FUNCTION Back2BackName$ (a$) IF a$ = "Keyword Reference - Alphabetical" THEN Back2BackName$ = "Alphabetical": EXIT FUNCTION IF a$ = "Keyword Reference - By usage" THEN Back2BackName$ = "By Usage": EXIT FUNCTION IF a$ = "Keywords currently not supported by QB64" THEN Back2BackName$ = "Unsupported": EXIT FUNCTION IF a$ = "QB64 Help Menu" THEN Back2BackName$ = "Help": EXIT FUNCTION IF a$ = "QB64 FAQ" THEN Back2BackName$ = "FAQ": EXIT FUNCTION Back2BackName$ = a$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION Wiki$ (PageName$) 'Read cached wiki page (download, if not yet cached) IF LEFT$(PageName$, 9) <> "Template:" THEN Help_PageLoaded$ = PageName$ 'Escape all invalid and other critical chars in filenames PageName2$ = "" FOR i = 1 TO LEN(PageName$) c = ASC(PageName$, i) SELECT CASE c CASE 32 ' '(space) PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "_" CASE 34, 36, 38, 42, 43, 47, 58, 60, 62, 63, 92, 124 '("$&*+/:<>?\|) PageName2$ = PageName2$ + "%" + HEX$(c) CASE ELSE PageName2$ = PageName2$ + CHR$(c) END SELECT NEXT PageName3$ = wikiSafeName$(PageName2$) 'case independent name 'Is this page in the cache? IF Help_IgnoreCache = 0 THEN IF _FILEEXISTS(Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName3$ + ".txt") THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName3$ + ".txt" FOR BINARY AS #fh a$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)) GET #fh, , a$ CLOSE #fh Wiki$ = StrReplace$(a$, CHR$(13) + CHR$(10), CHR$(10)) EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF 'Download message (Status Bar) IF Help_Recaching = 0 THEN a$ = "Downloading '" + PageName$ + "' page..." IF LEN(a$) > 60 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, 57) + STRING$(3, 250) IF LEN(a$) < 60 THEN a$ = a$ + SPACE$(60 - LEN(a$)) COLOR 0, 3: LOCATE idewy + idesubwindow, 2 PRINT a$; PCOPY 3, 0 END IF 'Url query and output file name url$ = wikiBaseAddress$ + "/index.php?title=" + PageName2$ + "&action=edit" outputFile$ = Cache_Folder$ + "/" + PageName3$ + ".txt" 'Wikitext delimiters s1$ = "name=" + CHR$(34) + "wpTextbox1" + CHR$(34) + ">" s2$ = "" 'Download page using (lib)curl IF PageName$ = "Initialize" OR PageName$ = "Update All" THEN a$ = "" 'dummy pages (for error display) ELSE a$ = wikiDLPage$(url$, 15) END IF 'Find wikitext in the downloaded page s1 = INSTR(a$, s1$) IF s1 > 0 THEN a$ = MID$(a$, s1 + LEN(s1$)): s2 = INSTR(a$, s2$): ELSE s2 = 0 IF s2 > 0 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, s2 - 1) IF s1 > 0 AND s2 > 0 AND a$ <> "" THEN 'If wikitext was found, then substitute stuff & save it '--- first HTML specific entities WHILE INSTR(a$, "&") > 0 ' '& must be first and looped until all a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "&", "&") 'multi-escapes are resolved (eg. &lt; &amp;lt; etc.) WEND a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "<", "<") a$ = StrReplace$(a$, ">", ">") a$ = StrReplace$(a$, """, CHR$(34)) '--- wiki redirects & crlf a$ = StrReplace$(a$, "#REDIRECT", "See page") a$ = StrReplace$(a$, CHR$(13) + CHR$(10), CHR$(10)) WHILE LEFT$(a$, 1) = CHR$(10): a$ = MID$(a$, 2): WEND IF LEN(a$) > 0 AND RIGHT$(a$, 1) <> CHR$(10) THEN a$ = a$ + CHR$(10) '--- put a download date/time entry a$ = "{{QBDLDATE:" + DATE$ + "}}" + CHR$(10) + "{{QBDLTIME:" + TIME$ + "}}" + CHR$(10) + a$ '--- now save it fh = FREEFILE OPEN outputFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #fh PRINT #fh, a$; CLOSE #fh ELSE 'Error message, if empty or corrupted (force re-download on next access) a$ = CHR$(10) + "{{PageInternalError}}" + CHR$(10) +_ "* Either the requested page is not yet available in the Wiki," + CHR$(10) +_ "* or the download from Wiki failed and corrupted the page data." + CHR$(10) +_ "** You may try ''Update Current Page'' from the ''Help'' menu." + CHR$(10) +_ ";Note:This may also just be a temporary server issue. If the problem persists " +_ "after waiting some time, then please feel free to leave us a message." + CHR$(10) END IF Wiki$ = a$ END FUNCTION SUB Help_AddTxt (t$, col, link) 'Add help text, handle word wrap IF t$ = "" THEN EXIT SUB IF Help_ChkBlank <> 0 THEN Help_CheckBlankLine: Help_ChkBlank = 0 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(t$) c = ASC(t$, i) IF (Help_LockParse = -1 OR Help_LockParse = 0) AND Help_LockWrap = 0 THEN IF c = 32 THEN IF Help_Pos = Help_ww THEN Help_NewLine: _CONTINUE Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 32 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = col + Help_BG_Col * 16 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link AND 255 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link \ 256 Help_Wrap_Pos = Help_Txt_Len 'pos to backtrack to when wrapping content Help_Pos = Help_Pos + 1: _CONTINUE END IF IF Help_Pos > Help_ww THEN IF Help_Wrap_Pos THEN 'attempt to wrap 'backtrack, insert new line, continue b$ = MID$(Help_Txt$, Help_Wrap_Pos + 1, Help_Txt_Len - Help_Wrap_Pos) Help_Txt_Len = Help_Wrap_Pos Help_NewLine MID$(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len + 1, LEN(b$)) = b$: Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + LEN(b$) Help_Pos = Help_Pos + LEN(b$) \ 4 END IF END IF END IF Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = c Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = col + Help_BG_Col * 16 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link AND 255 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = link \ 256 Help_Pos = Help_Pos + 1 NEXT END SUB SUB Help_NewLine 'Start a new help line, apply indention (if any) IF Help_Pos > help_w THEN help_w = Help_Pos Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 13 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 128 + (Help_BG_Col * 16) Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 0 Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len + 1: ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) = 0 help_h = help_h + 1 Help_Line$ = Help_Line$ + MKL$(Help_Txt_Len + 1) Help_Wrap_Pos = 0 IF Help_Underline > 0 THEN w = Help_Pos Help_Pos = 1 IF Help_Underline = 2 THEN 'double/single line? Help_AddTxt STRING$(w - 1, 205), Help_Col_Section, 0 'ΝΝΝ ELSE Help_AddTxt STRING$(w - 1, 196), Help_Col_Section, 0 'ΔΔΔ END IF Help_Underline = 0 'keep before Help_NewLine (recursion) Help_NewLine END IF Help_Pos = 1 IF Help_ChkBlank = 0 THEN 'no indention on blank line checks IF Help_Center > 0 THEN 'center overrides regular indent Help_LIndent$ = "" Help_AddTxt SPACE$(ASC(Help_CIndent$, 1)), Help_Col, 0 Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) ELSEIF Help_LIndent$ <> "" THEN Help_AddTxt Help_LIndent$, 11, 0 END IF END IF END SUB SUB Help_CheckFinishLine 'Make sure the current help line is finished IF Help_Txt_Len >= 4 THEN IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 2) < 128 THEN Help_NewLine END IF END SUB SUB Help_CheckBlankLine 'Make sure the last help line is a blank line (implies finish current) IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 2) < 128 THEN Help_NewLine IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 6) < 128 THEN Help_NewLine END IF END SUB SUB Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine 'If the last help line is blank, then remove it IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 2) > 127 THEN Help_Txt_Len = Help_Txt_Len - 4 help_h = help_h - 1 Help_Line$ = LEFT$(Help_Line$, LEN(Help_Line$) - 4) END IF FOR i = Help_Txt_Len - 3 TO 1 STEP -4 IF ASC(Help_Txt$, i) <> 32 THEN Help_Txt_Len = i + 3: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 2) < 128 THEN Help_NewLine END IF END SUB FUNCTION Help_Col 'Helps to calculate the default color col = Help_Col_Normal IF Help_Italic THEN col = Help_Col_Italic IF Help_Bold THEN col = Help_Col_Bold 'Bold overrides Italic IF Help_Heading THEN col = Help_Col_Section 'Heading overrides text styles IF Help_LinkTxt THEN 'Link overrides all 'for better contrast use alternative color in (code)blocks IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN col = Help_Col_Link: ELSE col = Help_Col_Italic END IF Help_Col = col END FUNCTION SUB WikiParse (a$) 'Wiki page interpret 'Clear info help_h = 0: help_w = 0 Help_Line$ = "": Help_Txt$ = SPACE$(1000000): Help_Txt_Len = 0 Help_Link$ = "SECT:dummylink" + Help_Link_Sep$: Help_LinkN = 1 Help_Pos = 1: Help_Wrap_Pos = 0 Help_Line$ = MKL$(1) 'Word wrap locks (lock wrapping only, but continue parsing regularly) Help_LockWrap = 0 'Parser locks (neg: soft lock, zero: unlocked, pos: hard lock) 'hard: 2 = inside code blocks, 1 = inside output blocks 'soft: -1 = inside text blocks, -2 = inside pre or fixed blocks '=> all parser locks also imply a wrapping lock (except text (-1)) '=> hard: locks almost every parsing except UTF-8 substitution and line breaks '=> soft: allows all elements not disrupting the current block, hence only ' paragraph creating things are locked (eg. headings, lists, rulers etc.), ' but text styles, links and template processing is still possible Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: Help_LinkTxt = 0: Help_Heading = 0 Help_Underline = 0 Help_BG_Col = 0 Help_Center = 0: Help_CIndent$ = "" Help_DList = 0: Help_ChkBlank = 0 link = 0: elink = 0: ue = 0: uu = 0: cb = 0: nl = 1: hl = 0: ah = 0: dl = 0 col = Help_Col 'Syntax Notes: '============= 'everywhere in text '------------------ ' ''' => bold text style ' '' => italic text style ' [url text] => external link to url with text to appear (url ends at 1st found space) ' [[page]] => link to another wikipage ' [[page|text]] => link to another wikipage with alternative text to appear ' {{templatename|param|param|param}} or simply {{templatename}} => predefined styles '--------------------- 'at start of line only '--------------------- ' == or === => start a


section heading respectively ' ---- => create a horizontal ruler ' * or # => start a dot list item ' ** or ## => start a sub (ie. further indented) dot list item ' ;def:desc => create a full definition/description list (def = bold, desc indented underneath) ' :desc => start a description only (desc indented as in a full def/desc list) ' ;* def:desc => combined list, list dot always belongs to description ' :* desc => combined, description only 'First find and write the page title and last update d$ = "Page not yet updated, expect visual glitches.": i = INSTR(a$, "{{QBDLDATE:") IF i > 0 THEN d$ = "Last updated: " + MID$(a$, i + 11, INSTR(i + 11, a$, "}}") - i - 11) i = INSTR(a$, "{{QBDLTIME:") IF i > 0 THEN d$ = d$ + ", at " + MID$(a$, i + 11, INSTR(i + 11, a$, "}}") - i - 11) ELSEIF INSTR(a$, "{{PageInternalError}}") > 0 THEN d$ = "Page not found." END IF t$ = Help_PageLoaded$: i = INSTR(a$, "{{DISPLAYTITLE:") IF i > 0 THEN t$ = MID$(a$, i + 15, INSTR(i + 15, a$, "}}") - i - 15) IF LEFT$(t$, 4) = "agp@" THEN d$ = "Auto-generated temporary page." t$ = MID$(t$, 5) END IF i = LEN(d$): ii = LEN(t$) Help_AddTxt " Ϊ" + STRING$(ii + 2, "Δ") + "Ώ", 14, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt " ³ ", 14, 0: Help_AddTxt t$, 9, 0: Help_AddTxt " ³", 14, 0 i = Help_ww - i - 2 - Help_Pos: IF i < 2 THEN i = 2 Help_AddTxt SPACE$(i) + CHR$(4), 14, 0 IF LEFT$(d$, 4) = "Page" THEN i = 8: ELSE i = 7 Help_LockWrap = 1: Help_AddTxt " " + d$, i, 0: Help_NewLine: Help_LockWrap = 0 Help_AddTxt "ΔΔΑ" + STRING$(ii + 2, "Δ") + "Α" + STRING$(Help_ww - ii - 6, "Δ"), 14, 0: Help_NewLine 'Init prefetch array prefetch = 20 DIM c$(prefetch) FOR ii = 1 TO prefetch c$(ii) = SPACE$(ii) NEXT 'BEGIN_PARSE_LOOP