The {{KW|CLNG}} function rounds decimal point numbers up or down to the nearest {{KW|LONG}} integer value. {{PageSyntax}} :: value = '''CLNG('''''expression''''')''' {{Parameters}} * The ''expression'' is any [[TYPE]] of literal or variable numerical value or mathematical calculation. {{PageDescription}} * Used when integer values exceed 32767 or are less than -32768. * Values greater than .5 are rounded up; .5 or lower are rounded down like "bankers rounding". * CLNG can return normal {{KW|INTEGER}} values under 32768 also. * Use it when a number could exceed normal {{KW|INTEGER}} number limits. {{PageExamples}} {{CodeStart}} a& = {{Cl|CLNG}}(2345678.51) {{Cl|PRINT}} {{CodeEnd}} {{OutputStart}} 2345679 {{OutputEnd}} {{PageSeeAlso}} * [[CINT]], [[INT]] * [[CSNG]], [[CDBL]] * [[_ROUND]] {{PageNavigation}}