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mirror of https://github.com/QB64-Phoenix-Edition/QB64pe.git synced 2024-07-26 16:45:53 +00:00
SMcNeill 6e01fc8dce Altered string compare routines (<,<=,>,>=) so they don't give false results with CHR$(0).
Added new _STRCMP and _STRICMP commands for quick string comparisons.
Cleaned up QB64 to finish removing the QUI (quick user insert) code and folders.
Altered UCASE and LCASE routines to be faster in some situations for us.
2014-09-22 08:19:03 -04:00

85 lines
4.6 KiB

The {{KW|_SCREENPRINT}} statement simulates typing text into a Windows program using the keyboard.
:&lt;code&gt;{{KW|_SCREENPRINT}} {{Parameter|text$}}&lt;/code&gt;
* [[Keywords_currently_not_supported_by_QB64#Keywords_Not_Supported_in_Linux_or_MAC_OSX_versions|Keyword Not Supported in Linux or MAC versions]]
* {{Parameter|text$}} is the text to be typed into a &quot;focused&quot; program's text entry area one character at a time.
* Set the &quot;focus&quot; to a desktop program by using the [[_SCREENIMAGE]] handle as the [[_SOURCE]]. Use the image to map the area.
* [[_SCREENCLICK]] can also be used to set the focus to a program's text entry area on the desktop.
*'''Note: If the focus is not set correctly, the text may be printed to the QB64 IDE or not printed at all!'''
* Program Ctrl + letter key shortcuts can be simulated using the appropriate [[ASCII]] Control character codes 1 to 26 shown below:
{{WhiteStart}} CTRL + A = CHR$(1) ☺ StartHeader (SOH) CTRL + B = CHR$(2) ☻ StartText (STX)
CTRL + C = CHR$(3) ♥ EndText (ETX) CTRL + D = CHR$(4) ♦ EndOfTransmit (EOT)
CTRL + E = CHR$(5) ♣ Enquiry (ENQ) CTRL + F = CHR$(6) ♠ Acknowledge (ACK)
CTRL + G = CHR$(7) • [[BEEP]] (BEL) CTRL + H = CHR$(8) ◘ [Backspace] (BS)
CTRL + I = CHR$(9) ○ Horiz.Tab [Tab] CTRL + J = CHR$(10) ◙ LineFeed(printer) (LF)
CTRL + K = CHR$(11) ♂ Vert. Tab (VT) CTRL + L = CHR$(12) ♀ FormFeed(printer) (FF)
CTRL + M = CHR$(13) ♪ [Enter] (CR) CTRL + N = CHR$(14) ♫ ShiftOut (SO)
CTRL + O = CHR$(15) ☼ ShiftIn (SI) CTRL + P = CHR$(16) ► DataLinkEscape (DLE)
CTRL + Q = CHR$(17) ◄ DevControl1 (DC1) CTRL + R = CHR$(18) ↕ DeviceControl2 (DC2)
CTRL + S = CHR$(19) ‼ DevControl3 (DC3) CTRL + T = CHR$(20) ¶ DeviceControl4 (DC4)
CTRL + U = CHR$(21) § NegativeACK (NAK) CTRL + V = CHR$(22) ▬ Synchronous Idle (SYN)
CTRL + W = CHR$(23) ↨ EndTXBlock (ETB) CTRL + X = CHR$(24) ↑ Cancel (CAN)
CTRL + Y = CHR$(25) ↓ EndMedium (EM) CTRL + Z = CHR$(26) → End Of File(SUB) (EOF)
''Example:'' Printing text into a Windows text editor (Notepad) and copying to the clipboard. MAY NOT WORK ON ALL SYSTEMS!
{{CodeStart}} '' ''
{{Cl|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} {{Cl|_NEWIMAGE}}(640, 480, 32)
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;OPENing and MAXIMIZING Notepad in 5 seconds...&quot;; : {{Cl|_DELAY}} 5
{{Cl|SHELL}} {{Cl|_DONTWAIT}} &quot;START /MAX NotePad.exe&quot; 'opens Notepad file &quot;untitled.txt&quot;
'detect notepad open and maximized
'condition: 80% or more of the screen is white
{{Cl|DO}} 'read the desktop screen image for maximized window
{{Cl|_SOURCE}} s
z = 0
{{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} y = 0 {{Cl|TO}} {{Cl|_HEIGHT}}(s) - 1 'scan for large white area
{{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} x = 0 {{Cl|TO}} _{{Cl|WIDTH}}(s) - 1
c = {{Cl|POINT}}(x, y)
{{Cl|IF}} c = {{Cl|_RGB32}}(255, 255, 255) {{Cl|THEN}} z = z + 1
{{Cl|IF}} z / ({{Cl|_HEIGHT}}(s) * _{{Cl|WIDTH}}(s)) &gt; 0.8 {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|EXIT DO}} 'when 80% of screen is white
{{Cl|_FREEIMAGE}} s 'free desktop image
{{Cl|_LIMIT}} 1 'scans 1 loop per second
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;.&quot;;
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;NOTEPAD detected as OPEN and MAXIMIZED&quot;
{{Cl|SLEEP}} 2
{{Cl|_SCREENPRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(8) + {{Cl|CHR$}}(8) + {{Cl|CHR$}}(8) + {{Cl|CHR$}}(8) + {{Cl|CHR$}}(8) 'backspace 5 characters
{{Cl|SLEEP}} 3
{{Cl|_SCREENPRINT}} &quot;QB64!&quot;
{{Cl|SLEEP}} 2
{{Cl|_SCREENPRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(1) 'CTRL + A select all
{{Cl|SLEEP}} 2
{{Cl|_SCREENPRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(3) 'CTRL + C copy to clipboard
{{Cl|SLEEP}} 2
{{Cl|_CLIPBOARD$ (statement)|_CLIPBOARD$}} = &quot;QB64 ROCKS!&quot;
{{Cl|SLEEP}} 2
{{Cl|_SCREENPRINT}} {{Cl|CHR$}}(22) 'CTRL + V paste from clipboard
{{Cl|END}} '' ''
{{small|Code by Galleon}}
:''Explanation:'' If the Windows shortcuts are set up properly, printing ASCII Control characters acts like the user selected the control + letter combinations to ''Select all'' (CHR$(1)), ''Copy'' (CHR$(3)) and ''Paste'' (CHR$(22)) the text with the Windows Clipboard. If the editor program's CTRL key combinations are different, use the matching letter [[ASCII]] code from A = 1 to Z = 26 in the text editor.