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// ___ ___ __ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ ___ _
// / _ \| _ ) / /| | || _ \ __| /_\ _ _ __| (_)___ | __|_ _ __ _(_)_ _ ___
// | (_) | _ \/ _ \_ _| _/ _| / _ \ || / _` | / _ \ | _|| ' \/ _` | | ' \/ -_)
// \__\_\___/\___/ |_||_| |___| /_/ \_\_,_\__,_|_\___/ |___|_||_\__, |_|_||_\___|
// |___/
// QB64-PE Audio Engine powered by miniaudio (https://miniaud.io/)
// Copyright (c) 2022 Samuel Gomes
// https://github.com/a740g
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "extras/stb_vorbis.c"
#include "miniaudio.h"
// Set this to 1 if we want to print debug messages to stderr
#define AUDIO_DEBUG 0
#include "audio.h"
#include "mutex.h"
// We need 'qbs' and 'mem' stuff from here. This should eventually change when things are moved to smaller, logical and self-contained files
#include "../../libqb.h"
// This should be defined elsewhere (in libqb?). Since it is not, we are doing it here
#define INVALID_MEM_LOCK 1073741821
// This should be defined elsewhere (in libqb?). Since it is not, we are doing it here
#define MEM_TYPE_SOUND 5
// In QuickBASIC false means 0 and true means -1 (sad, but true XD)
#define QB_TRUE -MA_TRUE
// This is returned to the caller if handle allocation fails with a -1
// AllocateSoundHandle() does not return 0 because it is a valid internal handle
// Handle 0 is 'handled' as a special case
// This is the string that can be passed in the requirements parameter to stream a sound from storage
// This is the string that can be passed in the requirements parameter to load a sound from memory
#define SAMPLE_FRAME_SIZE(_type_, _channels_) (sizeof(_type_) * (_channels_))
// This basically checks if the handle is within vector limits and 'isUsed' is set to true
// We are relying on C's boolean short-circuit to not evaluate the last 'isUsed' if previous conditions are false
// Here we are checking > 0 because this is meant to check user handles only
#define IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(_handle_) \
((_handle_) > 0 && (_handle_) < audioEngine.soundHandles.size() && audioEngine.soundHandles[_handle_]->isUsed && \
#ifdef QB64_WINDOWS
# define ZERO_VARIABLE(_v_) ZeroMemory(&(_v_), sizeof(_v_))
# define ZERO_VARIABLE(_v_) memset(&(_v_), 0, sizeof(_v_))
// These attaches our customer backend (format decoders) VTables to various miniaudio structs
void AudioEngineAttachCustomBackendVTables(ma_resource_manager_config *maResourceManagerConfig);
void AudioEngineAttachCustomBackendVTables(ma_decoder_config *maDecoderConfig);
// These are stuff that was not declared anywhere else
// We will wait for Matt to cleanup the C/C++ source file and include header files that declare this stuff
int32 func_instr(int32 start, qbs *str, qbs *substr, int32 passed); // Did not find this declared anywhere
void new_mem_lock(); // This is required for MemSound()
void free_mem_lock(mem_lock *lock); // Same as above
#ifndef QB64_WINDOWS
void Sleep(uint32 milliseconds); // There is a non-Windows implementation. However it is not declared anywhere
extern ptrszint dblock; // Required for Play(). Did not find this declared anywhere
extern uint64 mem_lock_id; // Another one that we need for the mem stuff
extern mem_lock *mem_lock_base; // Same as above
extern mem_lock *mem_lock_tmp; // Same as above
/// @brief Type of sound
enum struct SoundType {
None, // No sound or internal sound whose buffer is managed by the QBPE audio engine
Static, // Static sounds that are completely managed by miniaudio
Raw // Raw sound stream that is managed by the QBPE audio engine
/// @brief A simple FP32 stereo sample frame
struct SampleFrame {
float l;
float r;
/// @brief A miniaudiio raw audio stream datasource
struct RawStream {
ma_data_source_base maDataSource; // miniaudio data source (this must be the first member of our struct)
ma_data_source_config maDataSourceConfig; // config struct for the data source
ma_engine *maEngine; // pointer to a ma_engine object that was passed while creating the data source
ma_sound *maSound; // pointer to a ma_sound object that was passed while creating the data source
ma_uint32 sampleRate; // the sample rate reported by ma_engine
struct Buffer { // we'll give this a name that we'll use below
std::vector<SampleFrame> data; // this holds the actual sample frames
size_t cursor; // the read cursor (in frames) in the stream
} buffer[2]; // we need two of these to do a proper ping-pong
Buffer *consumer; // this is what the miniaudio thread will use to pull data from
Buffer *producer; // this is what the main thread will use to push data to
libqb_mutex *m; // we'll use a mutex to give exclusive access to resources used by both threads
bool stop; // set this to true to stop supply of samples completely (including silent samples)
static const size_t DEFAULT_SIZE = 1024; // this is almost twice the amout what miniaudio actually asks for in frameCount
// Delete default, copy and move constructors and assignments
RawStream() = delete;
RawStream(const RawStream &) = delete;
RawStream &operator=(const RawStream &) = delete;
RawStream &operator=(RawStream &&) = delete;
RawStream(RawStream &&) = delete;
/// @brief This is use to setup the vectors, mutex and set some defaults
RawStream(ma_engine *pmaEngine, ma_sound *pmaSound) {
maSound = pmaSound; // Save the pointer to the ma_sound object (this is basically from a QBPE sound handle)
maEngine = pmaEngine; // Save the pointer to the ma_engine object (this should come from the QBPE sound engine)
sampleRate = ma_engine_get_sample_rate(maEngine); // Save the sample rate
buffer[0].cursor = buffer[1].cursor = 0; // reset the cursors
buffer[0].data.reserve(DEFAULT_SIZE); // ensure we have a contigious block to account for expansion without reallocation
buffer[1].data.reserve(DEFAULT_SIZE); // ensure we have a contigious block to account for expansion without reallocation
consumer = &buffer[0]; // set default consumer
producer = &buffer[1]; // set default producer
stop = false; // by default we will send silent samples to keep the playback going
m = libqb_mutex_new();
/// @brief We use this to destroy the mutex
~RawStream() { libqb_mutex_free(m); }
/// @brief This swaps the consumer and producer Buffers. This is mutex protected and called by the miniaudio thread
void SwapBuffers() {
libqb_mutex_guard lock(m); // lock the mutex before accessing the vectors
consumer->cursor = 0; // reset the cursor
consumer->data.clear(); // clear the consumer vector
std::swap(consumer, producer); // quicky swap the Buffer pointers
/// @brief This pushes a sample frame at the end of the queue. This is mutex protected and called by the main thread
/// @param l Sample frame left channel data
/// @param r Sample frame right channel data
void PushSampleFrame(float l, float r) {
libqb_mutex_guard lock(m); // lock the mutex before accessing the vectors
producer->data.push_back({l, r}); // push the sample frame to the back of the producer queue
/// @brief This pushes a whole buffer of mono sample frames to the queue. This is mutex protected and called by the main thread
/// @param buffer The buffer containing the sample frames. This cannot be NULL
/// @param frames The total number of frames in the buffer
void PushMonoSampleFrames(float *buffer, ma_uint64 frames) {
libqb_mutex_guard lock(m); // lock the mutex before accessing the vectors
for (ma_uint64 i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
producer->data.push_back({buffer[i], buffer[i]});
/// @brief Returns the length, in sample frames of sound queued
/// @return The length left to play in sample frames
ma_uint64 GetSampleFramesRemaining() {
libqb_mutex_guard lock(m); // lock the mutex before accessing the vectors
return (consumer->data.size() - consumer->cursor) + (producer->data.size() - producer->cursor); // sum of producer and consumer sample frames
/// @brief Returns the length, in seconds of sound queued
/// @return The length left to play in seconds
double GetTimeRemaining() { return (double)GetSampleFramesRemaining() / (double)sampleRate; }
/// @brief This is what is used by miniaudio to pull a chunk of raw sample frames to play. The samples being read is removed from the queue
/// @param pDataSource Pointer to the raw stream data source (cast to RawStream type)
/// @param pFramesOut The sample frames sent to miniaudio
/// @param frameCount The sample frame count requested by miniaudio
/// @param pFramesRead The sample frame count that was actually sent (this must not exceed frameCount)
/// @return MA_SUCCESS on success or an appropriate MA_FAILED_* value on failure
static ma_result RawStreamOnRead(ma_data_source *pDataSource, void *pFramesOut, ma_uint64 frameCount, ma_uint64 *pFramesRead) {
if (pFramesRead)
*pFramesRead = 0;
if (frameCount == 0)
if (!pDataSource)
auto pRawStream = (RawStream *)pDataSource; // cast to RawStream instance pointer
auto result = MA_SUCCESS; // must be initialized to MA_SUCCESS
auto maBuffer = (SampleFrame *)pFramesOut; // cast to sample frame pointer
ma_uint64 sampleFramesCount = pRawStream->consumer->data.size() - pRawStream->consumer->cursor; // total amount of samples we need to send to miniaudio
// Swap buffers if we do not have anything left to play
if (!sampleFramesCount) {
sampleFramesCount = pRawStream->consumer->data.size() - pRawStream->consumer->cursor; // get the total number of samples again
sampleFramesCount = std::min(sampleFramesCount, frameCount); // we'll always send lower of what miniaudio wants or what we have
ma_uint64 sampleFramesRead = 0; // sample frame counter
// Now send the samples to miniaudio
while (sampleFramesRead < sampleFramesCount) {
maBuffer[sampleFramesRead] = pRawStream->consumer->data[pRawStream->consumer->cursor];
++sampleFramesRead; // increment the frame counter
pRawStream->consumer->cursor++; // increment the read cursor
// To keep the stream going, play silence if there are no frames to play
if (!sampleFramesRead && !pRawStream->stop) {
while (sampleFramesRead < frameCount) {
maBuffer[sampleFramesRead] = {};
if (pFramesRead)
*pFramesRead = sampleFramesRead;
return result;
/// @brief This is a dummy callback function which just tells miniaudio that it succeeded
/// @param pDataSource Pointer to the raw stream data source (cast to RawStream type)
/// @param frameIndex The frame index to seek to (unused)
/// @return Always MA_SUCCESS
static ma_result RawStreamOnSeek(ma_data_source *pDataSource, ma_uint64 frameIndex) {
// NOP. Just pretend to be successful.
