**MySQL** is a database manager that is widely used on the internet with languages such as PHP. This is a DECLARE LIBRARY to allow access to MySQL databases. **IMPORTANT** > * 1) Make sure you are running QB64 V0.942 or higher > * 2) Download 'mysql.dll' and place it in your qb64 folder (not provided) > * 3) Create 'mysql_helper.h' in your QB64 folder (see below) > * 4) Run & enjoy browsing our sample database as a member with read-only privileges. > *mysql_helper.h* ```text void *offset_to_offset(void* offset){ return offset; } void *offset_at_offset(void** offset){ return *offset; } ``` Code by Galleon ```vb DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY "mysql_helper" FUNCTION offset_to_string$ ALIAS offset_to_offset (BYVAL offset AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION offset_at_offset%& (BYVAL offset AS _OFFSET) END DECLARE '#### mysql.dll not provided #### DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "mysql" FUNCTION mysql_get_client_info$ FUNCTION mysql_init%& (BYVAL x AS LONG) FUNCTION mysql_real_connect& (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, host AS STRING, user AS STRING, password AS STRING, db AS STRING, BYVAL port AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL unix_socket AS _OFFSET, BYVAL client_flag AS _UNSIGNED _OFFSET) SUB mysql_close (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET) SUB mysql_query (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, what AS STRING) FUNCTION mysql_store_result%& (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION mysql_num_fields& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION mysql_fetch_row%& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) SUB mysql_free_result (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) '... END DECLARE DIM conn AS _OFFSET PRINT "MYSQL Client: " + mysql_get_client_info$ conn = mysql_init(0) IF conn = 0 THEN PRINT "Could not init MYSQL client!": END '*** Open the db *** 'PRINT mysql_real_connect(conn, "qb64db2.db.7445102.hostedresource.com", "", "", "qb64db2", 0, 0, 0) PRINT mysql_real_connect(conn, "qb64db2.db.7445102.hostedresource.com", "qb64guest", "QB64forever", "qb64db2", 0, 0, 0) '*** Write to the db (not possible as a guest!) *** GOTO skip_write '(guests can't do this anyway) mysql_query conn, "CREATE TABLE writers(name VARCHAR(25))" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Leo Tolstoy')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Jack London')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Honore de Balzac')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Lion Feuchtwanger')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Emile Zola')" skip_write: '*** Read from the db *** mysql_query conn, "SELECT * FROM writers" DIM result AS _OFFSET result = mysql_store_result(conn) DIM num_fields AS LONG num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result) DIM row AS _OFFSET DO row = mysql_fetch_row(result) IF row THEN FOR i = 0 TO num_fields - 1 PRINT offset_to_string(offset_at_offset(row)) NEXT END IF LOOP UNTIL row = 0 mysql_free_result result '*** Close the db *** mysql_close con END ``` > Here's some code which uses 'mysql_fetch_fields': ```vb DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY "mysql_helper" FUNCTION offset_to_string$ ALIAS offset_to_offset (BYVAL offset AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION offset_at_offset%& (BYVAL offset AS _OFFSET) END DECLARE TYPE MYSQL_FIELD_TYPE ' typedef struct st_mysql_field { name AS _OFFSET ' char *name; org_name AS _OFFSET ' char *org_name; table AS _OFFSET ' char *table; org_table AS _OFFSET ' char *org_table; db AS _OFFSET ' char *db; catalog AS _OFFSET ' char *catalog; default