n = LEN(a$) i = 1 DO WHILE i <= n 'Get next char and fill prefetch array c = ASC(a$, i): c$ = CHR$(c) FOR i1 = 1 TO prefetch ii = i FOR i2 = 1 TO i1 IF ii <= n THEN ASC(c$(i1), i2) = ASC(a$, ii) ELSE ASC(c$(i1), i2) = 32 END IF ii = ii + 1 NEXT NEXT 'Wiki specific code handling (no restrictions) s$ = "__NOEDITSECTION__" + CHR$(10): IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDoneKnl s$ = "__NOEDITSECTION__": IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDone s$ = "__NOTOC__" + CHR$(10): IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDoneKnl s$ = "__NOTOC__": IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDone s$ = "": IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDone s$ = "": IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDone s$ = ""): v$ = wla$: nl = 1 IF INSTR(MID$(a$, i, ii - i), "48px") = 0 OR INSTR(MID$(a$, i, ii - i), "nolines") = 0 THEN i = ii + LEN(wla$) 'ignore this gallery ELSE wla$ = StrRemove$(wla$, " "): wla$ = StrRemove$(wla$, CHR$(10)) wla$ = StrRemove$(wla$, "File:Apix.png") 'alpha pixels image (separator only) wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "|'''", "|*"): wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "'''", "'' / ") wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "File:Qb64.png|*", "'''QB64;''' ''") wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "File:Qbpe.png|*", "'''QB64-PE;''' ''") wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "File:Win.png|*", "'''Windows;''' ''") wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "File:Lnx.png|*", "'''Linux;''' ''") wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "File:Osx.png|*", "'''macOS;''' ''") IF INSTR(wla$, ":") > 0 THEN i = ii + LEN(v$) 'although gallery parameters match, at least EXIT FOR ' 'one image does not, so ignore this gallery END IF wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, ";", ":") wla$ = StrReplace$(wla$, "''all''", "''all versions''") wla$ = "* " + LEFT$(wla$, LEN(wla$) - 3) + CHR$(10) a$ = LEFT$(a$, ii) + wla$ + MID$(a$, ii + LEN(v$) + 1) n = LEN(a$): i = ii END IF EXIT FOR END IF NEXT GOTO charDoneKnl 'keep nl state for next wiki token END IF s$ = "" + CHR$(10): IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDoneKnl s$ = "": IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDone 'Direct HTML code is not handled in Code/Output blocks (hard lock), as all text 'could be part of the code example itself (just imagine a HTML parser/writer demo) IF Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN s$ = "": IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN Help_AddTxt "^", col, 0: i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDone s$ = "": IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1: GOTO charDone s$ = "
" 'centered section IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1 wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 1, "
") IF INSTR(wla$, "#toc") > 0 OR INSTR(wla$, "#top") > 0 OR INSTR(wla$, "to Top") > 0 THEN i = i + LEN(wla$) + 9 'ignore TOC/TOP links ELSE Help_Center = 1: Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$) Help_AddTxt SPACE$(ASC(Help_CIndent$, 1)), col, 0 'center content Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) END IF GOTO charDone END IF s$ = "" IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1 Help_Center = 0 Help_NewLine GOTO charDone END IF s$ = "

" THEN wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, ii + 1, "

") IF INSTR(wla$, "#toc") > 0 OR INSTR(wla$, "#top") > 0 OR INSTR(wla$, "to Top") > 0 THEN i = ii + LEN(wla$) + 4 'ignore TOC/TOP links ELSEIF INSTR(MID$(a$, i, ii - i), "center") > 0 THEN Help_Center = 1: Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$) Help_AddTxt SPACE$(ASC(Help_CIndent$, 1)), col, 0 'center (if in style) Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) i = ii END IF EXIT FOR END IF NEXT GOTO charDone END IF s$ = "

" IF c$(LEN(s$)) = s$ THEN i = i + LEN(s$) - 1 Help_Center = 0 Help_NewLine GOTO charDone END IF s$ = " 0 THEN etext$ = MID$(elink$, i2 + 1) 'text part elcol$ = MID$(elcol$, i2 + 1) 'text color part elink$ = LEFT$(elink$, i2 - 1) 'link part END IF Help_LinkN = Help_LinkN + 1 Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "EXTL:" + elink$ + Help_Link_Sep$ FOR j = 1 TO LEN(etext$) Help_AddTxt CHR$(ASC(etext$, j)), ASC(elcol$, j), Help_LinkN NEXT GOTO charDone END IF GOTO chkEntUtf END IF 'Internal links IF c$(2) = "[[" AND link = 0 THEN i = i + 1 link = 1: link$ = "": lcol$ = "" Help_LinkTxt = 1: col = Help_Col GOTO charDone END IF END IF 'However, the internal link logic must run always, as it also handles 'the template {{Cb| and {{Cl| links used in text/code blocks IF link = 1 THEN IF c$(2) = "]]" OR c$(2) = "}}" THEN i = i + 1 link = 0: Help_LinkTxt = 0: col = Help_Col text$ = link$ i2 = INSTR(link$, "|") 'pipe link? IF i2 > 0 THEN text$ = MID$(link$, i2 + 1) 'text part lcol$ = MID$(lcol$, i2 + 1) 'text color part link$ = LEFT$(link$, i2 - 1) 'link part END IF i2 = INSTR(link$, "#") 'local link? IF i2 > 0 THEN IF text$ = link$ THEN 'no alternate text for local link? text$ = MID$(link$, i2 + 1) 'use anchor part lcol$ = MID$(lcol$, i2 + 1) 'and respective color part END IF IF LEFT$(link$, 1) = "#" THEN link$ = Help_PageLoaded$ + link$ 'add current page if missing END IF IF LEFT$(link$, 9) = "Category:" THEN 'ignore category links Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine GOTO charDone END IF Help_LinkN = Help_LinkN + 1 IF LEFT$(link$, 10) = "Wikipedia:" THEN 'expand Wikipedia as external links Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "EXTL:" + MID$(link$, 11) + Help_Link_Sep$ ELSE ' 'else as internal help page link Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "PAGE:" + link$ + Help_Link_Sep$ END IF FOR j = 1 TO LEN(text$) Help_AddTxt CHR$(ASC(text$, j)), ASC(lcol$, j), Help_LinkN NEXT GOTO charDone END IF GOTO chkEntUtf END IF 'Wiki tables ({|...