return MA_SUCCESS;
/// @brief Returns the audio format to miniaudio
/// @param pDataSource Pointer to the raw stream data source (cast to RawStream type)
/// @param pFormat The ma_format to use (we always return ma_format_f32 because that is what QB64 uses)
/// @param pChannels The number of audio channels (always 2 - stereo)
/// @param pSampleRate The sample rate of the stream (we always return the engine sample rate)
/// @param pChannelMap Sent to ma_channel_map_init_standard
/// @param channelMapCap Sent to ma_channel_map_init_standard
/// @return Always MA_SUCCESS
static ma_result RawStreamOnGetDataFormat(ma_data_source *pDataSource, ma_format *pFormat, ma_uint32 *pChannels, ma_uint32 *pSampleRate,
ma_channel *pChannelMap, size_t channelMapCap) {
auto pRawStream = (RawStream *)pDataSource;
if (pFormat)
*pFormat = ma_format::ma_format_f32; // QB64 SndRaw API uses FP32 samples
if (pChannels)
*pChannels = 2; // stereo
if (pSampleRate)
*pSampleRate = pRawStream->sampleRate; // we'll play at the audio engine sampling rate
if (pChannelMap)
ma_channel_map_init_standard(ma_standard_channel_map_default, pChannelMap, channelMapCap, 2); // stereo
return MA_SUCCESS;
/// @brief Raw stream data source vtable
static ma_data_source_vtable rawStreamDataSourceVtable = {
RawStreamOnRead, // Returns a bunch of samples from a raw sample stream queue. The samples being returned is removed from the queue
RawStreamOnSeek, // NOP for raw sample stream
RawStreamOnGetDataFormat, // Returns the audio format to miniaudio
NULL, // No notion of a cursor for raw sample stream
NULL, // No notion of a length for raw sample stream
NULL, // Cannot loop raw sample stream
0 // flags
/// @brief This creates, initializes and sets up a raw stream for playback
/// @param pmaEngine This should come from the QBPE sound engine
/// @param pmaSound This should come from a QBPE sound handle
/// @return Returns a pointer to a data souce if successful, NULL otherwise
static RawStream *RawStreamCreate(ma_engine *pmaEngine, ma_sound *pmaSound) {
if (!pmaEngine || !pmaSound) { // these should not be NULL
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Invalid arguments");
return nullptr;
auto pRawStream = new RawStream(pmaEngine, pmaSound); // create the data source object
if (!pRawStream) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to create data source");
return nullptr;
pRawStream->maDataSourceConfig = ma_data_source_config_init();
pRawStream->maDataSourceConfig.vtable = &rawStreamDataSourceVtable; // attach the vtable to the data source
auto result = ma_data_source_init(&pRawStream->maDataSourceConfig, &pRawStream->maDataSource);
if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to initialize data source", result);
delete pRawStream;
return nullptr;
result = ma_sound_init_from_data_source(pmaEngine, &pRawStream->maDataSource, MA_SOUND_FLAG_NO_PITCH | MA_SOUND_FLAG_NO_SPATIALIZATION, NULL,
pmaSound); // attach data source to the ma_sound
if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to initalize sound from data source", result);
delete pRawStream;
return nullptr;
result = ma_sound_start(pmaSound); // play the ma_sound
if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to start sound playback", result);
ma_sound_uninit(pmaSound); // delete the ma_sound object
delete pRawStream;
return nullptr;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Raw sound stream created");
return pRawStream;
/// @brief Stops and then frees a raw stream data source previously created with RawStreamCreate()
/// @param pRawStream Pointer to the data source object
static void RawStreamDestroy(RawStream *pRawStream) {
if (pRawStream) {
auto result = ma_sound_stop(pRawStream->maSound); // stop playback
ma_sound_uninit(pRawStream->maSound); // delete the ma_sound object
delete pRawStream; // delete the raw stream object
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Raw sound stream destroyed");
/// @brief A class that can manage a list of buffers using unique keys
class BufferMap {
/// @brief A buffer that is made up of a raw pointer, size and reference count
struct Buffer {
void *data;
size_t size;
size_t refCount;
std::unordered_map<intptr_t, Buffer> buffers;
// Delete assignment operators
BufferMap &operator=(const BufferMap &) = delete;
BufferMap &operator=(BufferMap &&) = delete;
/// @brief This will simply free all buffers that were allocated
~BufferMap() {
for (auto &it : buffers) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer freed of size %llu", it.second.size);
/// @brief Adds a buffer to the map using a unique key only if it was not added before
/// @param data The raw data pointer. The data is copied
/// @param size The size of the data
/// @param key The unique key that should be used
/// @return True if successful
bool AddBuffer(const void *data, size_t size, intptr_t key) {
if (data && size && key && buffers.find(key) == buffers.end()) {
Buffer buf = {};
buf.data = malloc(size);
if (!buf.data)
return false;
buf.size = size;
buf.refCount = 1;
memcpy(buf.data, data, size);
buffers.emplace(key, std::move(buf));
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Added buffer of size %llu to map", size);
return true;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to add buffer of size %llu", size);
return false;
/// @brief Increments the buffer reference count
/// @param key The unique key for the buffer
void AddRef(intptr_t key) {
const auto it = buffers.find(key);
if (it != buffers.end()) {
auto &buf = it->second;
buf.refCount += 1;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Increased reference count to %llu", buf.refCount);
} else {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer not found");
/// @brief Decrements the buffer reference count and frees the buffer if the reference count reaches zero
/// @param key The unique key for the buffer
void Release(intptr_t key) {
const auto it = buffers.find(key);
if (it != buffers.end()) {
auto &buf = it->second;
buf.refCount -= 1;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Decreased reference count to %llu", buf.refCount);
if (buf.refCount < 1) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer freed of size %llu", buf.size);
} else {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer not found");
/// @brief Gets the raw pointer and size of the buffer with the given key
/// @param key The unique key for the buffer
/// @return An std::pair of the buffer raw pointer and size
std::pair<const void *, size_t> GetBuffer(intptr_t key) const {
const auto it = buffers.find(key);
if (it == buffers.end()) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer not found");
return {nullptr, 0};
const auto &buf = it->second;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Returning buffer of size %llu", buf.size);
return {buf.data, buf.size};
/// <summary>
/// Sound handle type
/// This describes every sound the system will ever play (including raw streams).
/// </summary>
struct SoundHandle {
bool isUsed; // Is this handle in active use?
SoundType type; // Type of sound (see SoundType enum class)
bool autoKill; // Do we need to auto-clean this sample / stream after playback is done?
ma_sound maSound; // miniaudio sound
ma_uint32 maFlags; // miniaudio flags that were used when initializing the sound
ma_decoder_config maDecoderConfig; // miniaudio decoder configuration
ma_decoder *maDecoder; // this is used for files that are loaded directly from memory
intptr_t bufferKey; // a key that will uniquely identify the data the decoder will use
ma_audio_buffer_config maAudioBufferConfig; // miniaudio buffer configuration
ma_audio_buffer *maAudioBuffer; // this is used for user created audio buffers (memory is managed by miniaudio)
RawStream *rawStream; // Raw sample frame queue
void *memLockOffset; // This is a pointer from new_mem_lock()
uint64 memLockId; // This is mem_lock_id created by new_mem_lock()
// Delete copy and move constructors and assignments
SoundHandle(const SoundHandle &) = delete;
SoundHandle &operator=(const SoundHandle &) = delete;
SoundHandle(SoundHandle &&) = delete;
SoundHandle &operator=(SoundHandle &&) = delete;
/// <summary>
/// Just initializes some important members.
