{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:44:09}} The '''PMAP''' statement returns the physical or [[WINDOW]] view port coordinates. {{PageSyntax}} :: PMAP (''coordinate'', ''function_number%'') * The ''coordinate'' is the coordinate point to be mapped. * The ''function'' can have one of four values: :: 0 = Maps view port coordinate to physical x screen coordinate :: 1 = Maps view port coordinate to physical y screen coordinate :: 2 = Maps physical screen coordinate to view port x coordinate :: 3 = Maps physical screen coordinate to view port y coordinate * The four PMAP functions allow the user to find equal point locations between the view coordinates created with the [[WINDOW]] statement and the physical screen coordinates of the viewport as defined by the [[VIEW]] statement. * Mouse co-ordinates returned by [[_MOUSEX]] and [[_MOUSEY]] are the physical screen co-ordinates. ''Example:'' Use PMAP to convert coordinate values from view to screen coordinates and from screen coordinates to view coordinates. {{CodeStart}} {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} 12 'Coordinates of upper-left corner of the window is defined in following statement are (90,100) {{Cl|WINDOW}} {{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} (90, 100)-(200, 200) 'coordinates of lower-right 'corner are 200, 200. X = {{Cl|PMAP}}(90, 0) ' X = 0 {{Cl|PRINT}} X Y = {{Cl|PMAP}}(100, 1) ' Y = 0 {{Cl|PRINT}} Y 'These statements return the screen coordinates equal to the view coordinates 200, 200. X = {{Cl|PMAP}}(200, 0) ' X = 639 {{Cl|PRINT}} X Y = {{Cl|PMAP}}(200, 1) ' Y = 479 {{Cl|PRINT}} Y 'These statements return the view coordinates equal to the screen coordinates 0, 0 X = {{Cl|PMAP}}(0, 0) {{Cl|PRINT}} X Y = {{Cl|PMAP}}(0, 0) {{Cl|PRINT}} Y 'These statements return the view coordinates equal to the screen coordinates 639, 479. X = {{Cl|PMAP}}(639, 2) ' X = 200 {{Cl|PRINT}} X Y = {{Cl|PMAP}}(479, 3) ' Y = 200 {{Cl|PRINT}} Y {{Cl|SLEEP}} ' pause before clearing view port {{Cl|CLS}} 1 ' clear grahic view port {{Cl|WINDOW}} ' end graphic view port {{Cl|END}} {{CodeEnd}} : ''Note:'' If physical screen coordinates are (0, 0) in the upper-left corner and (639, 479) in the lower-right corner, then the statements return the screen coordinate's equal to the view coordinates 90, 100. ''See also:'' * [[WINDOW]], [[VIEW]] * [[VIEW PRINT]] {{PageNavigation}}