|}) are not handled in Code/Output blocks (hard lock), 'as everything could be part of the code example itself IF Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN 'Tables (ignored, give info, if not in blocks) IF c$(2) = "{|" THEN wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 2, "|}"): iii = 0 FOR ii = 1 TO LEN(wla$) IF MID$(wla$, ii, 1) = "|" AND MID$(wla$, ii, 2) <> "|-" THEN iii = iii + 1 NEXT i = i + 1 + LEN(wla$) + 2 IF iii > 1 OR INSTR(wla$, "__TOC__") = 0 THEN 'ignore TOC only tables IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN Help_LinkN = Help_LinkN + 1 Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "EXTL:" + wikiBaseAddress$ + "/index.php?title=" + Help_PageLoaded$ + Help_Link_Sep$ Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 40) \ 2) + "ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ»", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 40) \ 2) + "Ί", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt " The original page has a table here, ", 15, Help_LinkN: Help_AddTxt "Ί", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 40) \ 2) + "Ί", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt " please click inside this box to load ", 15, Help_LinkN: Help_AddTxt "Ί", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 40) \ 2) + "Ί", 8, 0: Help_AddTxt " the page into your standard browser. ", 15, Help_LinkN: Help_AddTxt "Ί", 8, 0: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt SPACE$((Help_ww - 40) \ 2) + "ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ", 8, 0 END IF END IF GOTO charDone END IF END IF 'Wiki templates are handled always, as these are the basic building blocks of all 'the wiki pages, but look for special conditions inside (Help_LockParse checks) IF c$(5) = "{{Cb|" OR c$(5) = "{{Cl|" THEN 'just nice wrapped links i = i + 4 link = 1: link$ = "": lcol$ = "" Help_LinkTxt = 1: col = Help_Col GOTO charDone END IF IF c$(2) = "{{" THEN 'any other templates i = i + 1 cb = 1 cb$ = "" GOTO charDone END IF IF cb > 0 THEN IF c$ = "|" OR c$(2) = "}}" THEN IF c$ = "|" AND cb = 2 THEN wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 1, "}}") cb = 0: i = i + LEN(wla$) + 2 'after 1st, ignore all further template parameters ELSEIF c$(2) = "}}" THEN IF cb$ = "Parameter" THEN Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col ELSEIF LCASE$(LEFT$(cb$, 5)) = "small" THEN IF ASC(cb$, 6) = 196 THEN Help_AddTxt " " + STRING$(Help_ww - Help_Pos, 196), 15, 0 Help_BG_Col = 0: col = Help_Col ELSE Help_Center = 0 END IF Help_NewLine: cb$ = "" 'avoid reactivation below END IF cb = 0: i = i + 1 END IF IF c$ = "|" AND cb = 1 THEN cb = 2 IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'no section headings in blocks cbo$ = "" 'Standard section headings (section color, double underline) IF cb$ = "PageSyntax" THEN cbo$ = "Syntax:" IF cb$ = "PageParameters" THEN cbo$ = "Parameters:" IF cb$ = "PageDescription" THEN cbo$ = "Description:" IF cb$ = "PageAvailability" THEN cbo$ = "Availability:" IF cb$ = "PageExamples" THEN cbo$ = "Examples:" IF cb$ = "PageSeeAlso" THEN cbo$ = "See also:" 'Internally used templates (not available in Wiki) IF cb$ = "PageInternalError" THEN cbo$ = "Sorry, an error occurred:" '---------- IF cbo$ <> "" THEN IF RIGHT$(cbo$, 1) = ":" THEN Help_Underline = 2: ELSE Help_Underline = 1 Help_AddTxt cbo$, Help_Col_Section, 1: ah = 2 END IF END IF 'Code Block IF cb$ = "InlineCode" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col Help_BG_Col = 1: Help_LockParse = 2 END IF IF cb$ = "InlineCodeEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF IF cb$ = "CodeStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN Help_CheckBlankLine Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col Help_BG_Col = 1: Help_LockParse = 2 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 15, 196) + " Code Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine IF c$(3) = "}}" + CHR$(10) THEN i = i + 1 END IF IF cb$ = "CodeEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF 'Output Block IF LEFT$(cb$, 11) = "OutputStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'does also match new OutputStartBGn templates Help_CheckBlankLine Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col Help_BG_Col = 2: Help_LockParse = 1 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 17, 196) + " Output Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine IF c$(3) = "}}" + CHR$(10) THEN i = i + 1 END IF IF cb$ = "OutputEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine Help_AddTxt STRING$((Help_ww - 54) \ 2, 196), 15, 0 Help_AddTxt " This block does not reflect the actual output colors ", 15, 0 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - Help_Pos + 1, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF 'Pre Block IF cb$ = "PreStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col Help_LIndent$ = " ": Help_LockParse = -2 Help_NewLine IF c$(3) = "}}" + CHR$(10) THEN i = i + 1 END IF IF cb$ = "PreEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN Help_LIndent$ = "" Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF 'Text Block IF cb$ = "TextStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN Help_CheckBlankLine Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col Help_BG_Col = 6: Help_LockParse = -1 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 15, 196) + " Text Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine IF c$(3) = "}}" + CHR$(10) THEN i = i + 1 END IF IF