diff --git a/source/ide/ide_methods.bas b/source/ide/ide_methods.bas index a2239a10a..b270a14ee 100644 --- a/source/ide/ide_methods.bas +++ b/source/ide/ide_methods.bas @@ -3556,9 +3556,13 @@ FUNCTION ide2 (ignore) retval$ = idergbmixer$(0) ELSEIF IdeAutoComplete AND idefocusline > 0 AND LEN(_TRIM$(a$)) = 0 THEN 'close open block + tempIndent$ = idegetline(idefocusline) + tempIndent$ = SPACE$(LEN(tempIndent$) - LEN(LTRIM$(tempindent$))) IF idefocusline = definingtypeerror THEN + idecx = LEN(tempIndent$) + 1 insertAtCursor SCase$("End Type"): GOTO specialchar ELSEIF idefocusline = controlref(controllevel) AND INSTR(idecompilererrormessage$, " without ") > 0 THEN + idecx = LEN(tempIndent$) + 1 SELECT EVERYCASE controltype(controllevel) CASE 1: insertAtCursor SCase$("End If"): GOTO specialchar CASE 2: insertAtCursor SCase$("Next"): GOTO specialchar