/// 'inUse' will be set to true by AllocateSoundHandle().
/// This is done here, as well as slightly differently in AllocateSoundHandle() for safety.
/// </summary>
SoundHandle() {
isUsed = false;
type = SoundType::None;
autoKill = false;
maDecoder = nullptr;
bufferKey = 0;
maAudioBuffer = nullptr;
rawStream = nullptr;
memLockOffset = nullptr;
/// <summary>
/// Type will help us keep track of the audio engine state
/// </summary>
struct AudioEngine {
bool isInitialized; // This is set to true if we were able to initialize miniaudio and allocated all required resources
bool initializationFailed; // This is set to true if a past initialization attempt failed
ma_resource_manager_config maResourceManagerConfig; // miniaudio resource manager configuration
ma_resource_manager maResourceManager; // miniaudio resource manager
ma_engine_config maEngineConfig; // miniaudio engine configuration (will be used to pass in the resource manager)
ma_engine maEngine; // This is the primary miniaudio engine 'context'. Everything happens using this!
ma_result maResult; // This is the result of the last miniaudio operation (used for trapping errors)
ma_uint32 sampleRate; // Sample rate used by the miniaudio engine
int32_t sndInternal; // Internal sound handle that we will use for Play(), Beep() & Sound()
int32_t sndInternalRaw; // Internal sound handle that we will use for the QB64 'handle-less' raw stream
std::vector<SoundHandle *> soundHandles; // This is the audio handle list used by the engine and by everything else
int32_t lowestFreeHandle; // This is the lowest handle then was recently freed. We'll start checking for free handles from here
bool musicBackground; // Should 'Sound' and 'Play' work in the background or block the caller?
BufferMap bufferMap; // This is used to keep track of and manage memory used by 'in-memory' sound files
// Delete copy and move constructors and assignments
AudioEngine(const AudioEngine &) = delete;
AudioEngine &operator=(const AudioEngine &) = delete;
AudioEngine &operator=(AudioEngine &&) = delete;
AudioEngine(AudioEngine &&) = delete;
/// <summary>
/// Just initializes some important members.
/// </summary>
AudioEngine() {
isInitialized = initializationFailed = false;
sampleRate = 0;
lowestFreeHandle = 0;
sndInternal = sndInternalRaw = INVALID_SOUND_HANDLE;
musicBackground = false;
/// <summary>
/// This allocates a sound handle. It will return -1 on error.
/// Handle 0 is used internally for Beep, Sound and Play and thus cannot be used by the user.
/// Basically, we go through the vector and find an object pointer were 'isUsed' is set as false and return the index.
/// If such an object pointer is not found, then we add a pointer to a new object at the end of the vector and return the index.
/// We are using pointers because miniaudio keeps using stuff from ma_sound and these cannot move in memory when the vector is resized.
/// The handle is put-up for recycling simply by setting the 'isUsed' member to false.
/// Note that this means the vector will keep growing until the largest handle (index) and never shrink.
/// The choice of using a vector was simple - performance. Vector performance when using 'indexes' is next to no other.
/// The vector will be pruned only when snd_un_init gets called.
/// We will however, be good citizens and will also 'delete' the objects when snd_un_init gets called.
/// This also increments 'lowestFreeHandle' to allocated handle + 1.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns a non-negative handle if successful</returns>
int32_t AllocateSoundHandle() {
if (!isInitialized)
return -1; // We cannot return 0 here. Since 0 is a valid internal handle
size_t h, vectorSize = soundHandles.size(); // Save the vector size
// Scan the vector starting from lowestFreeHandle
// This will help us quickly allocate a free handle and should be a decent optimization for SndPlayCopy()
for (h = lowestFreeHandle; h < vectorSize; h++) {
if (!soundHandles[h]->isUsed) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Recent sound handle %i recycled", h);
if (h >= vectorSize) {
// Scan through the entire vector and return a slot that is not being used
// Ideally this should execute in extremely few (if at all) senarios
// Also, this loop should not execute if size is 0
for (h = 0; h < vectorSize; h++) {
if (!soundHandles[h]->isUsed) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound handle %i recycled", h);
if (h >= vectorSize) {
// If we have reached here then either the vector is empty or there are no empty slots
// Simply create a new SoundHandle at the back of the vector
SoundHandle *newHandle = new SoundHandle;
if (!newHandle)
return -1; // We cannot return 0 here. Since 0 is a valid internal handle
size_t newVectorSize = soundHandles.size();
// If newVectorSize == vectorSize then push_back() failed
if (newVectorSize <= vectorSize) {
delete newHandle;
return -1; // We cannot return 0 here. Since 0 is a valid internal handle
h = newVectorSize - 1; // The handle is simply newVectorSize - 1
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound handle %i created", h);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(soundHandles[h]->isUsed == false);
// Initializes a sound handle that was just allocated.
// This will set it to 'in use' after applying some defaults.
soundHandles[h]->type = SoundType::None;
soundHandles[h]->autoKill = false;
// We do not use pitch shifting, so this will give a little performance boost
// Spatialization is disabled by default but will be enabled on the fly if required
soundHandles[h]->maDecoder = nullptr;
soundHandles[h]->bufferKey = 0;
soundHandles[h]->maAudioBuffer = nullptr;
soundHandles[h]->rawStream = nullptr;
soundHandles[h]->memLockId = INVALID_MEM_LOCK;
soundHandles[h]->memLockOffset = nullptr;
soundHandles[h]->isUsed = true;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound handle %i returned", h);
lowestFreeHandle = h + 1; // Set lowestFreeHandle to allocated handle + 1
return (int32_t)(h);
/// <summary>
/// The frees and unloads an open sound.
/// If the sound is playing or looping, it will be stopped.
/// If the sound is a stream of raw samples then it is stopped and freed.
/// Finally the handle is invalidated and put-up for recycling.
/// If the handle being freed is lower than 'lowestFreeHandle' then this saves the handle to 'lowestFreeHandle'.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
void FreeSoundHandle(int32_t handle) {
if (isInitialized && handle >= 0 && handle < soundHandles.size() && soundHandles[handle]->isUsed) {
// Sound type specific cleanup
switch (soundHandles[handle]->type) {
case SoundType::Static:
case SoundType::Raw:
soundHandles[handle]->rawStream = nullptr;
case SoundType::None:
if (handle != 0)
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound type is 'None' when handle value is not 0");
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Condition not handled"); // It should not come here
// Free any initialized miniaudio decoder
if (soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder) {
delete soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder;
soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder = nullptr;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Decoder uninitialized");
// Free any initialized audio buffer
if (soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer) {
soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer = nullptr;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Audio buffer uninitialized & freed");
// Invalidate any memsound stuff
if (soundHandles[handle]->memLockOffset) {
free_mem_lock((mem_lock *)soundHandles[handle]->memLockOffset);
soundHandles[handle]->memLockId = INVALID_MEM_LOCK;
soundHandles[handle]->memLockOffset = nullptr;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("MemSound stuff invalidated");
// Now simply set the 'isUsed' member to false so that the handle can be recycled
soundHandles[handle]->isUsed = false;
soundHandles[handle]->type = SoundType::None;
// Save the free hanndle to lowestFreeHandle if it is lower than lowestFreeHandle
if (handle < lowestFreeHandle)
lowestFreeHandle = handle;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound handle %i marked as free", handle);
// This keeps track of the audio engine state
static AudioEngine audioEngine;
/// @brief This creates a mono FP32 waveform based on frequency, length and volume
/// @param frequency The sound frequency
/// @param length The duration of the sound in seconds
/// @param volume The volume of the sound (0.0 - 1.0)
/// @param soundwave_bytes A pointer to an integer that will receive the buffer size in bytes. This cannot be NULL
/// @return A buffer containing the floating point waveform
static float *GenerateWaveform(double frequency, double length, double volume, int *soundwave_bytes) {
// Calculate the number of samples
