{{QBDLDATE:07-31-2022}} {{QBDLTIME:23:48:14}} {{DISPLAYTITLE:_glDrawArrays}} The '''_glDrawArrays''' statement specifies multiple primitives to render. {{PageSyntax}} : '''_glDrawArrays''' GLenum {{Parameter|mode}}, GLint {{Parameter|first}}, GLsizei {{Parameter|count}} {{PageParameters}} * OpenGL is using its own set of variable types to describe its command parameters. * Use the following table to find the respective QB64 [[Variable Types]]. {{OpenGLTypesPlugin}} {{PageDescription}} * OpenGL's documentation is available in several places, so we won't reproduce it here for another time. * The full description for this command can be found at [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/opengl/gldrawarrays Microsoft Docs] and is also valid for QB64 usage. {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_GL|SUB _GL]] * [[_glArrayElement]], [[_glBegin]], [[_glColorPointer]], [[_glEdgeFlagPointer]] * [[_glEnd]], [[_glGetPointerv]], [[_glGetString]], [[_glIndexPointer]] * [[_glNormalPointer]], [[_glTexCoordPointer]], [[_glVertexPointer]] {{PageNavigation}} [[Category:Final]]