cb$ = "TextEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF 'Fixed Block IF cb$ = "FixedStart" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN Help_CheckBlankLine Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col Help_BG_Col = 6: Help_LockParse = -2 Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww - 16, 196) + " Fixed Block " + STRING$(3, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine IF c$(3) = "}}" + CHR$(10) THEN i = i + 1 END IF IF cb$ = "FixedEnd" AND Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_CheckRemoveBlankLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 15, 0: Help_NewLine Help_BG_Col = 0: Help_LockParse = 0 Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col END IF 'Template wrapped plugin IF RIGHT$(cb$, 6) = "Plugin" AND Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'no plugins in blocks pit$ = Wiki$("Template:" + cb$) IF INSTR(pit$, "{{PageInternalError}}") = 0 THEN a$ = LEFT$(a$, i) + pit$ + RIGHT$(a$, LEN(a$) - i) n = n + LEN(pit$) END IF END IF 'Parameter template text will be italic IF c$ = "|" AND cb$ = "Parameter" AND Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN 'keep as is in Code/Output blocks Help_Italic = 1: col = Help_Col END IF 'Small template text will be centered (maybe as block note) IF LCASE$(cb$) = "small" AND Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN 'keep as is in Code/Output blocks wla$ = wikiLookAhead$(a$, i + 1, "}}") Help_CIndent$ = wikiBuildCIndent$(wla$): iii = 0 IF i > 31 AND ASC(Help_CIndent$, 1) >= Help_ww / 4 THEN IF INSTR(MID$(a$, i - 30, 30), "{{CodeEnd}}") > 0 THEN iii = -1 IF INSTR(MID$(a$, i - 30, 30), "{{TextEnd}}") > 0 THEN iii = -6 IF INSTR(MID$(a$, i - 31, 31), "{{FixedEnd}}") > 0 THEN iii = -6 END IF IF iii <> 0 THEN FOR ii = Help_Txt_Len - 3 TO 1 STEP -4 IF ASC(Help_Txt$, ii) = 32 AND iii < 0 THEN Help_Pos = Help_Pos - 1 ELSEIF ASC(Help_Txt$, ii + 1) > 127 AND iii < 0 THEN help_h = help_h - 1: Help_Line$ = LEFT$(Help_Line$, LEN(Help_Line$) - 4) ELSEIF ASC(Help_Txt$, ii) = 196 AND iii < 0 THEN iii = -iii ELSEIF ASC(Help_Txt$, ii + 1) > 127 AND iii > 0 THEN Help_Txt_Len = ii + 3: EXIT FOR END IF NEXT Help_BG_Col = iii: cb$ = cb$ + CHR$(196) 'special signal byte Help_AddTxt STRING$(ASC(Help_CIndent$, 1) - 1, 196) + " ", 15, 0 col = 15 'further text color until closing ELSE Help_Center = 1: cb$ = cb$ + CHR$(0) 'no special signal Help_AddTxt SPACE$(ASC(Help_CIndent$, 1)), col, 0 'center content END IF Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) END IF GOTO charDone END IF IF cb = 1 THEN cb$ = cb$ + c$ 'reading template name IF cb = 2 GOTO chkEntUtf 'copy text with proper Entity/UTF-8 substitution GOTO charDone END IF 'Wiki headings (==...==}) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would 'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'Custom section headings (section color, h3 single underline, h2 double underline) ii = 0 IF c$(4) = " ===" AND Help_Heading = 3 THEN ii = 3: Help_Heading = 0: hl = 0: ah = 2 IF c$(3) = "===" AND Help_Heading = 3 THEN ii = 2: Help_Heading = 0: hl = 0: ah = 2 IF c$(3) = "===" AND nl = 1 THEN ii = 2: Help_CheckBlankLine: Help_Heading = 3: hl = 1 IF c$(4) = "=== " AND nl = 1 THEN ii = 3: Help_CheckBlankLine: Help_Heading = 3: hl = 1 IF ii > 0 THEN i = i + ii: col = Help_Col: Help_Underline = 1: GOTO charDone ii = 0 IF c$(3) = " ==" AND Help_Heading = 2 THEN ii = 2: Help_Heading = 0: hl = 0: ah = 2 IF c$(2) = "==" AND Help_Heading = 2 THEN ii = 1: Help_Heading = 0: hl = 0: ah = 2 IF c$(2) = "==" AND nl = 1 THEN ii = 1: Help_CheckBlankLine: Help_Heading = 2: hl = 1 IF c$(3) = "== " AND nl = 1 THEN ii = 2: Help_CheckBlankLine: Help_Heading = 2: hl = 1 IF ii > 0 THEN i = i + ii: col = Help_Col: Help_Underline = 2: GOTO charDone END IF 'Wiki/HTML rulers (----,
) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would 'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'Rulers IF c$(4) = "----" AND nl = 1 THEN i = i + 3 Help_CheckBlankLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 8, 0 Help_ChkBlank = 1 GOTO charDone END IF IF c$(4) = "
" OR c$(6) = "
" THEN IF c$(4) = "
" THEN i = i + 3 IF c$(6) = "
" THEN i = i + 5 Help_CheckBlankLine Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 8, 0 Help_ChkBlank = 1 GOTO charDone END IF END IF 'Wiki definition lists (;...:...) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would 'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'Definition lists IF c$ = ";" AND nl = 1 THEN 'definition (new line only) IF c$(2) = "; " THEN i = i + 1 IF ah = 0 AND dl = 0 THEN Help_CheckBlankLine Help_Bold = 1: col = Help_Col: Help_DList = 1 IF c$(3) = ";* " OR c$(3) = ";# " THEN i = i + 2: Help_DList = 3 'list dot belongs to description IF c$(2) = ";*" OR c$(2) = ";#" THEN i = i + 1: Help_DList = 2 'list dot belongs to description IF dl < 3 THEN Help_AddTxt "ή ", 11, 0: dl = 1 Help_LIndent$ = Help_LIndent$ + "ή " END IF GOTO charDone END IF IF c$ = ":" AND Help_DList > 0 THEN 'description (same line) IF c$(2) = ": " THEN i = i + 1 Help_Bold = 0: col = Help_Col: Help_NewLine Help_AddTxt " ", 11, 0: dl = 3 Help_LIndent$ = Help_LIndent$ + " " IF Help_DList > 1 THEN Help_AddTxt CHR$(4) + " ", 14, 0 Help_LIndent$ = Help_LIndent$ + " " END IF Help_DList = 0 GOTO charDone END IF IF c$ = ":" AND nl = 1 THEN 'description w/o definition (new line) IF c$(2) = ": " THEN i = i + 1 IF ah = 0 AND dl = 0 THEN Help_CheckBlankLine IF dl < 3 THEN Help_AddTxt "ή ", 11, 0: dl = 2 Help_LIndent$ = Help_LIndent$ + "ή " END IF IF ASC(c$(2), 2) <> 58 AND ASC(c$(2), 2) <> 59 THEN Help_AddTxt " ", 11, 0: dl = 3 Help_LIndent$ = Help_LIndent$ + " " END IF GOTO charDoneKnl 'keep nl state for possible