auto samples = length * audioEngine.sampleRate;
auto samplesi = (int)samples;
if (!samplesi)
samplesi = 1;
// Calculate the number of bytes in the waveform data
*soundwave_bytes = samplesi * SAMPLE_FRAME_SIZE(float, 1);
// Allocate memory for the waveform data
auto data = (float *)malloc(*soundwave_bytes);
if (!data)
return nullptr;
// Set all bytes to 0 (silence) if frequency is >= 20000. This is per QuickBASIC 4.5 behavior
if (frequency >= 20000) {
memset(data, 0, *soundwave_bytes);
return data;
// Generate the waveform
auto direction = 1;
auto value = 0.0;
// frequency * 4.0 * length is the total distance value will travel (+1,-2,+1[repeated])
// samples is the number of steps to do this in
auto gradient = samples ? (frequency * 4.0 * length) / samples : 0.0;
auto waveend = 0;
auto lastx = 1.0f; // set to 1 to avoid passing initial comparison
for (auto i = 0; i < samplesi; i++) {
auto x = (float)(value * volume);
data[i] = x;
if (x > 0 && lastx <= 0)
waveend = i;
lastx = x;
// Update value and direction
if (direction) {
if ((value += gradient) >= 1.0) {
direction = 0;
value = 2.0 - value;
} else {
if ((value -= gradient) <= -1.0) {
direction = 1;
value = -2.0 - value;
// Update reduced size if waveend is non-zero
if (waveend)
*soundwave_bytes = waveend * SAMPLE_FRAME_SIZE(float, 1);
return data;
/// @brief Returns the of a sound buffer in bytes
/// @param length Length in seconds
/// @return Length in bytes
static int WaveformBufferSize(double length) {
auto samples = (int)(length * audioEngine.sampleRate);
if (!samples)
samples = 1;
return samples * SAMPLE_FRAME_SIZE(float, 1);
/// @brief This sends a FP32 mono buffer to a raw stream for playback and then frees the buffer
/// @param data FP32 mono sound buffer
/// @param bytes Length of buffer in bytes
/// @param block If this is true the function is wait until the wavefrom has finished playing
static void SendWaveformToQueue(float *data, int bytes, bool block) {
if (!data)
// Push data to the raw stream
audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream->PushMonoSampleFrames(data, bytes / SAMPLE_FRAME_SIZE(float, 1));
free(data); // free the sound data
// This will wait for the block to finish (if specified)
// We'll be good citizens and give-up our time-slices while waiting
if (block) {
auto time_ms = (audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream->GetSampleFramesRemaining() * 1000) / audioEngine.sampleRate;
if (time_ms > 0)
/// <summary>
/// This generates a sound at the specified frequency for the specified amount of time.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="frequency">Sound frequency</param>
/// <param name="lengthInClockTicks">Duration in clock ticks. There are 18.2 clock ticks per second</param>
void sub_sound(double frequency, double lengthInClockTicks) {
if (new_error || !audioEngine.isInitialized || audioEngine.sndInternal != 0 || lengthInClockTicks == 0.0)
if ((frequency < 37.0 && frequency != 0) || frequency > 32767.0 || lengthInClockTicks < 0.0 || lengthInClockTicks > 65535.0) {
// Kickstart the raw stream if it is not already
if (!audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream) {
audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream =
RawStreamCreate(&audioEngine.maEngine, &audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->maSound);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream != nullptr);
if (!audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream)
audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->type = SoundType::Raw;
int soundwave_bytes;
auto data = GenerateWaveform(frequency, lengthInClockTicks / 18.2, 1, &soundwave_bytes);
SendWaveformToQueue(data, soundwave_bytes, !audioEngine.musicBackground);
/// @brief This generates a default 'beep' sound
void sub_beep() {
sub_sound(900, 4.5);
sub_sound(32767, 0.5); // we'll send a very short silence after the beep so that two successive beeps sound unique
/// @brief This was designed to returned the number of notes in the background music queue.
/// However, here we'll just return the number of sample frame remaining to play when Play(), Sound() or Beep() are used
/// @param ignore Well, it's ignored
/// @return Returns the number of sample frames left to play for Play(), Sound() & Beep()
int32_t func_play(int32_t ignore) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && audioEngine.sndInternal == 0 && audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream) {
return (int32_t)audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream->GetSampleFramesRemaining();
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Processes and plays the MML specified in the string.
/// Mmmmm. Spaghetti goodness.
/// Formats:
/// A[#|+|-][0-64]
/// 0-64 is like temp. Lnumber, 0 is whatever the current default is
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str">The string to play</param>
void sub_play(qbs *str) {
static int soundwave_bytes;
static uint8_t *b, *wave, *wave2;
static double d;
static int i, bytes_left, a, x, x2, wave_bytes, wave_base;
static int o = 4;
static double t = 120; // quarter notes per minute (120/60=2 per second)
static double l = 4;
static double pause = 1.0 / 8.0; // ML 0.0, MN 1.0/8.0, MS 1.0/4.0
static double length, length2; // derived from l and t
static double frequency;
static double v = 50;
static int n; // the semitone-intervaled note to be played
static int n_changed; //+,#,- applied?
static int64_t number;
static int number_entered;
static int followup; // 1=play note
static bool playit;
static int fullstops = 0;
if (new_error || !audioEngine.isInitialized || audioEngine.sndInternal != 0)
// Kickstart the raw stream if it is not already
if (!audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream) {
audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream =
RawStreamCreate(&audioEngine.maEngine, &audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->maSound);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream != nullptr);
if (!audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->rawStream)
audioEngine.soundHandles[audioEngine.sndInternal]->type = SoundType::Raw;
b = str->chr;
bytes_left = str->len;
wave = NULL;
wave_bytes = 0;
n_changed = 0;
n = 0;
number_entered = 0;
number = 0;
followup = 0;
length = 1.0 / (t / 60.0) * (4.0 / l);
playit = false;
wave_base = 0; // point at which new sounds will be inserted
if ((bytes_left--) || followup) {
if (bytes_left < 0) {
i = 32;
goto follow_up;
i = *b++;
if (i == 32)
goto next_byte;
if (i >= 97 && i <= 122)
a = i - 32;
a = i;
if (i == 61) { //= (+VARPTR$)
if (fullstops) {
if (number_entered) {
number_entered = 2;
// VARPTR$ reference
'STRING=3 SUB-STRINGS must use "X"+VARPTR$(string$)
if (bytes_left < 3) {
i = *b++;
bytes_left--; // read type byte
x = *(ma_uint16 *)b;
b += 2;
bytes_left -= 2; // read offset within DBLOCK
// note: allowable _BIT type variables in VARPTR$ are all at a byte offset and are all
// padded until the next byte
d = 0;
switch (i) {
case 1:
d = *(char *)(dblock + x);
case (1 + 128):
d = *(ma_uint8 *)(dblock + x);
case 2:
d = *(ma_int16 *)(dblock + x);
case (2 + 128):
d = *(ma_uint16 *)(dblock + x);
case 4:
d = *(float *)(dblock + x);
case 5:
d = *(ma_int64 *)(dblock + x);
case (5 + 128):
d = *(ma_int64 *)(dblock + x); // unsigned conversion is unsupported!
case 6:
d = *(long double *)(dblock + x);
case 8:
d = *(double *)(dblock + x);
case 20:
d = *(ma_int32 *)(dblock + x);
case (20 + 128):
d = *(ma_uint32 *)(dblock + x);
// bit type?
if ((i & 64) == 0) {
x2 = i & 63;
if (x2 > 56) {
} // valid number of bits?
// create a mask
auto mask = (((int64_t)1) << x2) - 1;
auto i64num = (*(int64_t *)(dblock + x)) & mask;
// signed?
if (i & 128) {
mask = ((int64_t)1) << (x2 - 1);
if (i64num & mask) { // top bit on?
mask = -1;
mask <<= x2;
i64num += mask;
} // signed
d = i64num;
if (d > 2147483647.0 || d < -2147483648.0) {
} // out of range value!
number = round(d);
goto next_byte;
// read in a number
if ((i >= 48) && (i <= 57)) {
if (fullstops || (number_entered == 2)) {
if (!number_entered) {
number = 0;
number_entered = 1;
number = number * 10 + i - 48;
goto next_byte;
// read fullstops
if (i == 46) {
if (followup != 7 && followup != 1 && followup != 4) {
goto next_byte;
if (followup == 8) { // V...
if (!number_entered) {
number_entered = 0;
if (number > 100) {
v = number;
followup = 0;
if (bytes_left < 0)
goto done;
} // 8
if (followup == 7) { // P...
if (number_entered) {
number_entered = 0;
if (number < 1 || number > 64) {
length2 = 1.0 / (t / 60.0) * (4.0 / ((double)number));
} else {
length2 = length;
d = length2;
for (x = 1; x <= fullstops; x++) {
d /= 2.0;
length2 = length2 + d;
fullstops = 0;
soundwave_bytes = WaveformBufferSize(length2);
if (!wave) {
// create buffer
wave = (ma_uint8 *)calloc(soundwave_bytes, 1);
wave_bytes = soundwave_bytes;
wave_base = 0;
} else {
// increase buffer?