AS _OFFSET ' char *def; length AS _UNSIGNED _OFFSET ' unsigned long length; max_length AS _UNSIGNED _OFFSET ' unsigned long max_length; name_length AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int name_length; org_name_length AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int org_name_length; table_length AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int table_length; org_table_length AS _UNSIGNED LONG' unsigned int org_table_length; db_length AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int db_length; catalog_length AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int catalog_length; def_length AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int def_length; flags AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int flags; decimals AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int decimals; charsetnr AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' unsigned int charsetnr; type AS _UNSIGNED LONG ' enum enum_field_types type; END TYPE ' } MYSQL_FIELD; DECLARE CUSTOMTYPE LIBRARY SUB OFFSETtoMYSQL_FIELD ALIAS memcpy (dest AS MYSQL_FIELD_TYPE, BYVAL source AS _OFFSET, BYVAL bytes AS LONG) END DECLARE '#### mysql.dll not provided #### DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "mysql" FUNCTION mysql_get_client_info$ FUNCTION mysql_init%& (BYVAL x AS LONG) FUNCTION mysql_real_connect& (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, host AS STRING, user AS STRING, password AS STRING, db AS STRING, BYVAL port AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL unix_socket AS _OFFSET, BYVAL client_flag AS _UNSIGNED _OFFSET) SUB mysql_close (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET) SUB mysql_query (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, what AS STRING) FUNCTION mysql_store_result%& (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION mysql_num_fields& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION mysql_fetch_row%& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) SUB mysql_free_result (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) FUNCTION mysql_fetch_fields%& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) '... END DECLARE DIM conn AS _OFFSET PRINT "MYSQL Client: " + mysql_get_client_info$ conn = mysql_init(0) IF conn = 0 THEN PRINT "Could not init MYSQL client!": END '*** Open the db *** 'PRINT mysql_real_connect(conn, "qb64db2.db.7445102.hostedresource.com", "", "", "qb64db2", 0, 0, 0) PRINT mysql_real_connect(conn, "qb64db2.db.7445102.hostedresource.com", "qb64guest", "QB64forever", "qb64db2", 0, 0, 0) '*** Write to the db (not possible as a guest!) *** GOTO skip_write '(guests can't do this anyway) mysql_query conn, "CREATE TABLE writers(name VARCHAR(25))" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Leo Tolstoy')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Jack London')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Honore de Balzac')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Lion Feuchtwanger')" mysql_query conn, "INSERT INTO writers VALUES('Emile Zola')" skip_write: '*** Read from the db *** mysql_query conn, "SELECT * FROM writers" DIM result AS _OFFSET result = mysql_store_result(conn) DIM num_fields AS LONG num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result) f%& = mysql_fetch_fields(result) DIM ft AS MYSQL_FIELD_TYPE OFFSETtoMYSQL_FIELD ft, f%&, LEN(ft) PRINT offset_to_string(ft.name) PRINT offset_to_string(ft.org_name) x%& = ft.length: PRINT x%& '***PRINT ft.length doesn't work in QB64 yet, this needs to be addressed*** END DIM row AS _OFFSET DO row = mysql_fetch_row(result) IF row THEN FOR i = 0 TO num_fields - 1 PRINT offset_to_string(offset_at_offset(row)) NEXT