{{DISPLAYTITLE:_COPYIMAGE}} The [[_COPYIMAGE]] function creates an identical designated image in memory with a different negative [[LONG]] handle value. {{PageSyntax}} : newhandle& = [[_COPYIMAGE]][({{Parameter|imageHandle&}}[, {{Parameter|mode%}})]] {{Parameters}} * The [[LONG]] ''newhandle&'' value returned will be different than the source handle value supplied. * If ''imageHandle&'' parameter is omitted or zero is designated, the current software [[_DEST|destination]] screen or image is copied. * If 1 is designated instead of an ''imageHandle&'', it designates the last OpenGL hardware surface to copy. * ''Mode'' 32 can be used to convert 256 color images to 32 bit colors. * ''Mode'' 33 images are hardware accelerated in '''version 1.000 and up''', and are created using [[_LOADIMAGE]] or [[_COPYIMAGE]]. {{PageDescription}} * The function copies any image or screen handle to a new and unique negative [[LONG]] handle value. * Valid copy handles are less than -1. Invalid handles return -1 or 0 if it was never created. * Every attribute of the passed image or program screen is copied to a new handle value in memory. * '''32 bit screen surface backgrounds (black) have zero [[_ALPHA]] so that they are transparent when placed over other surfaces.''' : Use [[CLS]] or [[_DONTBLEND]] to make a new surface background [[_ALPHA]] 255 or opaque. * '''Images are not deallocated when the [[SUB]] or [[FUNCTION]] they are created in ends. Free them with [[_FREEIMAGE]].''' * '''It is important to free discarded images with [[_FREEIMAGE]] to prevent PC memory allocation errors!''' * '''Do not try to free image handles currently being used as the active [[SCREEN]]. Change screen modes first.''' {{PageExamples}} ''Example:'' Restoring a Legacy SCREEN using the _COPYIMAGE return value. {{CodeStart}}'' '' {{Cl|SCREEN}} 13 {{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 100, 40 DO: {{Cl|SLEEP}}: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} <> "" 'backup screen before changing {{Cl|SCREEN}} mode oldmode& = {{Cl|_COPYIMAGE}}(0) 'the 0 value designates the current destination {{Cl|SCREEN}} s& = {{Cl|_NEWIMAGE}}(800, 600, 32) {{Cl|SCREEN}} s& {{Cl|LINE}} (100, 100)-(500, 500), {{Cl|_RGB}}(0, 255, 255), BF DO: {{Cl|SLEEP}}: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} <> "" {{Cl|SCREEN}} oldmode& 'restore original screen {{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} s& < -1 THEN {{Cl|_FREEIMAGE}} s& {{Cl|END}} '' '' {{CodeEnd}} : ''Note:'' Only free valid handle values with [[_FREEIMAGE]] AFTER a new [[SCREEN]] mode is being used by the program. ''Example 2:'' Program that copies desktop to a hardware image to form a 3D triangle ('''version 1.000 and up'''): {{CodeStart}} '' '' {{Cl|SCREEN}} {{Cl|_NEWIMAGE}}(640, 480, 32) my_hardware_handle = {{Cl|_COPYIMAGE}}({{Cl|_SCREENIMAGE}}, 33) 'take a screenshot and use it as our texture {{Cl|_MAPTRIANGLE}} (0, 0)-(500, 0)-(250, 500), my_hardware_handle TO_ (-1, 0, -1)-(1, 0, -1)-(0, 5, -10), , _SMOOTH {{Cl|_DISPLAY}} {{Cl|DO...LOOP|DO}}: {{Cl|_LIMIT}} 30: {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} <> "" '' '' {{CodeEnd}}{{small|Code courtesy of Galleon}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[_LOADIMAGE]], [[_NEWIMAGE]] * [[_PUTIMAGE]], [[_MAPTRIANGLE]] * [[_SOURCE]], [[_DEST]] * [[_FREEIMAGE]] * [[_FILELIST$ (function)]] {{text|(Demo of _COPYIMAGE)}} * [[_DISPLAYORDER]] * [[Hardware images]] {{PageNavigation}} <