if ((wave_base + soundwave_bytes) > wave_bytes) {
wave = (ma_uint8 *)realloc(wave, wave_base + soundwave_bytes);
memset(wave + wave_base, 0, wave_base + soundwave_bytes - wave_bytes);
wave_bytes = wave_base + soundwave_bytes;
if (i != 44) {
wave_base += soundwave_bytes;
playit = true;
followup = 0;
if (i == 44)
goto next_byte;
if (bytes_left < 0)
goto done;
} // 7
if (followup == 6) { // T...
if (!number_entered) {
number_entered = 0;
if (number < 32 || number > 255) {
number = 120;
t = number;
length = 1.0 / (t / 60.0) * (4.0 / l);
followup = 0;
if (bytes_left < 0)
goto done;
} // 6
if (followup == 5) { // M...
if (number_entered) {
switch (a) {
case 76: // L
pause = 0;
case 78: // N
pause = 1.0 / 8.0;
case 83: // S
pause = 1.0 / 4.0;
case 66: // MB
if (!audioEngine.musicBackground) {
audioEngine.musicBackground = true;
if (playit) {
playit = false;
SendWaveformToQueue((float *)wave, wave_bytes, true);
wave = NULL;
case 70: // MF
if (audioEngine.musicBackground) {
audioEngine.musicBackground = false;
// preceding MB content incorporated into MF block
followup = 0;
goto next_byte;
} // 5
if (followup == 4) { // N...
if (!number_entered) {
number_entered = 0;
if (number > 84) {
if (number == 0)
number = 125; // #217: this will generate a frequency > 44k and will force GenerateWaveform() to generate silence
n = -45 + number; // #217: fixes incorrect octave
goto followup1;
followup = 0;
if (bytes_left < 0)
goto done;
} // 4
if (followup == 3) { // O...
if (!number_entered) {
number_entered = 0;
if (number > 6) {
o = number;
followup = 0;
if (bytes_left < 0)
goto done;
} // 3
if (followup == 2) { // L...
if (!number_entered) {
number_entered = 0;
if (number < 1 || number > 64) {
l = number;
length = 1.0 / (t / 60.0) * (4.0 / l);
followup = 0;
if (bytes_left < 0)
goto done;
} // 2
if (followup == 1) { // A-G...
if (i == 45) { //-
if (n_changed || number_entered) {
n_changed = 1;
goto next_byte;
if (i == 43 || i == 35) { //+,#
if (n_changed || number_entered) {
n_changed = 1;
goto next_byte;
if (number_entered) {
number_entered = 0;
if (number < 0 || number > 64) {
if (!number)
length2 = length;
length2 = 1.0 / (t / 60.0) * (4.0 / ((double)number));
} else {
length2 = length;
} // number_entered
d = length2;
for (x = 1; x <= fullstops; x++) {
d /= 2.0;
length2 = length2 + d;
fullstops = 0;
// frequency=(2^(note/12))*440
frequency = pow(2.0, ((double)n) / 12.0) * 440.0;
// create wave
wave2 = (ma_uint8 *)GenerateWaveform(frequency, length2 * (1.0 - pause), v / 100.0, &soundwave_bytes);
if (pause > 0) {
wave2 = (ma_uint8 *)realloc(wave2, soundwave_bytes + WaveformBufferSize(length2 * pause));
memset(wave2 + soundwave_bytes, 0, WaveformBufferSize(length2 * pause));
soundwave_bytes += WaveformBufferSize(length2 * pause);
if (!wave) {
// adopt buffer
wave = wave2;
wave_bytes = soundwave_bytes;
wave_base = 0;
} else {
// mix required?
if (wave_base == wave_bytes)
x = 0;
x = 1;
// increase buffer?
if ((wave_base + soundwave_bytes) > wave_bytes) {
wave = (ma_uint8 *)realloc(wave, wave_base + soundwave_bytes);
memset(wave + wave_base, 0, wave_base + soundwave_bytes - wave_bytes);
wave_bytes = wave_base + soundwave_bytes;
// mix or copy
if (x) {
auto sp = (float *)(wave + wave_base);
auto sp2 = (float *)wave2;
auto samples = soundwave_bytes / SAMPLE_FRAME_SIZE(float, 1);
for (x = 0; x < samples; x++) {
sp[x] += sp2[x];
} else {
// copy
memcpy(wave + wave_base, wave2, soundwave_bytes);
} // x
if (i != 44) {
wave_base += soundwave_bytes;
playit = true;
n_changed = 0;
followup = 0;
if (i == 44)
goto next_byte;
if (bytes_left < 0)
goto done;
} // 1
if (a >= 65 && a <= 71) {
// modify a to represent a semitonal note (n) interval
switch (a) {
//[c][ ][d][ ][e][f][ ][g][ ][a][ ][b]
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
case 65:
n = 9;
case 66:
n = 11;
case 67:
n = 0;
case 68:
n = 2;
case 69:
n = 4;
case 70:
n = 5;
case 71:
n = 7;
n = n + (o - 2) * 12 - 9;
followup = 1;
goto next_byte;
} // a
if (a == 76) { // L
followup = 2;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 77) { // M
followup = 5;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 78) { // N
followup = 4;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 79) { // O
followup = 3;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 84) { // T
followup = 6;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 60) { //<
if (o < 0)
o = 0;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 62) { //>
if (o > 6)
o = 6;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 80) { // P
followup = 7;
goto next_byte;
if (a == 86) { // V
followup = 8;
goto next_byte;
} // bytes_left
if (number_entered || followup) {
} // unhandled data
if (playit)
SendWaveformToQueue((float *)wave, wave_bytes, !audioEngine.musicBackground);
/// <summary>
/// This returns the sample rate from ma engine if ma is initialized.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>miniaudio sample rtate</returns>
int32_t func__sndrate() { return audioEngine.sampleRate; }
/// @brief Creates a ma_decoder and ma_sound from a memory buffer for a valid sound handle
/// @param buffer A raw pointer to the sound file in memory
/// @param size The size of the file in memory
/// @param handle A valid sound handle
/// @return MA_SUCCESS if successful. Else, a valid ma_result
static ma_result InitializeSoundFromMemory(const void *buffer, size_t size, int32_t handle) {
if (!IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) || audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder || !buffer || !size)
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder = new ma_decoder(); // allocate and zero memory
if (!audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to allocate memory for miniaudio decoder");
// Setup the decoder & attach the custom backed vtables
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoderConfig = ma_decoder_config_init_default();
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoderConfig.sampleRate = audioEngine.sampleRate;
audioEngine.maResult = ma_decoder_init_memory(buffer, size, &audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoderConfig,
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder); // initialize the decoder
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
delete audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder;
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder = nullptr;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to initialize miniaudio decoder", audioEngine.maResult);
return audioEngine.maResult;
// Finally, load the sound as a data source
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_init_from_data_source(&audioEngine.maEngine, audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder,
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maFlags, NULL, &audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
delete audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder;
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maDecoder = nullptr;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to initialize sound", audioEngine.maResult);
return audioEngine.maResult;
return MA_SUCCESS;
/// <summary>
/// This loads a sound file into memory and returns a LONG handle value above 0.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The is the pathname for the sound file. This can be any format that miniaudio or a miniaudio plugin supports</param>
/// <param name="requirements">This is leftover from the old QB64-SDL days. But we use this to pass some parameters like 'stream'</param>
/// <param name="passed">How many parameters were passed?</param>
/// <returns>Returns a valid sound handle (> 0) if successful or 0 if it fails</returns>
int32_t func__sndopen(qbs *fileName, qbs *requirements, int32_t passed) {
// Some QB strings that we'll need
static qbs *fileNameZ = nullptr;
static qbs *reqs = nullptr;
if (!audioEngine.isInitialized || !fileName->len)
if (!fileNameZ)
fileNameZ = qbs_new(0, 0);
if (!reqs)
reqs = qbs_new(0, 0);
// Alocate a sound handle
int32_t handle = audioEngine.AllocateSoundHandle();
if (handle < 1) // We are not expected to open files with handle 0
// Set some handle properties
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type = SoundType::Static;
// Prepare the requirements string
if (passed && requirements->len)
qbs_set(reqs, qbs_ucase(requirements)); // Convert tmp str to perm str
// Set the flags to specifiy how we want the audio file to be opened
if (passed && requirements->len && func_instr(1, reqs, qbs_new_txt(REQUIREMENT_STRING_STREAM), 1)) {
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maFlags |= MA_SOUND_FLAG_STREAM; // Check if the user wants to stream the file
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound will stream");
} else {
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maFlags |= MA_SOUND_FLAG_DECODE; // Else decode and load the whole sound in memory
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound will be fully decoded");
// Load the file from file or memory based on the requirements string
if (passed && requirements->len && func_instr(1, reqs, qbs_new_txt(REQUIREMENT_STRING_MEMORY), 1)) {
// Configure a miniaudio decoder to load the sound from memory
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Loading sound from memory");
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->bufferKey = (intptr_t)fileName->chr; // make a unique key and save it
audioEngine.bufferMap.AddBuffer(fileName->chr, fileName->len, audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->bufferKey); // make a copy of the buffer
auto [buffer, bufferSize] = audioEngine.bufferMap.GetBuffer(audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->bufferKey); // get the buffer pointer and size
audioEngine.maResult = InitializeSoundFromMemory(buffer, bufferSize, handle); // create the ma_sound
} else {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Loading sound from file '%s'", fileNameZ->chr);
qbs_set(fileNameZ, qbs_add(fileName, qbs_new_txt_len("\0", 1))); // s1 = filename + CHR$(0)
// Forward the request to miniaudio to open the sound file
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_init_from_file(&audioEngine.maEngine, (const char *)fileNameZ->chr, audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maFlags, NULL,
NULL, &audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
// If the sound failed to initialize, then free the handle and return INVALID_SOUND_HANDLE
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to open sound", audioEngine.maResult);
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->isUsed = false;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound successfully loaded");
return handle;
/// <summary>
/// The frees and unloads an open sound.