    list bullets END IF END IF 'Wiki lists (*, **) are not handled in blocks (soft- and hard lock), as it would 'disrupt the block, also in code blocks it could be part of the code example itself IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'Unordered/Ordered lists IF nl = 1 THEN IF c$(2) = "**" OR c$(2) = "##" THEN IF c$(3) = "** " OR c$(3) = "## " THEN i = i + 2: ELSE i = i + 1 Help_AddTxt " " + CHR$(4) + " ", 14, 0 Help_LIndent$ = Help_LIndent$ + " " GOTO charDone END IF IF c$ = "*" OR c$ = "#" THEN IF c$(2) = "* " OR c$(2) = "# " THEN i = i + 1 Help_AddTxt CHR$(4) + " ", 14, 0 Help_LIndent$ = Help_LIndent$ + " " GOTO charDone END IF END IF END IF 'Entities are not handled in Code/Output blocks (hard lock), as all text could 'be part of the code example itself (just imagine a HTML parser/writer demo) chkEntUtf: ocol = col 'save original current color for later reset IF Help_LockParse <= 0 THEN IF c$ = "&" THEN 'possible entity FOR ii = 0 TO wpEntReplCnt ent$ = RTRIM$(wpEntRepl(ii).enti) IF c$(LEN(ent$)) = ent$ THEN c$ = RTRIM$(wpEntRepl(ii).repl) i = i + LEN(ent$) - 1: GOTO charAccum END IF NEXT IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN 'take as is in other blocks (skip unknown check) ii = INSTR(c$(8), ";"): iii = INSTR(c$(8), " ") 'unknown entity? IF ii > 2 AND (iii = 0 OR iii > ii) THEN c$ = c$(ii): col = 8: ue = -1 i = i + ii - 1: GOTO charAccum END IF END IF END IF END IF 'UTF-8 handling (no restrictions) IF ((c AND &HE0~%%) = 192) AND ((ASC(c$(2), 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '2-byte UTF-8 i = i + 1 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(2) + MKI$(&H2020) THEN c$ = RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl): GOTO charAccum END IF NEXT c$ = CHR$(168): col = 8: uu = -1: GOTO charAccum END IF IF ((c AND &HF0~%%) = 224) AND ((ASC(c$(2), 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(c$(3), 3) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '3-byte UTF-8 i = i + 2 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(3) + CHR$(0) THEN c$ = RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl): GOTO charAccum END IF NEXT c$ = CHR$(168): col = 8: uu = -1: GOTO charAccum END IF IF ((c AND &HF8~%%) = 240) AND ((ASC(c$(2), 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(c$(3), 3) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(c$(4), 4) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '4-byte UTF-8 i = i + 3 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = c$(4) THEN c$ = RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl): GOTO charAccum END IF NEXT c$ = CHR$(168): col = 8: uu = -1: GOTO charAccum END IF 'Line break handling (no restrictions) IF c = 10 OR c$(4) = "
    " OR c$(6) = "
    " THEN IF c$(4) = "
    " THEN i = i + 3 IF c$(6) = "
    " THEN i = i + 5 IF c = 10 THEN 'on real new line only IF dl > 1 THEN dl = dl - 1 'update def list state IF Help_LockParse = 0 THEN Help_LIndent$ = "" 'end indention outside blocks END IF IF Help_LockParse > -2 THEN 'everywhere except in fixed blocks IF Help_Txt_Len >= 8 THEN 'allow max. one blank line (ie. collapse multi blanks to just one) IF ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 2) > 127 AND ASC(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len - 6) > 127 THEN IF Help_Center > 0 THEN Help_CIndent$ = MID$(Help_CIndent$, 2) 'drop respective center indent GOTO skipMultiBlanks END IF END IF END IF Help_NewLine skipMultiBlanks: IF Help_LockParse <> 0 THEN 'in all blocks reset styles at EOL Help_Bold = 0: Help_Italic = 0: col = Help_Col ELSE IF c = 10 THEN 'on real new line only Help_DList = 0: Help_Bold = 0: col = Help_Col 'def list incl. style ends IF ah > 0 THEN ah = ah - 1 'update after heading state IF dl > 0 THEN IF ASC(c$(2), 2) <> 59 AND ASC(c$(2), 2) <> 58 THEN dl = 0 'end of def list indention Help_ChkBlank = 1 END IF END IF END IF END IF nl = 1 GOTO charDoneKnl 'keep just set nl state END IF charAccum: 'accumulate char(s) in the correct channel IF elink = 1 THEN elink$ = elink$ + c$ FOR j = 1 TO LEN(c$): elcol$ = elcol$ + CHR$(col): NEXT ELSEIF link = 1 THEN link$ = link$ + c$ FOR j = 1 TO LEN(c$): lcol$ = lcol$ + CHR$(col): NEXT ELSE Help_AddTxt c$, col, hl END IF col = ocol 'reset signal color (Entity/UTF-8 check) to original current color charDone: nl = 0 charDoneKnl: 'done, but keep nl state i = i + 1 LOOP 'END_PARSE_LOOP 'Write and rearrange missing Entity & UTF-8 warnings (if any) IF ue OR uu THEN Help_LinkN = Help_LinkN + 1 Help_Link$ = Help_Link$ + "EXTL:" + Help_Link_Sep$ stp = CVL(RIGHT$(Help_Line$, 4)) Help_AddTxt STRING$(Help_ww, 196), 14, 0: Help_NewLine itp = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, 13, 4)): dtl = CVL(RIGHT$(Help_Line$, 4)) - stp txt$ = MID$(Help_Txt$, stp, dtl) + MID$(Help_Txt$, itp, stp - itp): MID$(Help_Txt$, itp, LEN(txt$)) = txt$ Help_Line$ = LEFT$(Help_Line$, 12) + MKL$(itp) + MID$(Help_Line$, 13, LEN(Help_Line$) - 16) FOR i = 17 TO LEN(Help_Line$) STEP 4: MID$(Help_Line$, i, 4) = MKL$(CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, i, 4)) + dtl): NEXT IF uu THEN stp = CVL(RIGHT$(Help_Line$, 4)) Help_AddTxt "!>", 4, 0 Help_AddTxt " Page uses ", Help_Col_Normal, 0 Help_AddTxt "unknown UTF-8 characters", 8, 0 Help_AddTxt ", please report it in the ", Help_Col_Normal, 0 Help_AddTxt "Wiki Forum.", Help_Col_Link, Help_LinkN: Help_NewLine itp = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, 13, 4)): dtl = CVL(RIGHT$(Help_Line$, 4)) - stp txt$ = MID$(Help_Txt$, stp, dtl) + MID$(Help_Txt$, itp, stp - itp): MID$(Help_Txt$, itp, LEN(txt$)) = txt$ Help_Line$ = LEFT$(Help_Line$, 12) + MKL$(itp) + MID$(Help_Line$, 13, LEN(Help_Line$) - 16) FOR i = 17 TO LEN(Help_Line$) STEP 4: MID$(Help_Line$, i, 4) = MKL$(CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, i, 4)) + dtl): NEXT END IF IF ue THEN stp = CVL(RIGHT$(Help_Line$, 4)) Help_AddTxt "!