END IF LOOP UNTIL row = 0 mysql_free_result result '*** Close the db *** mysql_close con END ``` ## SQL Demo This version has much the same functionality with a few bug fixes, better examples, the ability to switch between multiple open databases and a table-viewer SUB for visualising the results of SELECT queries. If anyone wants to code me up some more examples or suggest improvements feel free, I'll be glad to add them. Galleon **IMPORTANT** > * Download 'mysql.dll' and place it in your qb64 folder (not provided) > * Find a SQL database server to connect to OR download your own [http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/] > * Setup you IP, username and password in the code below... ```vb 'the following section is used to help you get started with the examples WIDTH 2000, 25 DIM SHARED sql_database_ip AS STRING DIM SHARED my_password AS STRING DIM SHARED my_username AS STRING 'NOTE: TO PROTECT YOU FROM ACCIDENTLY DISCLOSING YOUR PASSWORD WHEN ASKING FOR CODE SUPPORT ' DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND PUT YOUR PASSWORD IN A FILE CALLED "password.txt" user_password$ = "CREATE A TEXT FILE CALLED password.txt WITH YOUR PASSWORD" fh = FREEFILE: OPEN "password.txt" FOR INPUT AS fh: LINE INPUT #fh, my_password$: CLOSE #fh my_username = "root" sql_database_ip = "" 'http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/c-api-functions.html DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "mysql" FUNCTION mysql_init%& (BYVAL always_0 AS _OFFSET) 'MYSQL *mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql) FUNCTION mysql_error$ (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET) 'const char *mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql) FUNCTION mysql_get_client_info$ ' Returns a string that represents the client library version ' const char *mysql_get_client_info(void) FUNCTION mysql_real_connect%& (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, host AS STRING, user AS STRING, password AS STRING, db AS STRING, BYVAL port AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL unix_socket AS _OFFSET, BYVAL client_flag AS _UNSIGNED _OFFSET) FUNCTION mysql_real_connect_dont_open%& ALIAS mysql_real_connect (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, host AS STRING, user AS STRING, password AS STRING, BYVAL db AS _OFFSET, BYVAL port AS _UNSIGNED LONG, BYVAL unix_socket AS _OFFSET, BYVAL client_flag AS _UNSIGNED LONG) ' MYSQL *mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db, unsigned int port, const char *unix_socket, unsigned long client_flag) ' The value of host may be either a host name or an IP address. If host is NULL or the string "localhost", a connection to the local host is assumed. ' db is the database name. If db is not NULL, the connection sets the default database to this value. ' If port is not 0, the value is used as the port number for the TCP/IP connection. Note that the host parameter determines the type of the connection. ' If unix_socket is not NULL, the string specifies the socket or named pipe to use. Note that the host parameter determines the type of the connection. ' The value of client_flag is usually 0, but can be set to a combination of the following flags to enable certain features. ' Return Value: A MYSQL* connection handle if the connection was successful, NULL if the connection was unsuccessful. For a successful connection, the return value is the same as the value of the first parameter. '*** REMEMBER, ALL STRINGS PASSED MUST BE NULL '+CHR$(0)' TERMINATED *** SUB mysql_query (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, mysql_command AS STRING) FUNCTION mysql_query& (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET, mysql_command