/// If the sound is playing, it'll let it finish. Looping sounds will loop until the program is closed.
/// If the sound is a stream of raw samples then any remaining samples pending for playback will be sent to miniaudio and then the handle will be freed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
void sub__sndclose(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle)) {
// If we have a raw stream then force it to push all it's data to miniaudio
// Note that this will take care of checking if the handle is a raw steam and other stuff
// So it is completly safe to call it this way
sub__sndrawdone(handle, true);
if (audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Raw)
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->rawStream->stop = true; // Signal miniaudio thread that we are going to end playback
// Simply set the autokill flag to true and let the sound loop handle disposing the sound
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->autoKill = true;
/// <summary>
/// This copies a sound to a new handle so that two or more of the same sound can be played at once.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="src_handle">A source sound handle</param>
/// <returns>A new sound handle if successful or 0 on failure</returns>
int32_t func__sndcopy(int32_t src_handle) {
// Check for all invalid cases
if (!audioEngine.isInitialized || !IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(src_handle) || audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->type != SoundType::Static)
int32_t dst_handle = INVALID_SOUND_HANDLE;
// Miniaudio will not copy sounds attached to ma_audio_buffers so we'll handle the duplication ourselves
// Sadly, since this involves a buffer copy there may be a delay before the sound can play (especially if the sound is lengthy)
// The delay may be noticeable when _SNDPLAYCOPY is used multiple times on the a _SNDNEW sound
if (audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maAudioBuffer) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Doing custom sound copy for ma_audio_buffer");
auto frames = audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.sizeInFrames;
auto channels = audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.channels;
auto format = audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.format;
// First create a new _SNDNEW sound with the same properties at the source
dst_handle = func__sndnew(frames, channels, CHAR_BIT * ma_get_bytes_per_sample(format));
if (dst_handle < 1)
// Next memcopy the samples from the source to the dest
memcpy((void *)audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.pData, audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.pData,
frames * ma_get_bytes_per_frame(format, channels)); // naughty const void* casting, but should be OK
} else if (audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maDecoder) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Doing custom sound copy for ma_decoder");
dst_handle = audioEngine.AllocateSoundHandle(); // alocate a sound handle
if (dst_handle < 1)
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->type = SoundType::Static; // set some handle properties
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maFlags = audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maFlags; // copy the flags
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->bufferKey = audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->bufferKey; // copy the BufferMap unique key
audioEngine.bufferMap.AddRef(audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->bufferKey); // increase the reference count
auto [buffer, bufferSize] = audioEngine.bufferMap.GetBuffer(audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->bufferKey); // get the buffer pointer and size
audioEngine.maResult = InitializeSoundFromMemory(buffer, bufferSize, dst_handle); // create the ma_sound
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->isUsed = false;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to copy sound", audioEngine.maResult);
} else {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Doing regular miniaudio sound copy");
dst_handle = audioEngine.AllocateSoundHandle(); // alocate a sound handle
if (dst_handle < 1)
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->type = SoundType::Static; // set some handle properties
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maFlags = audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maFlags; // copy the flags
// Initialize a new copy of the sound
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_init_copy(&audioEngine.maEngine, &audioEngine.soundHandles[src_handle]->maSound,
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maFlags, NULL, &audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maSound);
// If the sound failed to copy, then free the handle and return INVALID_SOUND_HANDLE
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->isUsed = false;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to copy sound", audioEngine.maResult);
return dst_handle;
/// <summary>
/// This plays a sound designated by a sound handle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
void sub__sndplay(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
// Reset position to zero only if we are playing and (not looping or we've reached the end of the sound)
// This is based on the old OpenAl-soft code behavior
if (ma_sound_is_playing(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound) &&
(!ma_sound_is_looping(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound) || ma_sound_at_end(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound))) {
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_seek_to_pcm_frame(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, 0);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
// Kickstart playback
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_start(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
// Stop looping the sound if it is
if (ma_sound_is_looping(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound)) {
ma_sound_set_looping(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, MA_FALSE);
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Playing sound %i", handle);
/// <summary>
/// This copies a sound, plays it, and automatically closes the copy.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle to copy</param>
/// <param name="volume">The volume at which the sound should be played (0.0 - 1.0)</param>
/// <param name="x">x distance values go from left (negative) to right (positive)</param>
/// <param name="y">y distance values go from below (negative) to above (positive).</param>
/// <param name="z">z distance values go from behind (negative) to in front (positive).</param>
/// <param name="passed">How many parameters were passed?</param>
void sub__sndplaycopy(int32_t src_handle, double volume, double x, double y, double z, int32_t passed) {
// We are simply going to use sndcopy, then setup some stuff like volume and autokill and then use sndplay
// We are not checking if the audio engine was initialized because if not we'll get an invalid handle anyway
auto dst_handle = func__sndcopy(src_handle);
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Source handle = %i, destination handle = %i", src_handle, dst_handle);
// Check if we succeeded and then proceed
if (dst_handle > 0) {
// Set the volume if requested
if (passed & 1)
ma_sound_set_volume(&audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maSound, volume);
if (passed & 4 || passed & 8) { // If y or z or both are passed
ma_sound_set_spatialization_enabled(&audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maSound, MA_TRUE); // Enable 3D spatialization
ma_sound_set_position(&audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maSound, x, y, z); // Use full 3D positioning
} else if (passed & 2) { // If x is passed
ma_sound_set_spatialization_enabled(&audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maSound, MA_FALSE); // Disable spatialization for better stereo sound
ma_sound_set_pan_mode(&audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maSound, ma_pan_mode_pan); // Set true panning
ma_sound_set_pan(&audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->maSound, x); // Just use stereo panning
sub__sndplay(dst_handle); // Play the sound
audioEngine.soundHandles[dst_handle]->autoKill = true; // Set to auto kill
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Playing sound copy %i: volume %lf, 3D (%lf, %lf, %lf)", dst_handle, volume, x, y, z);
/// <summary>
/// This is a "fire and forget" style of function.
/// The engine will manage the sound handle internally.
/// When the sound finishes playing, the handle will be put up for recycling.
/// Playback starts asynchronously.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The is the name of the file to be played</param>
/// <param name="sync">This paramater is ignored</param>
/// <param name="volume">This the sound playback volume (0 - silent ... 1 - full)</param>
/// <param name="passed">How many parameters were passed?</param>
void sub__sndplayfile(qbs *fileName, int32_t sync, double volume, int32_t passed) {
// We need this to send requirements to SndOpen
static qbs *reqs = nullptr;
if (!reqs) {
// Since this never changes, we can get away by doing this just once
reqs = qbs_new(0, 0);
qbs_set(reqs, qbs_new_txt(REQUIREMENT_STRING_STREAM));
// We will not wrap this in a 'if initialized' block because SndOpen will take care of that
int32_t handle = func__sndopen(fileName, reqs, 1);
if (handle > 0) {
if (passed & 2)
ma_sound_set_volume(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, volume);
sub__sndplay(handle); // Play the sound
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->autoKill = true; // Set to auto kill
/// <summary>
/// This pauses a sound using a sound handle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
void sub__sndpause(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
// Stop the sound and just leave it at that
// miniaudio does not reset the play cursor
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_stop(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
/// <summary>
/// This returns whether a sound is being played.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <returns>Return true if the sound is playing. False otherwise</returns>
int32_t func__sndplaying(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
return ma_sound_is_playing(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound) ? QB_TRUE : QB_FALSE;
return QB_FALSE;
/// <summary>
/// This checks if a sound is paused.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the sound is paused. False otherwise</returns>
int32_t func__sndpaused(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
return !ma_sound_is_playing(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound) &&
(ma_sound_is_looping(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound) || !ma_sound_at_end(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound))
return QB_FALSE;
/// <summary>
/// This sets the volume of a sound loaded in memory using a sound handle.
