Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/QB64-Phoenix-Edition/QB64pe.git synced 2024-07-26 15:35:53 +00:00
SMcNeill 6e01fc8dce Altered string compare routines (<,<=,>,>=) so they don't give false results with CHR$(0).
Added new _STRCMP and _STRICMP commands for quick string comparisons.
Cleaned up QB64 to finish removing the QUI (quick user insert) code and folders.
Altered UCASE and LCASE routines to be faster in some situations for us.
2014-09-22 08:19:03 -04:00

79 lines
3.6 KiB

The '''_FONT''' statement sets the current [[_LOADFONT]] function font handle to be used by [[PRINT]].
::: '''_FONT ''Font_handle'''''[, ''Image_handle&amp;'']
* {{Parameter|Font_handle}} is the handle retrieved from {{KW|_LOADFONT}} function, the {{KW|_FONT (function)|_FONT}} function, or a predefined handle.
* If the image handle is omitted the current image [[_DEST]]ination is used. Zero can designate the current program [[SCREEN]].
* Predefined '''QB64''' font handle numbers can be used before freeing a font:
**'''_FONT 8 ''' - default font for [[SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN]] 1, 2, 7, 8 or 13
**'''_FONT 14''' - default font for [[SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN]] 9 or 10
**'''_FONT 16''' - default font for [[SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN]] 0 ({{KW|WIDTH}} 80, 25 text only), 11 or 12
**'''_FONT 9, 15''' and '''17''' are the double width versions of 8, 14 and 16 respectively in text '''SCREEN 0 only'''.
* {{KW|Unicode}} characters can be assigned to a monospace font that contains those unicode characters using the {{KW|_MAPUNICODE}} TO {{KW|ASCII}} mapping statement. The optional '''IME cyberbit.ttf''' font included with QB64 can also be used.
* Can alpha blend a font with a background screen created by {{KW|_NEWIMAGE}} in 32 bit color.
* '''Check for valid handle values greater than 0 before using or freeing font handles!'''
* Free '''unused''' font handles with {{KW|_FREEFONT}}. Freeing invalid handles will create an [[ERROR Codes|&quot;illegal function call&quot;]] error!
* '''NOTE: SCREEN 0 can only use ONE font type and style per viewed SCREEN page! Font size may also affect the window size.'''
''Example:'' Previewing a font in SCREEN 0. A different true type font can be substituted.
fontpath$ = {{Cl|ENVIRON$}}(&quot;SYSTEMROOT&quot;) + &quot;\fonts\lucon.ttf&quot; 'Find Windows Folder Path.
{{Cl|DO}}: {{Cl|CLS}}
style$ = &quot;MONOSPACE&quot;
{{Cl|INPUT}} &quot;Enter A FONT Size 8 {{Cl|TO}} 25: &quot;, fontsize%
{{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} fontsize% &gt; 7 and fontsize% &lt; 26
{{Cl|INPUT}} &quot;Enter (0) for REGULAR {{Cl|OR}} (1) for ITALIC FONT: &quot;, italic%
{{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} italic% = 0 or italic% = 1
{{Cl|INPUT}} &quot;Enter (0) for REGULAR {{Cl|OR}} (1) for BOLD FONT: &quot;, bold%
{{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} italic% = 0 or italic% = 1
{{Cl|IF}} italic% = 1 {{Cl|THEN}} style$ = style$ + &quot;, ITALIC&quot;
{{Cl|IF}} bold% = 1 then style$ = style$ + &quot;, BOLD&quot;
{{Cl|GOSUB}} ClearFont
font&amp; = {{Cl|_LOADFONT}}(fontpath$, fontsize%, style$)
{{Cl|_FONT|_FONT }}font&amp;
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;This is your LUCON font! Want to try another STYLE?(Y/N): &quot;;
{{Cl|DO}}: {{Cl|SLEEP}}: K$ = {{Cl|UCASE$}}({{Cl|INKEY$}}): {{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} K$ = &quot;Y&quot; {{Cl|OR}} K$ = &quot;N&quot;
{{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} K$ = &quot;N&quot;
{{Cl|GOSUB}} ClearFont
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;This is the QB64 default {{Cl|_FONT|_FONT }}16!&quot;
{{Cl|IF}} font&amp; &gt; 0 {{Cl|THEN}}
{{Cl|_FONT|_FONT }}16 'select inbuilt 8x16 default font
{{Cl|_FREEFONT}} font&amp;
{{Cl|END IF}}
'''NOTE:''' [[ENVIRON$]](&quot;SYSTEMROOT&quot;) returns a string value of: &quot;C:\WINDOWS&quot;. Add the &quot;\FONTS\&quot; folder and the '''.TTF''' font file name.
* [[_FONT (function)]]
* [[Unicode]], [[_MAPUNICODE]]
* [[Windows_Libraries#Font_Dialog_Box|Windows Font Dialog Box]]