AS STRING) ' int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *stmt_str) ' Executes the SQL statement pointed to by the null-terminated string stmt_str. Normally, the string must consist of a single SQL statement without a terminating semicolon (“;”) or \g. If multiple-statement execution has been enabled, 'Returns Zero if the statement was successful. Nonzero if an error occurred. '*** REMEMBER, ALL STRINGS PASSED MUST BE NULL '+CHR$(0)' TERMINATED *** FUNCTION mysql_store_result%& (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET) ' MYSQL_RES *mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql) ' Returns a RESULT STRUCTURE FUNCTION mysql_num_fields~& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) ' unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *result) ' To pass a MYSQL* argument instead, use unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql). ' Returns number of columns in result set FUNCTION mysql_num_rows&& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) ' my_ulonglong mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *result) ' Returns the number of rows in the result set. FUNCTION mysql_fetch_row%& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) ' MYSQL_ROW mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result) ' RETURNS A ROW STRUCTURE FUNCTION mysql_fetch_lengths%& (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) ' unsigned long *mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result) ' Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row within a result set. ' Returns a pointer to an array of lengths SUB mysql_close (BYVAL mysql AS _OFFSET) SUB mysql_free_result (BYVAL result AS _OFFSET) END DECLARE TYPE DB_TYPE Object AS _OFFSET END TYPE DIM SHARED DB_Version AS STRING: DB_Version = mysql_get_client_info$ 'currently "6.0.0" in Windows DIM SHARED DB_Last AS LONG DIM SHARED Database(DB_Last) AS DB_TYPE DIM SHARED DB_Last_Error AS STRING DIM SHARED DB_Selected AS LONG DIM SHARED DB_Debug_Mode AS LONG: DB_Debug_Mode = 0 DIM SHARED DB_RESULT(1 + 1, 1 + 1) AS STRING '***DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE*** DO PRINT: PRINT: PRINT PRINT "CHOOSE AN EXAMPLE:" PRINT "1) Explore an existing database" PRINT "2) Create a new database" INPUT "Which example? (1-3) >", e IF e = 1 THEN EXAMPLE_1 ignore_this_value IF e = 2 THEN EXAMPLE_2 ignore_this_value IF e = 0 THEN EXIT DO LOOP PRINT "Bye!" END SUB DB_Critical_Error (message$) SCREEN 2 PRINT message$ END END SUB FUNCTION DB_Open (host_ip$, user_name$, user_password$, DB_name$) 'if DB_name="" then no database is selected DB_Last_Error = "" 'create new handle FOR DB = 1 TO DB_Last IF Database(DB).Object = 0 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT IF DB > UBOUND(Database) THEN REDIM _PRESERVE Database(UBOUND(Database) + 10) AS DB_TYPE: DB_Last = DB 'create new object Database(DB).Object = mysql_init(0): IF Database(DB).Object = 0 THEN DB_Critical_Error "mysql_init failed" 'attempt to connect IF DB_name$ = "" THEN object%& = mysql_real_connect_dont_open(Database(DB).Object, host_ip$ + CHR$(0), user_name$ + CHR$(0), user_password$ + CHR$(0), 0, 0, 0, 0) ELSE object%& = mysql_real_connect(Database(DB).Object, host_ip$ + CHR$(0), user_name$ + CHR$(0), user_password$ + CHR$(0), DB_name$ + CHR$(0), 0, 0, 0) END IF IF object%& = 0 THEN DB_Last_Error = mysql_error(Database(DB).Object) Database(DB).Object = 0 'free index EXIT FUNCTION END IF DB_Selected = DB DB_Open = DB END FUNCTION FUNCTION DB_Create (host_ip$, user_name$, user_password$, DB_name$) DB_Last_Error = "" 'create new handle FOR DB = 1 TO DB_Last IF Database(DB).Object = 0 THEN EXIT FOR NEXT IF DB > UBOUND(Database) THEN REDIM _PRESERVE