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mirror of https://github.com/DualBrain/QB64.git synced 2023-11-19 13:10:13 +00:00
2022-06-09 18:15:28 -05:00

186 lines
6.1 KiB

'| ###### ###### | .--. . .-. |
'| ## ## ## # | | )| ( ) o |
'| ## ## ## | |--' |--. .-. `-. . .-...--.--. .-. |
'| ###### ## | | \ | |( )( ) | ( || | |( ) |
'| ## ## | ' `' `-`-' `-'-' `-`-`|' ' `-`-'`- |
'| ## ## # | ._.' |
'| ## ###### | Sources & Documents placed in the Public Domain. |
'| |
'| === Bezier.bas === |
'| |
'| == Similar to the Spline.bas screen blanker, this one also draws |
'| == splines, Bezier curves to be exact. But it will also show the |
'| == math behind it, hence the polygons which by solving it down to |
'| == first degree result into the final spline point to draw. |
'| |
'| == See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve |
'| |
'| Done by RhoSigma, R.Heyder, provided AS IS, use at your own risk. |
'| Find me in the QB64 Forum or mail to support@rhosigma-cw.net for |
'| any questions or suggestions. Thanx for your interest in my work. |
Dim Shared scrX%, scrY%
di& = _ScreenImage
scrX% = _Width(di&)
scrY% = _Height(di&)
_FreeImage di&
si& = _NewImage(scrX%, scrY%, 256)
ti& = _NewImage(scrX%, scrY%, 256)
Screen si&
_Delay 0.2: _ScreenMove _Middle
_Delay 0.2: _FullScreen
Const MAX_DEGREE = 10 '2 to 20
Type point
x As Double
y As Double
s As Integer
End Type
ReDim spans(0 To 1) As point
While InKey$ = "" And mx% = 0 And my% = 0
_Dest ti&: Cls
_Dest 0: Cls
Randomize Timer
np% = RangeRand%(2, MAX_DEGREE)
ReDim points(0 To np%) As point
For i% = 0 To np%
points(i%).x = RangeRand%(20, scrX% - 20)
points(i%).y = RangeRand%(20, scrY% - 20)
Next i%
f# = 0: st# = 0.0001: done% = 0
_Limit 20 / st# * 0.005
If f# > 1 Then f# = 1: done% = -1
CalcFracPoints points(), spans(), f#
_Dest ti&
x# = spans(UBound(spans)).x
y# = spans(UBound(spans)).y
If c% < 32 Or c% > 56 Then c% = 32
Circle (x#, y#), 1, c%
Circle (x#, y#), 2, c%
Circle (x#, y#), 3, c%
c% = c% + 1
_Dest 0
_PutImage , ti&
DrawLines points(), &HFFFF
DrawLines spans(), &B1001100110011001
For i% = LBound(spans) To UBound(spans) - 1
Circle (spans(i%).x, spans(i%).y), 1, 14
Circle (spans(i%).x, spans(i%).y), 2, 14
Next i%
Circle (x#, y#), 1, 4
Circle (x#, y#), 2, 4
Circle (x#, y#), 3, 12
Circle (x#, y#), 4, 15
Circle (x#, y#), 5, 15
If ox# <> 0 Then
If Abs(ox# - x#) > 3 Or Abs(oy# - y#) > 3 Then
st# = st# / 2
ElseIf Abs(ox# - x#) < 2 Or Abs(oy# - y#) < 2 Then
st# = st# * 2
End If
If st# > 0.005 Then st# = 0.005
End If
ox# = x#: oy# = y#
f# = f# + st#
Do While _MouseInput
mx% = mx% + _MouseMovementX
my% = my% + _MouseMovementY
If InKey$ <> "" Or mx% + my% <> 0 Then Exit While
Loop Until done%
done% = 50: mx% = 0: my% = 0
_Limit 20
Do While _MouseInput
mx% = mx% + _MouseMovementX
my% = my% + _MouseMovementY
If InKey$ <> "" Or mx% + my% <> 0 Then Exit While
done% = done% - 1
Loop While done%
_PutImage , ti&
done% = 100: mx% = 0: my% = 0
_Limit 20
col~& = _PaletteColor(56)
For i% = 56 To 33 Step -1
_PaletteColor i%, _PaletteColor(i% - 1)
Next i%
_PaletteColor 32, col~&
Do While _MouseInput
mx% = mx% + _MouseMovementX
my% = my% + _MouseMovementY
If InKey$ <> "" Or mx% + my% <> 0 Then Exit While
done% = done% - 1
Loop While done%
_FullScreen _Off
_Delay 0.2: Screen 0
_Delay 0.2: _FreeImage ti&
_Delay 0.2: _FreeImage si&
Sub CalcFracPoints (pIn() As point, pOut() As point, frac#)
iLns% = UBound(pIn) - LBound(pIn) 'no +1 here, as lines = 1 less than points
oPts% = (iLns% * (iLns% + 1)) / 2 'sum up 1 to n, which is n*(n+1)/2
ReDim pOut(0 To oPts% - 1) As point
p% = 0
For i% = LBound(pIn) To UBound(pIn) - 1
pOut(p%).x = pIn(i%).x + frac# * (pIn(i% + 1).x - pIn(i%).x)
pOut(p%).y = pIn(i%).y + frac# * (pIn(i% + 1).y - pIn(i%).y)
p% = p% + 1
Next i%
pOut(p% - 1).s = -1 'stop flag for drawing
For j% = iLns% To 2 Step -1
For i% = p% - j% To p% - 2
pOut(p%).x = pOut(i%).x + frac# * (pOut(i% + 1).x - pOut(i%).x)
pOut(p%).y = pOut(i%).y + frac# * (pOut(i% + 1).y - pOut(i%).y)
p% = p% + 1
Next i%
pOut(p% - 1).s = -1 'stop flag for drawing
Next j%
End Sub
Sub DrawLines (pIn() As point, sty%)
col~& = 1
For i% = LBound(pIn) To UBound(pIn) - 1
Line (pIn(i%).x, pIn(i%).y)-(pIn(i% + 1).x, pIn(i% + 1).y), col~&, , sty%
If pIn(i% + 1).s Then
col~& = (col~& + 1) And 15
i% = i% + 1 'skip to next sequence
End If
Next i%
End Sub
Function RangeRand% (low%, high%)
RangeRand% = Int(Rnd(1) * (high% - low% + 1)) + low%
End Function