{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:45:09}} The '''STR$''' function returns the [[STRING]] representation of a numerical value. {{PageSyntax}} :: result$ = '''STR$('''{{Parameter|number}}''')''' {{Parameters}} * {{Parameter|number}} is any numerical type value to convert. {{PageDescription}} * Returns any type number value with leading sign(space/minus) or decimal point when one exists in the numerical value. * If {{Parameter|number}} is positive, the [[STRING]] value returned will have a leading space character which can be removed using [[LTRIM$]]. * If {{Parameter|number}} is negative, the minus sign will precede the number instead of a space which [[LTRIM$]] will not remove. * Trimming a STR$ string number using [[RTRIM$]] is not required as [[PRINT]] creates the undocumented trailing number space. {{PageExamples}} {{CodeStart}}{{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|STR$}}( 1.0 ) {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|STR$}}( 2.3 ) {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|STR$}}( -4.5 ) {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 1 2.3 -4.5 {{OutputEnd}} {{CodeStart}} a = 33 {{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|STR$}}(a) + "10" + "1" + "who" + {{Cl|STR$}}(a) + {{Cl|STR$}}(a) + {{Cl|LTRIM$}}({{Cl|STR$}}(a)) {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 33101who 33 3333 {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[VAL]], [[STRING]] * [[LTRIM$]], [[MID$]] * [[RIGHT$]], [[LEFT$]] * [[HEX$]], [[OCT$]] {{PageNavigation}}