageNavigation}}