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mirror of https://github.com/QB64-Phoenix-Edition/QB64pe.git synced 2024-07-26 07:25:53 +00:00
SMcNeill 6e01fc8dce Altered string compare routines (<,<=,>,>=) so they don't give false results with CHR$(0).
Added new _STRCMP and _STRICMP commands for quick string comparisons.
Cleaned up QB64 to finish removing the QUI (quick user insert) code and folders.
Altered UCASE and LCASE routines to be faster in some situations for us.
2014-09-22 08:19:03 -04:00

141 lines
5.4 KiB

The '''PRESET''' graphic [[SCREEN]] statement turns a pixel at a coordinate to the background color or a designated color attribute.
:: '''PRESET''' [STEP]'''(''column%'', ''row%'')'''[, color_attribute]
* Can use [[STEP]] when relative graphics coordinates are required.
* ''column'' and ''row'' coordinates can be literal ot variable [[INTEGER]] values which can be offscreen.
* If the ''color attribute'' is omitted, a PRESET will be the background color, normally black.
* Color attributes are limited to those available in the [[SCREEN]] mode used. [[PSET]] can be used to adopt previously used colors.
* Any color value other than 0 will be white in monochrome [[SCREEN]] modes 2 and 11 where the [[COLOR]] statement cannot be used.
* PRESET can invisibly locate other graphics objects like [[CIRCLE]]s and add color to subsequent graphic objects and [[DRAW]] when used.
* The PRESET action can be used in a graphics [[PUT (graphics statement)|PUT]] to produce a color inverted image on any background. See Example 2.
* '''PRESET can be used in any graphic screen mode, but cannot be used in the default screen mode 0 as it is text only!'''
''Example 1:'' Using PRESET to locate a [[DRAW]] statement that draws a box that is bright red.
{{CodeStart}} '' ''
{{Cl|PRESET}}(100, 100)
{{Cl|DRAW}} &quot;C12 U20 R20 D20 L20&quot; '' ''
:''Explanation:'' The [[DRAW]] string required a color designation as PRESET defaulted to the black background color.
''Example 2:'' Displays the flags of countries that use simple horizontal or vertical color blocks using a highlighted arrow key selection menu.
{{CodeStart}} '' ''
{{Cl|DIM}} {{Cl|SHARED}} c$(21), x$(21), gg%(477)
c$(1) = &quot;Armenia H040914&quot;
c$(2) = &quot;Austria H041504&quot;
c$(3) = &quot;Belgium V001404&quot;
c$(4) = &quot;Bulgaria H150204&quot;
c$(5) = &quot;Chad V011404&quot;
c$(6) = &quot;C“te D'Ivoire V061502&quot;
c$(7) = &quot;Estonia H090015&quot;
c$(8) = &quot;France V011504&quot;
c$(9) = &quot;Germany H000414&quot;
c$(10) = &quot;Hungary H041502&quot;
c$(11) = &quot;Ireland V021506&quot;
c$(12) = &quot;Italy V021504&quot;
c$(13) = &quot;Lithuania H140204&quot;
c$(14) = &quot;Luxembourg H041509&quot;
c$(15) = &quot;Mali V021404&quot;
c$(16) = &quot;Netherlands H041501&quot;
c$(17) = &quot;Nigeria V021502&quot;
c$(18) = &quot;Romania V091404&quot;
c$(19) = &quot;Russia H150104&quot;
c$(20) = &quot;Sierra Leone H021509&quot;
c$(21) = &quot;Yemen H041500&quot;
{{Cl|END SUB}}
{{Cl|SUB}} DISPLAY.FLAG (calc%)
f% = {{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|MID$}}(x$(calc%), 2, 2))