/// New: This works for both static and raw sounds.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="volume">A float point value with 0 resulting in silence and anything above 1 resulting in amplification</param>
void sub__sndvol(int32_t handle, float volume) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) &&
(audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static || audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Raw)) {
ma_sound_set_volume(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, volume);
/// <summary>
/// This is like sub__sndplay but the sound is looped.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle"></param>
void sub__sndloop(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
// Reset position to zero only if we are playing and (not looping or we've reached the end of the sound)
// This is based on the old OpenAl-soft code behavior
if (ma_sound_is_playing(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound) &&
(!ma_sound_is_looping(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound) || ma_sound_at_end(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound))) {
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_seek_to_pcm_frame(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, 0);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
// Kickstart playback
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_start(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
// Start looping the sound if it is not
if (!ma_sound_is_looping(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound)) {
ma_sound_set_looping(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, MA_TRUE);
/// <summary>
/// This will attempt to set the balance or 3D position of a sound.
/// Note that unlike the OpenAL code, we will do pure stereo panning if y & z are absent.
/// New: This works for both static and raw sounds.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="x">x distance values go from left (negative) to right (positive)</param>
/// <param name="y">y distance values go from below (negative) to above (positive).</param>
/// <param name="z">z distance values go from behind (negative) to in front (positive).</param>
/// <param name="channel">channel value 1 denotes left (mono) and 2 denotes right (stereo) channel. This has no meaning for miniaudio and is ignored</param>
/// <param name="passed">How many parameters were passed?</param>
void sub__sndbal(int32_t handle, double x, double y, double z, int32_t channel, int32_t passed) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) &&
(audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static || audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Raw)) {
if (passed & 2 || passed & 4) { // If y or z or both are passed
ma_sound_set_spatialization_enabled(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, MA_TRUE); // Enable 3D spatialization
ma_vec3f v = ma_sound_get_position(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound); // Get the current position in 3D space
// Set the previous values of x, y, z if these were not passed
if (!(passed & 1))
x = v.x;
if (!(passed & 2))
y = v.y;
if (!(passed & 4))
z = v.z;
ma_sound_set_position(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, x, y, z); // Use full 3D positioning
} else if (passed & 1) { // Only bother if x is passed
ma_sound_set_spatialization_enabled(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, MA_FALSE); // Disable spatialization for better stereo sound
ma_sound_set_pan_mode(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, ma_pan_mode_pan); // Set true panning
ma_sound_set_pan(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, x); // Just use stereo panning
/// <summary>
/// This returns the length in seconds of a loaded sound using a sound handle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <returns>Returns the length of a sound in seconds</returns>
double func__sndlen(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
float lengthSeconds = 0;
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_get_length_in_seconds(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, &lengthSeconds);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
return lengthSeconds;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// This returns the current playing position in seconds using a sound handle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <returns>Returns the current playing position in seconds from an open sound file</returns>
double func__sndgetpos(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
float playCursorSeconds = 0;
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_get_cursor_in_seconds(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, &playCursorSeconds);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
return playCursorSeconds;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// This changes the current/starting playing position in seconds of a sound.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="seconds">The position to set in seconds</param>
void sub__sndsetpos(int32_t handle, double seconds) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
float lengthSeconds = 0;
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_get_length_in_seconds(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, &lengthSeconds); // Get the length in seconds
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS)
if (seconds > lengthSeconds) // If position is beyond length then simply stop playback and exit
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_stop(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
ma_uint64 lengthSampleFrames;
audioEngine.maResult =
ma_sound_get_length_in_pcm_frames(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, &lengthSampleFrames); // Get the total sample frames
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS)
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_seek_to_pcm_frame(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound,
lengthSampleFrames * (seconds / lengthSeconds)); // Set the postion in PCM frames
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
/// <summary>
/// This stops playing a sound after it has been playing for a set number of seconds.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="limit">The number of seconds that the sound will play</param>
void sub__sndlimit(int32_t handle, double limit) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
ma_sound_set_stop_time_in_milliseconds(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, limit * 1000);
/// <summary>
/// This stops a playing or paused sound using a sound handle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
void sub__sndstop(int32_t handle) {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Static) {
// Stop the sound first
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_stop(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
// Also reset the playback cursor to zero
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_seek_to_pcm_frame(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, 0);
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.maResult == MA_SUCCESS);
/// <summary>
/// This function opens a new channel to fill with _SNDRAW content to manage multiple dynamically generated sounds.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A new sound handle if successful or 0 on failure</returns>
int32_t func__sndopenraw() {
// Return invalid handle if audio engine is not initialized
if (!audioEngine.isInitialized)
// Alocate a sound handle
int32_t handle = audioEngine.AllocateSoundHandle();
if (handle < 1)
// Set some handle properties
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type = SoundType::Raw;
// Create the raw sound object
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->rawStream = RawStreamCreate(&audioEngine.maEngine, &audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
if (!audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->rawStream)
return handle;
/// <summary>
/// This plays sound wave sample frequencies created by a program.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="left">Left channel sample</param>
/// <param name="right">Right channel sample</param>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="passed">How many parameters were passed?</param>
void sub__sndraw(float left, float right, int32_t handle, int32_t passed) {
// Use the default raw handle if handle was not passed
if (!(passed & 2)) {
// Check if the default handle was created
if (audioEngine.sndInternalRaw < 1) {
audioEngine.sndInternalRaw = func__sndopenraw();
handle = audioEngine.sndInternalRaw;
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Raw) {
if (!(passed & 1))
right = left;
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->rawStream->PushSampleFrame(left, right);
/// <summary>
/// This ensures that the final buffer portion is played in short sound effects even if it is incomplete.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="passed">How many parameters were passed?</param>
void sub__sndrawdone(int32_t handle, int32_t passed) {
// This is NOP now because miniaudio data source automatically pulls in all the samples without us doing anything
// As such, we need to think about the future of this function. Probably just leave it this way?
// Use the default raw handle if handle was not passed
if (!passed)
handle = audioEngine.sndInternalRaw;
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Raw) {
// NOP
/// <summary>
/// This function returns the length, in seconds, of a _SNDRAW sound currently queued.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="passed">How many parameters were passed?</param>
/// <returns></returns>
double func__sndrawlen(int32_t handle, int32_t passed) {
// Use the default raw handle if handle was not passed
if (!passed)
handle = audioEngine.sndInternalRaw;
if (audioEngine.isInitialized && IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) && audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type == SoundType::Raw) {
return audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->rawStream->GetTimeRemaining();
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// This returns a sound handle to a newly created sound's raw data in memory with the given specification.
/// The user can then fill the buffer with whatever they want (using _MEMSOUND) and play it.
/// This is basically the sound equivalent of _NEWIMAGE.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="frames">The number of sample frames required</param>
/// <param name="channels">The number of sound channels. This can be 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo)/param>
/// <param name="bits">The bit depth of the sound. This can be 8 (unsigned 8-bit), 16 (signed 16-bit) or 32 (FP32)</param>
/// <returns>A new sound handle if successful or 0 on failure</returns>
int32_t func__sndnew(int32_t frames, int32_t channels, int32_t bits) {
if (!audioEngine.isInitialized || frames <= 0) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(frames > 0);
// Validate all parameters
if ((channels != 1 && channels != 2) || (bits != 16 && bits != 32 && bits != 8)) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Invalid channels (%i) or bits (%i)", channels, bits);
// Alocate a sound handle
int32_t handle = audioEngine.AllocateSoundHandle();
if (handle < 1)
// Set some handle properties
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type = SoundType::Static;
// Setup the ma_audio_buffer
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBufferConfig = ma_audio_buffer_config_init(
(bits == 32 ? ma_format::ma_format_f32 : (bits == 16 ? ma_format::ma_format_s16 : ma_format::ma_format_u8)), channels, frames, NULL, NULL);
// This currently has no effect. Sample rate always defaults to engine sample rate
// Sample rate support for audio buffer is coming in miniaudio version 0.12
// Once we have support, we can add sample rate as an optional 4th parameter
// audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBufferConfig.sampleRate = audioEngine.sampleRate;
// Allocate and initialize ma_audio_buffer
audioEngine.maResult =
ma_audio_buffer_alloc_and_init(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBufferConfig, &audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer);
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to initialize audio buffer", audioEngine.maResult);
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->isUsed = false;
// Create a ma_sound from the ma_audio_buffer
audioEngine.maResult = ma_sound_init_from_data_source(&audioEngine.maEngine, audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer,
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maFlags, NULL, &audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Error %i: failed to initialize data source", audioEngine.maResult);
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer = nullptr;
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->isUsed = false;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Frames = %i, channels = %i, bits = %i, ma_format = %i, pointer = %p", audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.sizeInFrames,
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.channels, bits, audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.format,
return handle;
/// <summary>
/// This function returns a _MEM value referring to a sound's raw data in memory using a designated sound handle created by the _SNDOPEN function.
