$Unstable:Http $Console:Only Option Base 0 Dim handles&(99) Dim Content$(LBound(handles&) To UBound(handles&)) For x = LBound(handles&) TO UBound(handles&) ' The math here "randomizes" the order of the handles in the array, while ' still keeping the result predictable. The numbers are picked so that ' every entry 0 to 99 still gets filled in. handles&((x * 3) Mod (UBound(handles&) + 1)) = _OpenClient("https://www.example.com") Next ' Read from all the connections in parallel Done& = 0 While Not Done& _LIMIT 100 Done& = -1 For x = LBound(handles&) To UBound(handles&) Get #handles&(x), , s$ content$(x) = content$(x) + s$ Done& = Done& And Eof(handles&(x)) Next Wend For x = LBound(handles&) TO UBound(handles&) Print "Handle:"; handles&(x); ", LOF:"; Lof(handles&(x)); ", Content length:"; Len(content$(x)); ", Status Code: "; _StatusCode(handles&(x)) Close #handles&(x) Next System