s% = {{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|MID$}}(x$(calc%), 4, 2))
t% = {{Cl|VAL}}({{Cl|MID$}}(x$(calc%), 6, 2))
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} {{Cl|LEFT$}}(x$(calc%), 1) = &quot;V&quot; {{Cl|THEN}}
{{Cl|LINE}} (120, 225)-(253, 465), f%, BF
{{Cl|LINE}} (254, 225)-(385, 465), s%, BF
{{Cl|LINE}} (386, 225)-(519, 465), t%, BF
{{Cl|END IF}}
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} {{Cl|LEFT$}}(x$(calc%), 1) = &quot;H&quot; {{Cl|THEN}}
{{Cl|LINE}} (120, 225)-(519, 305), f%, BF
{{Cl|LINE}} (120, 306)-(519, 386), s%, BF
{{Cl|LINE}} (120, 387)-(519, 465), t%, BF
{{Cl|END IF}}
{{Cl|END SUB}}
{{Cl|SUB}} SELECTION 'menu selection using arrow keys
x% = 2: y% = 4
{{Cl|WHILE}} (x% &lt;&gt; prevx% {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} y% &lt;&gt; prevy%) {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} k$ &lt;&gt; {{Cl|CHR$}}(27)
k$ = {{Cl|INKEY$}}
x% = x% + (k$ = ({{Cl|CHR$}}(0) + &quot;K&quot;) {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} x% &gt; 1) + {{Cl|ABS}}(k$ = ({{Cl|CHR$}}(0) + &quot;M&quot;) {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} x% &lt; 3)
y% = y% + (k$ = ({{Cl|CHR$}}(0) + &quot;H&quot;) {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} y% &gt; 1) + {{Cl|ABS}}(k$ = ({{Cl|CHR$}}(0) + &quot;P&quot;) {{Cl|AND (boolean)|AND}} y% &lt; 7)
calc% = (x% - 1) * 7 + y%: {{Cl|LOCATE}} 14, 18: {{Cl|PRINT}} c$(calc%); {{Cl|SPACE$}}(10)
x1% = 140 + (x% - 1) * 128
x2% = x1% + {{Cl|LEN}}(c$(calc%)) * 8 + 7
y1% = 48 + y% * 16
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} x1% &lt;&gt; prevx1% {{Cl|OR (boolean)|OR}} y1% &lt;&gt; prevy1% {{Cl|THEN}}
{{Cl|IF...THEN|IF}} g% {{Cl|THEN}} {{Cl|PUT (graphics statement)|PUT}}(prevx1%, prevy1%), gg%(), {{Cl|PSET}}
{{Cl|GET (graphics statement)|GET}}(x1%, y1%)-(x2%, y1% + 16), gg%(): g% = 1
{{Cl|PUT (graphics statement)|PUT}}(x1%, y1%), gg%(), {{Cl|PRESET}}
prevx1% = x1%: prevx2% = x2%: prevy1% = y1%
{{Cl|END IF}}
{{Cl|LOOP}} {{Cl|UNTIL}} k$ = {{Cl|CHR$}}(27)
{{Cl|END SUB}}
{{Cl|SCREEN}} 12
{{Cl|COLOR}} 6
c% = 1
{{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} x% = 11 {{Cl|TO}} 50 {{Cl|STEP}} 16
{{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} y% = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 7
x$(c%) = {{Cl|RIGHT$}}(c$(c%), 7)
c$(c%) = {{Cl|RTRIM$}}({{Cl|LEFT$}}(c$(c%), {{Cl|LEN}}(c$(c%)) - 7))
{{Cl|LOCATE}} y% + 4, x% + 8: {{Cl|PRINT}} c$(c%)
c% = c% + 1
{{Cl|NEXT}} y%, x%
{{Cl|COLOR}} 11: {{Cl|LOCATE}} 3, 20: {{Cl|PRINT}} &quot;Use the Cursor Keys to Select a Country:&quot;
{{Cl|LINE}} (119, 224)-(520, 466), 7, B
{{Cl|END SUB}}
{{Cl|FOR...NEXT|FOR}} c% = 1 {{Cl|TO}} 219
{{Cl|LINE}} (116 + c%, 29 + c%)-(523 - c%, 469 - c%), 0, B
{{Cl|END SUB}}
{{CodeEnd}}{{small|Code by AlGoreIthm}}
: ''Explanation:'' Using the [[PUT (graphics statement)|PUT]] PRESET action highlights the menu selection in graphic screen modes by returning a negative image.
''See also:''
* [[PUT (graphics statement)]]
* [[GET (graphics statement)]]
* [[CIRCLE]], [[LINE]], [[PSET]]