>", 4, 0 Help_AddTxt " Page uses ", Help_Col_Normal, 0 Help_AddTxt "unknown HTML entities", 8, 0 Help_AddTxt ", please report it in the ", Help_Col_Normal, 0 Help_AddTxt "Wiki Forum.", Help_Col_Link, Help_LinkN: Help_NewLine itp = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, 13, 4)): dtl = CVL(RIGHT$(Help_Line$, 4)) - stp txt$ = MID$(Help_Txt$, stp, dtl) + MID$(Help_Txt$, itp, stp - itp): MID$(Help_Txt$, itp, LEN(txt$)) = txt$ Help_Line$ = LEFT$(Help_Line$, 12) + MKL$(itp) + MID$(Help_Line$, 13, LEN(Help_Line$) - 16) FOR i = 17 TO LEN(Help_Line$) STEP 4: MID$(Help_Line$, i, 4) = MKL$(CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, i, 4)) + dtl): NEXT END IF END IF 'Finish and Trim Help_Txt$ Help_CheckFinishLine: Help_Txt$ = LEFT$(Help_Txt$, Help_Txt_Len) IF Help_PageLoaded$ = "Keyword Reference - Alphabetical" THEN fh = FREEFILE OPEN "internal\help\links.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #fh a$ = SPACE$(1000) FOR cy = 1 TO help_h 'isolate and REVERSE select link l = CVL(MID$(Help_Line$, (cy - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)) x = l x2 = 1 c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) oldlnk = 0 lnkx1 = 0: lnkx2 = 0 DO UNTIL ASC(Help_Txt$, x + 1) > 127 ASC(a$, x2) = c lnk = CVI(MID$(Help_Txt$, x + 2, 2)) IF oldlnk = 0 AND lnk <> 0 THEN lnkx1 = x2 IF (lnk = 0 OR ASC(Help_Txt$, x + 5) > 127) AND lnkx1 <> 0 THEN lnkx2 = x2: IF lnk = 0 THEN lnkx2 = lnkx2 - 1 IF lnkx1 <> 3 THEN GOTO ignorelink IF ASC(a$, 1) <> 4 THEN GOTO ignorelink 'retrieve lnk info lnk2 = lnk: IF lnk2 = 0 THEN lnk2 = oldlnk l1 = 1 FOR lx = 1 TO lnk2 - 1 l1 = INSTR(l1, Help_Link$, Help_Link_Sep$) + 1 NEXT l2 = INSTR(l1, Help_Link$, Help_Link_Sep$) - 1 l$ = MID$(Help_Link$, l1, l2 - l1 + 1) 'assume PAGE l$ = RIGHT$(l$, LEN(l$) - 5) a2$ = MID$(a$, lnkx1, lnkx2 - lnkx1 + 1) IF INSTR(a2$, "(") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "(") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, " ") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, " ") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, "...") THEN a3$ = RIGHT$(a2$, LEN(a2$) - INSTR(a2$, "...") - 2) skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a3$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a3$) ca = ASC(a3$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 THEN PRINT #fh, a3$ + "," + l$ a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "...") - 1) END IF skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a2$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a2$) ca = ASC(a2$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 THEN PRINT #fh, a2$ + "," + l$ oa2$ = a2$ a2$ = l$ IF INSTR(a2$, "(") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "(") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, " ") THEN a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, " ") - 1) IF INSTR(a2$, "...") THEN a3$ = RIGHT$(a2$, LEN(a2$) - INSTR(a2$, "...") - 2) skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a3$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a3$) ca = ASC(a3$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 THEN PRINT #fh, a3$ + "," + l$ a2$ = LEFT$(a2$, INSTR(a2$, "...") - 1) END IF skip = 0 IF UCASE$(LEFT$(a2$, 3)) <> "_GL" THEN FOR ci = 1 TO LEN(a2$) ca = ASC(a2$, ci) IF ca >= 97 AND ca <= 122 THEN skip = 1 IF ca = 44 THEN skip = 1 NEXT END IF IF skip = 0 AND a2$ <> oa2$ THEN PRINT #fh, a2$ + "," + l$ ignorelink: lnkx1 = 0: lnkx2 = 0 END IF x = x + 4: c = ASC(Help_Txt$, x) x2 = x2 + 1 oldlnk = lnk LOOP NEXT CLOSE #fh END IF END SUB FUNCTION wikiSafeName$ (page$) 'create a unique name for both case sensitive & insensitive systems ext$ = SPACE$(LEN(page$)) FOR i = 1 TO LEN(page$) c = ASC(page$, i) SELECT CASE c CASE 65 TO 90: ASC(ext$, i) = 49 'upper = 1 CASE 97 TO 122: ASC(ext$, i) = 48 'lower = 0 CASE ELSE: ASC(ext$, i) = c 'non-letter = take as is END SELECT NEXT wikiSafeName$ = page$ + "_" + ext$ END FUNCTION $UNSTABLE:HTTP FUNCTION wikiDLPage$ (url$, timeout!) '--- set default result & avoid side effects --- wikiDLPage$ = "" wik$ = url$: tio# = timeout! '--- request wiki page --- retry: ch& = _OPENCLIENT(wik$) IF Help_Recaching < 2 THEN 'avoid messages for 'qb64pe -u' (build time update) IF ch& = 0 AND LCASE$(LEFT$(wik$, 8)) = "https://" THEN IF _SHELLHIDE("curl --version >NUL") <> 0 THEN 'no external curl available (see notes below) IF _MESSAGEBOX("QB64-PE Help", "Can't make secure connection (https:) to Wiki, shall the IDE use unsecure (http:) instead?", "yesno", "warning" ) = 1 THEN IF _MESSAGEBOX("QB64-PE Help", "Do you wanna save your choice permanently for the future?", "yesno", "question" ) = 1 THEN wikiBaseAddress$ = "http://" + MID$(wikiBaseAddress$, 9) WriteConfigSetting generalSettingsSection$, "WikiBaseAddress", wikiBaseAddress$ END IF wik$ = "http://" + MID$(wik$, 9): GOTO retry END IF END IF END IF END IF IF ch& = 0 GOTO oneLastChance '--- read the response --- IF _STATUSCODE(ch&) = 200 THEN res$ = "": st# = TIMER(0.001) DO _DELAY 0.05 GET ch&, , rec$ IF LEN(rec$) > 0 THEN st# = TIMER(0.001) res$ = res$ + rec$ IF EOF(ch&) THEN wikiDLPage$ = res$: EXIT DO END IF IF st# + tio# >= 86400 THEN st# = st# - 86400 LOOP UNTIL TIMER(0.001) > st# + tio# END IF CLOSE ch& EXIT FUNCTION '--- try external curl --- oneLastChance: 'The external curl tool (if available), together with its local CA 'bundle is used as a silent fallback option. It's for people on old 'systems with outdated CA stores. They can use the unsecure http: 'choice given above for now, but who knows how long http: is still 'supported by web hosters with today's raising security concerns. 