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mirror of https://github.com/QB64-Phoenix-Edition/QB64pe.git synced 2024-09-16 16:44:05 +00:00
SMcNeill 6e01fc8dce Altered string compare routines (<,<=,>,>=) so they don't give false results with CHR$(0).
Added new _STRCMP and _STRICMP commands for quick string comparisons.
Cleaned up QB64 to finish removing the QUI (quick user insert) code and folders.
Altered UCASE and LCASE routines to be faster in some situations for us.
2014-09-22 08:19:03 -04:00

125 lines
6.7 KiB

The {{KW|CIRCLE}} statement is used in graphics {{KW|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} modes to create circles, arcs or ellipses.
: '''CIRCLE''' [{{KW|STEP}}]'''({{Parameter|Column}}, {{Parameter|Row}}), {{Parameter|radius%}}[, {{Parameter|colour%}}][,''' {{Parameter|startRadian!}}, {{Parameter|stopRadian!}}] [, {{Parameter|aspect!}}]
* Can use [[STEP]] for relative coordinate moves from the previous graphic coordinates.
* Coordinates designate the center position of the circle. Can be partially drawn offscreen.
* {{Parameter|radius%}} is an [[INTEGER]] value for half of the total circle diameter.
* {{Parameter|colour%}} is any available color attribute in the {{KW|SCREEN (statement)|SCREEN}} mode used.
* {{Parameter|startRadian!}} and {{Parameter|stopRadian!}} can be any {{KW|SINGLE}} value from 0 to 2 * pi to create partial circles or ellipses.
* ''aspect!'' [[SINGLE]] values of 0 to 1 affect the vertical height and values over 1 affect the horizontal width of an ellipse. Aspect = 1 is a normal circle.
* When using {{Parameter|aspect!}} the {{Parameter|startRadian!}} and {{Parameter|stopRadian!}} commas MUST be included even if not used.
* Radians move in a counter clockwise direction from 0 to 2 * Pi. Zero and 2 * Pi are the same circle radian at 3 o'clock.
* Negative radian values can be used to draw lines from the end of an arc or partial ellipse to the circle center.
* Commas after the {{Parameter|colour%}} parameter are not required when creating a normal circle. Color can also be omitted.
* '''CIRCLE can be used in any graphic screen mode, but cannot be used in the default screen mode 0 as it is text only!'''
''Example:'' Program illustrates how the CIRCLE command using a negative radian value can be used to create the hands of a clock.
{{CodeStart}} '' ''
{{Cl|CONST}} PI = 3.141593 'The mathematical value of PI to six places
{{Cl|DIM}} clock(60) 'A dimensioned array to hold 60 radian points
clockcount% = 15 'A counter to keep track of the radians
'* Start at radian 2*PI and continue clockwise to radian 0
'* Since radian 2*PI points directly right, we need to start clockcount%
'* at 15 (for 15 seconds). The {{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}}/{{Cl|NEXT}} loop counts backwards in increments
'* of 60 giving us the 60 second clock points. These points are then stored
'* in the dimensioned array clock() to be used later.
{{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} radian = 2 * PI {{Cl|TO}} 0 {{Cl|STEP}} -(2 * PI) / 60
clock(clockcount%) = radian
clockcount% = clockcount% + 1
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} clockcount% = 61 {{Cl|THEN}} clockcount% = 1
{{Cl|NEXT}} radian
'* Change to a graphics screen and draw the clock face
{{Cl|SCREEN}} 7
{{Cl|LOCATE}} 1, 1
{{Cl|COLOR}} 14, 0
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;Ritchie's Clock&quot;
{{Cl|COLOR}} 9, 0
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;Uses {{Cl|CIRCLE}} to&quot;
{{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;draw hands!&quot;
{{Cl|COLOR}} 8, 0
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 110, 8 'circle with radius of 110 and dark gray
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 102, 8 'circle with radius of 102 and dark gray
{{Cl|PAINT}} (265, 100), 8, 8 'fill between the two dark gray circles with gray
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 110, 7 'circle with radius of 110 and light gray
'* Get the current time from the QuickBASIC built in variable {{Cl|TIME$}}
'* Since {{Cl|TIME$}} is a string, we need to extract the hours, minutes and
'* seconds from it using {{Cl|LEFT$}}, {{Cl|RIGHT$}} and {{Cl|MID$}}. Then, each of these
'* extractions need to be converted to a numeric value using VAL and
'* stored in their respective variables.
seconds% = {{Cl|INT}}({{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|RIGHT$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 2))) 'extract seconds from {{Cl|TIME$}}
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} seconds% = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} seconds% = 60 'array counts 1 to 60 not 0 to 59
previoussecond% = seconds% 'hold current second for later use
minutes% = {{Cl|INT}}({{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|MID$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 4, 2))) 'extract minutes from {{Cl|TIME$}}
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} minutes% = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} minutes% = 60 'array counts 1 to 60 not 0 to 59
previousminute% = minutes% 'hold current minute for later use
hours% = {{Cl|INT}}({{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|LEFT$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 2))) 'extract hour from {{Cl|TIME$}}
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} hours% &gt;= 12 {{Cl|THEN}} hours% = hours% - 12 'convert from military time
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} hours% = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} hours% = 12 'count from 1 to 12 not 0 to 11
previoushour% = hours% 'hold current hour for later use
'* Start of main program loop
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} seconds% &lt;&gt; previoussecond% {{Cl|THEN}} 'has a second elapsed?
{{Cl|LOCATE}} 22, 17 'print the time on the screen at
{{Cl|PRINT}} {{Cl|TIME$}}; 'position 22, 17
'* Since a second has elapsed we need to erase the old second hand
'* position and draw the new position
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 100, 0, -clock(previoussecond%), clock(previoussecond%)
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 100, 15, -clock(seconds%), clock(seconds%)
previoussecond% = seconds% 'hold current second for later use
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} minutes% &lt;&gt; previousminute% {{Cl|THEN}} 'has a minute elapsed?
'* Since a minute has elapsed we need to erase the old hour hand position
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 90, 0, -clock(previousminute%), clock(previousminute%)
previousminute% = minutes% 'hold current minute for later use
{{Cl|END IF}}
'* Draw the current minute hand position
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 90, 14, -clock(minutes%), clock(minutes%)
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} hours% &lt;&gt; previoushour% {{Cl|THEN}} 'has an hour elapsed?
'* Since an hour has elapsed we need to erase the old hour hand position
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 75, 0, -clock(previoushour% * 5), clock(previoushour% * 5)
previoushour% = hours% 'hold current hour for later use
{{Cl|END IF}}
'* Draw the current hour hand position
{{Cl|CIRCLE}} (160, 100), 75, 12, -clock(hours% * 5), clock(hours% * 5)
{{Cl|END IF}}
seconds% = {{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|RIGHT$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 2)) 'extract time again and do all over
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} seconds% = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} seconds% = 60
minutes% = {{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|MID$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 4, 2))
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} minutes% = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} minutes% = 60
hours% = {{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|LEFT$}}({{Cl|TIME$}}, 2))
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} hours% &gt;= 12 {{Cl|THEN}} hours% = hours% - 12
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} hours% = 0 {{Cl|THEN}} hours% = 12
{{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} {{Cl|INKEY$}} &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; 'stop program if user presses a key '' ''
{{small|Circle clock - by Terry Ritchie 11/04/06}}
* {{KW|STEP}}
* {{KW|LINE}}
* {{KW|SCREEN (statement)}}