'--- This function simulates the open behavior of real files depending '--- on the file OPEN mode. That way the file OPEN calls are easily '--- replaceable by OpenBuffer%() calls without worry about the internal '--- differences of the buffer system compared to real files. '--- Respective CLOSE calls can be simply removed as buffers remain '--- always accessible until cleared/disposed. '----- '--- The file names given to this function should be just the same as '--- you would use to open a real file, i.e. inclusive full or relative '--- path as required. '--- Modes names can be short, only the first character is checked. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION OpenBuffer% (sbMode$, sbName$) '--- option _explicit requirements --- DIM buf%, nul& '--- buffer already existing? --- FOR buf% = 0 TO UBOUND(SBufN) IF SBufN(buf%) = sbName$ THEN EXIT FOR NEXT buf% '--- simulate file modes --- SELECT CASE UCASE$(LEFT$(sbMode$, 1)) CASE "A" 'append IF buf% > UBOUND(SBufN) THEN GOSUB newBuf nul& = SeekBuf&(buf%, 0, SBM_BufEnd) CASE "B" 'binary IF buf% > UBOUND(SBufN) THEN GOSUB newBuf nul& = SeekBuf&(buf%, 0, SBM_BufStart) CASE "I" 'input (try to load from file, if yet unkown) IF buf% > UBOUND(SBufN) THEN GOSUB loadBuf nul& = SeekBuf&(buf%, 0, SBM_BufStart) CASE "O" 'output IF buf% <= UBOUND(SBufN) THEN DisposeBuf buf%: SBufN(buf%) = "" GOSUB newBuf CASE ELSE 'random or unknown mode buf% = SBE_NoMoreBuffers 'not supported END SELECT OpenBuffer% = buf% EXIT FUNCTION '---------- newBuf: buf% = CreateBuf% IF buf% > UBOUND(SBufN) THEN REDIM _PRESERVE SBufN(0 TO buf% + 99) AS STRING 'extend by 100 buffers SBufN(buf%) = sbName$ RETURN '---------- loadBuf: buf% = FileToBuf%(sbName$) IF buf% > UBOUND(SBufN) THEN REDIM _PRESERVE SBufN(0 TO buf% + 99) AS STRING 'extend by 100 buffers SBufN(buf%) = sbName$ RETURN END FUNCTION '--- This subroutine will clear the given buffer or ALL buffers, if the '--- name argument is empty. '--- Clearing a buffer is the equivalent to KILLing a real file. '----- '--- To designate a single buffer to clear, use the same file name as '--- given at the respective OpenBuffer%() call. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB ClearBuffers (sbName$) '--- option _explicit requirements --- DIM buf% '--- clear/dispose buffer(s) --- IF sbName$ <> "" THEN FOR buf% = 0 TO UBOUND(SBufN) IF SBufN(buf%) = sbName$ THEN EXIT FOR 'buffer found NEXT buf% IF buf% > UBOUND(SBufN) THEN EXIT SUB 'buffer doesn't exist DisposeBuf buf%: SBufN(buf%) = "" ELSE FOR buf% = 0 TO UBOUND(SBufN) IF SBufN(buf%) <> "" THEN DisposeBuf buf%: SBufN(buf%) = "" NEXT buf% END IF END SUB '--- This subroutine will write the current contents of the given buffer '--- or ALL buffers, if the name argument is empty, into the respective '--- files on disk (using names as given by the OpenBuffer%() function) '--- The change state of the buffer(s) is checked first to avoid needless '--- disk writes. '----- '--- To designate a single buffer to write, use the same file name as '--- given at the respective OpenBuffer%() call. '--------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB WriteBuffers (sbName$) '--- option _explicit requirements --- DIM buf% '--- write buffer(s) --- IF sbName$ <> "" THEN FOR buf% = 0 TO UBOUND(SBufN) IF SBufN(buf%) = sbName$ THEN EXIT FOR 'buffer found NEXT buf% IF buf% > UBOUND(SBufN) THEN EXIT SUB 'buffer doesn't exist IF IsBufChanged%(buf%) THEN BufToFile buf%, SBufN(buf%) ELSE FOR buf% = 0 TO UBOUND(SBufN) IF SBufN(buf%) <> "" THEN IF IsBufChanged%(buf%) THEN BufToFile buf%, SBufN(buf%) END IF NEXT buf% END IF END SUB