The [_FONTWIDTH](_FONTWIDTH) function returns the font width of a MONOSPACE font handle created by [_LOADFONT](_LOADFONT). ## Syntax > pixelWidth% = [_FONTWIDTH](_FONTWIDTH)[(fontHandle&)] * Returns the character width of the last font used if a handle is not specified. * **Variable width fonts always return pixelWidth% = 0.** Even fixed width fonts return 0 unless the [LOADFONT](LOADFONT) style option is used. * QB64 **version 1.000 and up** can load a variable width font as monospaced with the [LOADFONT](LOADFONT) style parameter. * The font width is generally 3/4 of the [_FONTHEIGHT](_FONTHEIGHT) specified when loading the font. * In **graphics** [SCREEN (statement)](SCREEN-(statement)) modes, [_PRINTWIDTH](_PRINTWIDTH) can return the total **pixel width** of a literal or variable [STRING](STRING) of text. ## See Also * [_FONTHEIGHT](_FONTHEIGHT) * [_FONT](_FONT) * [_LOADFONT](_LOADFONT) * [_PRINTWIDTH](_PRINTWIDTH)