'Once it isn't supported anymore, those users can then simply drop 'the external curl & CA bundle into the qb64pe folder as done in 'former QB64-PE versions, to get secure access again. ' However, we shouldn't promote this too much in the release notes 'and instead only give that information to people who complain about 'not working Wiki downloads in the Forum/Discord. '--- check for curl --- IF _SHELLHIDE("curl --version >NUL") = 0 THEN '--- 1st restore https: protocol, if changed above --- IF LCASE$(LEFT$(wik$, 7)) = "http://" THEN wik$ = "https://" + MID$(wik$, 8) '--- issue curl request --- responseFile$ = Cache_Folder$ + "/curlResponse.txt" SHELL _HIDE "curl --silent -o " + CHR$(34) + responseFile$ + CHR$(34) + " " + CHR$(34) + wik$ + CHR$(34) '--- read the response --- fh = FREEFILE OPEN responseFile$ FOR BINARY AS #fh res$ = SPACE$(LOF(fh)) GET #fh, , res$ CLOSE #fh KILL responseFile$ '--- set result --- wikiDLPage$ = res$ END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION wikiLookAhead$ (a$, i, token$) 'Prefetch further wiki text wikiLookAhead$ = "": IF i >= LEN(a$) THEN EXIT FUNCTION j = INSTR(i, a$, token$) IF j = 0 THEN wikiLookAhead$ = MID$(a$, i) ELSE wikiLookAhead$ = MID$(a$, i, j - i) END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION wikiBuildCIndent$ (a$) 'Pre-calc center indentions wikiBuildCIndent$ = "": IF a$ = "" THEN EXIT FUNCTION org$ = a$: b$ = "" 'eliminate internal links FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "[[" THEN FOR ii = i + 2 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, ii, 1) = "|" THEN i = ii + 1: EXIT FOR IF MID$(org$, ii, 2) = "]]" THEN i = i + 2: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "]]" THEN i = i + 2 b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) NEXT org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate external links FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 5) = "[http" THEN FOR ii = i + 5 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, ii, 1) = " " THEN i = ii + 1: EXIT FOR IF MID$(org$, ii, 1) = "]" THEN i = i + 1: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF IF MID$(org$, i, 1) = "]" THEN i = i + 1 b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) NEXT org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate templates FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "{{" THEN FOR ii = i + 2 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, ii, 1) = "|" THEN i = ii + 1: EXIT FOR IF MID$(org$, ii, 2) = "}}" THEN i = i + 2: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF IF MID$(org$, i, 1) = "|" THEN FOR ii = i + 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, ii, 2) = "}}" THEN i = ii: EXIT FOR NEXT END IF IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "}}" THEN i = i + 2 b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) NEXT org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'eliminate text styles FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 3) = "'''" THEN i = i + 3 IF MID$(org$, i, 2) = "''" THEN i = i + 2 b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) NEXT org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'substitute Entities FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF MID$(org$, i, 1) = "&" THEN 'possible entity FOR ii = 0 TO wpEntReplCnt ent$ = RTRIM$(wpEntRepl(ii).enti) IF MID$(org$, i, LEN(ent$)) = ent$ THEN b$ = b$ + RTRIM$(wpEntRepl(ii).repl) i = i + LEN(ent$): GOTO charDoneEnt END IF NEXT END IF b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) charDoneEnt: NEXT org$ = b$: b$ = "" 'substitute UTF-8 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(org$) IF i + 1 <= LEN(org$) THEN IF ((ASC(org$, i) AND &HE0~%%) = 192) AND ((ASC(org$, i + 1) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '2-byte UTF-8 utf$ = MID$(org$, i, 2) + MKI$(&H2020): i = i + 2 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = utf$ THEN b$ = b$ + RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl): GOTO charDoneUtf END IF NEXT b$ = b$ + CHR$(168): GOTO charDoneUtf END IF END IF IF i + 2 <= LEN(org$) THEN IF ((ASC(org$, i) AND &HF0~%%) = 224) AND ((ASC(org$, i + 1) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(org$, i + 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '3-byte UTF-8 utf$ = MID$(org$, i, 3) + CHR$(0): i = i + 3 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = utf$ THEN b$ = b$ + RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl): GOTO charDoneUtf END IF NEXT b$ = b$ + CHR$(168): GOTO charDoneUtf END IF END IF IF i + 3 <= LEN(org$) THEN IF ((ASC(org$, i) AND &HF8~%%) = 240) AND ((ASC(org$, i + 1) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(org$, i + 2) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) AND ((ASC(org$, i + 3) AND &HC0~%%) = 128) THEN '4-byte UTF-8 utf$ = MID$(org$, i, 4): i = i + 4 FOR ii = 0 TO wpUtfReplCnt IF wpUtfRepl(ii).utf8 = utf$ THEN b$ = b$ + RTRIM$(wpUtfRepl(ii).repl): GOTO charDoneUtf END IF NEXT b$ = b$ + CHR$(168): GOTO charDoneUtf END IF END IF b$ = b$ + MID$(org$, i, 1) charDoneUtf: NEXT b$ = _TRIM$(b$) + CHR$(10) 'safety fallback i = 1: st = 1: br = 0: res$ = "" WHILE i <= LEN(b$) ws = INSTR(i, b$, " "): lb = INSTR(i, b$, CHR$(10)) IF lb > 0 AND (ws > lb OR lb - st <= Help_ww) THEN SWAP ws, lb IF ws > 0 AND ws - st <= Help_ww THEN br = ws: i = ws + 1 IF ASC(b$, ws) <> 10 AND i <= LEN(b$) THEN _CONTINUE END IF IF br = 0 THEN IF lb < ws THEN br = lb ELSE IF ws > 0 THEN br = ws: ELSE br = lb END IF END IF ci = (Help_ww - (br - st)) \ 2: IF ci < 0 THEN ci = 0 res$ = res$ + CHR$(ci) i = br + 1: st = br + 1: br = 0 WEND wikiBuildCIndent$ = res$ END FUNCTION