Database(UBOUND(Database) + 10) AS DB_TYPE: DB_Last = DB 'create new object Database(DB).Object = mysql_init(0): IF Database(DB).Object = 0 THEN DB_Critical_Error "mysql_init failed" 'attempt to connect object%& = mysql_real_connect_dont_open(Database(DB).Object, host_ip$ + CHR$(0), user_name$ + CHR$(0), user_password$ + CHR$(0), 0, 0, 0, 0) IF object%& = 0 THEN DB_Last_Error = mysql_error(Database(DB).Object) Database(DB).Object = 0 'free index EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'create new database result = mysql_query(Database(DB).Object, "CREATE DATABASE " + DB_name$ + CHR$(0)) IF result THEN DB_Last_Error = mysql_error(Database(DB).Object) Database(DB).Object = 0 'free index EXIT FUNCTION END IF 'select new database result = mysql_query(Database(DB).Object, "USE " + DB_name$ + CHR$(0)) IF result THEN DB_Last_Error = mysql_error(Database(DB).Object) Database(DB).Object = 0 'free index EXIT FUNCTION END IF DB_Selected = DB DB_Create = DB END FUNCTION SUB DB_Close IF DB_Selected < 0 OR DB_Selected > DB_Last THEN DB_Critical_Error "DB_Close: Invalid handle" IF Database(DB_Selected).Object = 0 THEN DB_Critical_Error "DB_Close: Invalid handle" DB_Last_Error = "" mysql_close Database(DB_Selected).Object END SUB SUB DB_QUERY (mysql_command$) IF DB_Selected < 0 OR DB_Selected > DB_Last THEN DB_Critical_Error "DB_QUERY: Invalid handle" IF Database(DB_Selected).Object = 0 THEN DB_Critical_Error "DB_QUERY: Invalid handle" DB_Last_Error = "" result = mysql_query(Database(DB_Selected).Object, mysql_command$ + CHR$(0)) IF result THEN DB_Last_Error = mysql_error(Database(DB_Selected).Object) EXIT SUB END IF DIM mysql_result AS _OFFSET mysql_result = mysql_store_result(Database(DB_Selected).Object) IF mysql_result = 0 THEN '...todo... ELSE columns = mysql_num_fields(mysql_result) rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_result) IF DB_Debug_Mode THEN PRINT "Columns:"; columns, "Rows:"; rows REDIM DB_RESULT(columns, rows) AS STRING FOR y = 1 TO rows DIM mysql_row AS _OFFSET mysql_row = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_result) DIM mem_mysql_row AS _MEM mem_mysql_row = _MEM(mysql_row, columns * LEN(an_offset%&)) 'The upper limit is unknown at this point DIM mysql_lengths AS _OFFSET mysql_lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(mysql_result) DIM mem_mysql_lengths AS _MEM mem_mysql_lengths = _MEM(mysql_lengths, columns * 4) DIM mem_field AS _MEM FOR x = 1 TO columns length = _MEMGET(mem_mysql_lengths, mem_mysql_lengths.OFFSET + (x - 1) * 4, _UNSIGNED LONG) mem_field = _MEM(_MEMGET(mem_mysql_row, mem_mysql_row.OFFSET + (x - 1) * LEN(an_offset%&), _OFFSET), length) DB_RESULT(x, y) = SPACE$(length) _MEMGET mem_field, mem_field.OFFSET, DB_RESULT(x, y) _MEMFREE mem_field IF DB_Debug_Mode THEN posx = 1 + (x - 1) * 30: IF posx <= _WIDTH THEN LOCATE , posx PRINT "[" + LTRIM$(STR$(length)) + "]"; posx = 1 + (x - 1) * 30 + 5: IF posx <= _WIDTH THEN LOCATE , posx PRINT DB_RESULT(x, y); END IF NEXT IF DB_Debug_Mode THEN PRINT 'new line _MEMFREE mem_mysql_lengths _MEMFREE mem_mysql_row NEXT mysql_free_result mysql_result END IF END SUB SUB DB_Select (database_handle&) IF database_handle& < 0 OR database_handle& > DB_Last THEN DB_Critical_Error "DB_Select: Invalid handle" IF Database(database_handle&).Object = 0 THEN DB_Critical_Error "DB_Select: Invalid handle" DB_Selected = database_handle& END SUB SUB DB_PRINT columns = UBOUND(DB_RESULT): rows = UBOUND(DB_RESULT, 2) FOR x = 1 TO columns IF LEN(DB_RESULT(x, 0)) > 0 THEN y1 = 0 ELSE y1 = 1 NEXT width_characters = _WIDTH DIM max_width(columns) total_width = 1 FOR x = 1 TO columns max = 0 FOR y = y1 TO rows IF LEN(DB_RESULT(x, y)) > max THEN max = LEN(DB_RESULT(x, y)) NEXT