/// miniaudio supports a variety of sample and channel formats. Translating all of that to basic 2 channel 16-bit format that
/// MemSound was originally supporting would require significant overhead both in terms of system resources and code.
/// For now we are just exposing the underlying PCM data directly from miniaudio. This fits rather well using the existing mem structure.
/// Mono sounds should continue to work just as it was before. Stereo and multi-channel sounds however will be required to be handled correctly
/// by the user by checking the 'elementsize' (for frame size in bytes) and 'type' (for data type) members.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">A sound handle</param>
/// <param name="targetChannel">This should be 0 (for interleaved) or 1 (for mono). Anything else will result in failure</param>
/// <returns>A _MEM value that can be used to access the sound data</returns>
mem_block func__memsound(int32_t handle, int32_t targetChannel) {
ma_format maFormat = ma_format::ma_format_unknown;
ma_uint32 channels = 0;
ma_uint64 sampleFrames = 0;
ptrszint data = NULL;
// Setup mem_block (assuming failure)
mem_block mb = {};
mb.lock_offset = (ptrszint)mem_lock_base;
mb.lock_id = INVALID_MEM_LOCK;
// Return invalid mem_block if audio is not initialized, handle is invalid or sound type is not static
if (!audioEngine.isInitialized || !IS_SOUND_HANDLE_VALID(handle) || audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type != SoundType::Static ||
(targetChannel != 0 && targetChannel != 1)) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Invalid handle (%i), sound type (%i) or channel (%i)", handle, audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type, targetChannel);
return mb;
// Check what kind of sound we are dealing with and take appropriate path
if (audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer) { // we are dealing with a user created audio buffer
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Entering ma_audio_buffer path");
maFormat = audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.format;
channels = audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.channels;
sampleFrames = audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.sizeInFrames;
data = (ptrszint)audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maAudioBuffer->ref.pData;
} else { // we are dealing with a sound loaded from file or memory
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Entering ma_resource_manager_data_buffer path");
// The sound cannot be steaming and must be completely decoded in memory
if (audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maFlags & MA_SOUND_FLAG_STREAM || !(audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maFlags & MA_SOUND_FLAG_DECODE)) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound data is not completely decoded");
return mb;
// Get the pointer to the data source
auto ds = (ma_resource_manager_data_buffer *)ma_sound_get_data_source(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound);
if (!ds || !ds->pNode) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Data source pointer OR data source node pointer is NULL");
return mb;
// Check if the data is one contigious buffer or a link list of decoded pages
// We cannot have a mem object for a link list of decoded pages for obvious reasons
if (ds->pNode->data.type != ma_resource_manager_data_supply_type::ma_resource_manager_data_supply_type_decoded) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Data is not a contigious buffer. Type = %u", ds->pNode->data.type);
return mb;
// Check the data pointer
if (!ds->pNode->data.backend.decoded.pData) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Data source data pointer is NULL");
return mb;
// Query the data format
if (ma_sound_get_data_format(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, &maFormat, &channels, NULL, NULL, 0) != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Data format query failed");
return mb;
// Get the length in sample frames
if (ma_sound_get_length_in_pcm_frames(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound, &sampleFrames) != MA_SUCCESS) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("PCM frames query failed");
return mb;
data = (ptrszint)ds->pNode->data.backend.decoded.pData;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Format = %u, channels = %u, frames = %llu", maFormat, channels, sampleFrames);
// Setup type: This was not done in the old code
// But we are doing it here. By examing the type the user can now figure out if they have to use FP32 or integers
switch (maFormat) {
case ma_format::ma_format_f32:
mb.type = 4 + 256; // FP32
case ma_format::ma_format_s32:
mb.type = 4 + 128; // signed int32
case ma_format::ma_format_s16:
mb.type = 2 + 128; // signed int16
case ma_format::ma_format_u8:
mb.type = 1 + 128 + 1024; // unsigned int8
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Unsupported audio format");
return mb;
if (audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->memLockOffset) {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Returning previously created mem_lock");
mb.lock_offset = (ptrszint)audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->memLockOffset;
mb.lock_id = audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->memLockId;
} else {
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Returning new mem_lock");
mem_lock_tmp->type = MEM_TYPE_SOUND;
mb.lock_offset = (ptrszint)mem_lock_tmp;
mb.lock_id = mem_lock_id;
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->memLockOffset = (void *)mem_lock_tmp;
audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->memLockId = mem_lock_id;
mb.elementsize = ma_get_bytes_per_frame(maFormat, channels); // Set the element size. This is the size of each PCM frame in bytes
mb.offset = data; // Setup offset
mb.size = sampleFrames * mb.elementsize; // Setup size (in bytes)
mb.sound = handle; // Copy the handle
mb.image = 0; // Not needed. Set to 0
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("ElementSize = %lli, size = %lli, type = %lli, pointer = %p", mb.elementsize, mb.size, mb.type, mb.offset);
return mb;
/// <summary>
/// This initializes the QBPE audio subsystem.
/// We simply attempt to initialize and then set some globals with the results.
/// </summary>
void snd_init() {
// Exit if engine is initialize or already initialization was attempted but failed
if (audioEngine.isInitialized || audioEngine.initializationFailed)
// Initialize the miniaudio resource manager
audioEngine.maResourceManagerConfig = ma_resource_manager_config_init();
audioEngine.maResourceManagerConfig.pCustomDecodingBackendUserData = NULL; // <- pUserData parameter of each function in the decoding backend vtables
audioEngine.maResult = ma_resource_manager_init(&audioEngine.maResourceManagerConfig, &audioEngine.maResourceManager);
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
audioEngine.initializationFailed = true;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Failed to initialize miniaudio resource manager");
// Once we have a resource manager we can create the engine
audioEngine.maEngineConfig = ma_engine_config_init();
audioEngine.maEngineConfig.pResourceManager = &audioEngine.maResourceManager;
// Attempt to initialize with miniaudio defaults
audioEngine.maResult = ma_engine_init(&audioEngine.maEngineConfig, &audioEngine.maEngine);
// If failed, then set the global flag so that we don't attempt to initialize again
if (audioEngine.maResult != MA_SUCCESS) {
audioEngine.initializationFailed = true;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("miniaudio initialization failed");
// Get and save the engine sample rate. We will let miniaudio choose the device sample rate for us
// This ensures we get the lowest latency
// Set the resource manager decorder sample rate to the device sample rate (miniaudio engine bug?)
audioEngine.maResourceManager.config.decodedSampleRate = audioEngine.sampleRate = ma_engine_get_sample_rate(&audioEngine.maEngine);
// Set the initialized flag as true
audioEngine.isInitialized = true;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Audio engine initialized at %uHz sample rate", audioEngine.sampleRate);
// Reserve sound handle 0 so that nothing else can use it
// We will use this handle internally for Play(), Beep(), Sound() etc.
audioEngine.sndInternal = audioEngine.AllocateSoundHandle();
AUDIO_DEBUG_CHECK(audioEngine.sndInternal == 0); // The first handle must return 0 and this is what is used by Beep and Sound
/// <summary>
/// This shuts down the audio engine and frees any resources used.
/// </summary>
void snd_un_init() {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized) {
// Free all sound handles here
for (size_t handle = 0; handle < audioEngine.soundHandles.size(); handle++) {
audioEngine.FreeSoundHandle(handle); // Let FreeSoundHandle do it's thing
delete audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]; // Now free the object created by AllocateSoundHandle()
// Now that all sounds are closed and SoundHandle objects are freed, clear the vector
// Invalidate internal handles
audioEngine.sndInternal = audioEngine.sndInternalRaw = INVALID_SOUND_HANDLE;
// Shutdown miniaudio
// Shutdown the miniaudio resource manager
// Set engine initialized flag as false
audioEngine.isInitialized = false;
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Audio engine shutdown");
/// <summary>
/// This is called by the QBPE library code.
/// We use this for housekeeping and other stuff.
/// </summary>
void snd_mainloop() {
if (audioEngine.isInitialized) {
// Scan through the whole handle vector to find anything we need to update or close
for (size_t handle = 0; handle < audioEngine.soundHandles.size(); handle++) {
// Only process handles that are in use
if (audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->isUsed) {
// Look for stuff that is set to auto-destruct
if (audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->autoKill) {
switch (audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->type) {
case SoundType::Static:
case SoundType::Raw:
// Dispose the sound if it has finished playing
// Note that this means that temporary looping sounds will never close
// Well thats on the programmer. Probably they want it that way
if (!ma_sound_is_playing(&audioEngine.soundHandles[handle]->maSound))
case SoundType::None:
if (handle != 0)
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Sound type is 'None' when handle value is not 0");
AUDIO_DEBUG_PRINT("Condition not handled"); // It should not come here