max_width(x) = max total_width = total_width + max + 1 NEXT PRINT "Columns:"; columns, "Rows:"; rows PRINT CHR$(218);: FOR x = 1 TO columns: PRINT STRING$(max_width(x), CHR$(196)) + CHR$(194);: NEXT: LOCATE , POS(0) - 1: PRINT CHR$(191);: PRINT FOR y = y1 TO rows x2 = 1 FOR x = 1 TO columns a$ = DB_RESULT(x, y) LOCATE , x2 PRINT CHR$(179) + a$; x2 = x2 + max_width(x) + 1 LOCATE , x2 PRINT CHR$(179); NEXT PRINT IF y < rows THEN PRINT CHR$(195);: FOR x = 1 TO columns: PRINT STRING$(max_width(x), CHR$(196)) + CHR$(197);: NEXT: LOCATE , POS(0) - 1: PRINT CHR$(180);: PRINT END IF IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN quick = 1 IF quick = 0 THEN _LIMIT 10 NEXT PRINT CHR$(192);: FOR x = 1 TO columns: PRINT STRING$(max_width(x), CHR$(196)) + CHR$(193);: NEXT: LOCATE , POS(0) - 1: PRINT CHR$(217);: PRINT END SUB SUB EXAMPLE_1 (you_can_delete_this_sub) 'open and explore an existing database host_ip$ = sql_database_ip user_password$ = my_password user_name$ = my_username mydb = DB_Open(host_ip$, user_name$, user_password$, "") IF mydb = 0 THEN PRINT "Oops! " + DB_Last_Error$: END DO DO DB_QUERY "SHOW DATABASES": DB_PRINT LINE INPUT "Use database named >", a$ IF a$ = "" THEN GOTO Try_Again DB_QUERY "USE " + a$ LOOP UNTIL LEN(DB_Last_Error$) = 0 DO DB_QUERY "SHOW TABLES": DB_PRINT LINE INPUT "View table named >", a$ IF a$ = "" THEN GOTO Try_Again DB_QUERY "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name='" + a$ + "' ORDER BY ordinal_position" LOOP UNTIL LEN(DB_Last_Error$) = 0 'retrieve column headings and store in an array REDIM headings$(UBOUND(db_result, 2)) FOR y = 1 TO UBOUND(db_result, 2) headings$(y) = DB_RESULT(1, y) NEXT DB_QUERY "SELECT * FROM " + a$ 'apply headings FOR x = 1 TO UBOUND(headings$) DB_RESULT(x, 0) = headings$(x) NEXT DB_PRINT Try_Again: LINE INPUT "View another?", yn$ IF UCASE$(yn$) <> "Y" THEN DB_Close EXIT SUB END IF LOOP END SUB SUB EXAMPLE_2 (you_can_delete_this) 'create a new database, a new table, a heading and enter some data host_ip$ = sql_database_ip user_password$ = my_password user_name$ = my_username LINE INPUT "What will you call your database? >", d$ mydb = DB_Create(host_ip$, user_name$, user_password$, d$) IF LEN(DB_Last_Error$) <> 0 THEN PRINT "Oops! " + DB_Last_Error$: END LINE INPUT "What will you call your table? >", t$ LINE INPUT "And what will be the first column's heading? >", h$ DB_QUERY "CREATE TABLE " + t$ + "(" + h$ + " text)" IF LEN(DB_Last_Error$) <> 0 THEN PRINT "Oops! " + DB_Last_Error$: END DO DB_QUERY "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name='" + t$ + "' ORDER BY ordinal_position" 'retrieve column headings and store in an array REDIM headings$(UBOUND(db_result, 2)) FOR y = 1 TO UBOUND(db_result, 2) headings$(y) = DB_RESULT(1, y) NEXT DB_QUERY "SELECT * FROM " + t$ 'apply headings FOR x = 1 TO UBOUND(headings$) DB_RESULT(x, 0) = headings$(x) NEXT DB_PRINT LINE INPUT "Type new entry's text >", c$ IF c$ = "" THEN PRINT "Finished!": DB_Close: EXIT SUB DB_QUERY "INSERT INTO " + t$ + " VALUES ('" + c$ + "')" IF LEN(DB_Last_Error$) <> 0 THEN PRINT "Oops! " + DB_Last_Error$: END LOOP 'infinite loop END SUB ``` ## Linux Install: This works in Linux (Ubuntu) too with minimal changes: 1. Use the 'Synaptic Package Manager' to install 'mysql-client-5.1' 2. Change: DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "mysql" to DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "mysqlclient:16.0.0" > Or just copy this .so lib to your QB64 folder and rename it *libmysql.so*(do not use *.so* extension in [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) name). ## See Also * [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) * [ALIAS](ALIAS), [BYVAL](BYVAL) * [_OFFSET](_OFFSET)