See [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY). The [ALIAS](ALIAS) clause in a [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) statement block tells the program the name of the procedure used in the external library. ## Syntax > SUB *pseudoname* [ALIAS](ALIAS) *actualname* [(*parameters*)] ## Parameter(s) * The *pseudo name* is the name of the [SUB](SUB) or [FUNCTION](FUNCTION) the QB64 program will use. * The *actual name* is the same procedure name as it is inside of the DLL library. * QB64 must use all parameters of imported procedures including optional ones. ## Description * The ALIAS name clause is optional as the original library procedure name can be used. * The procedure name does not have to be inside of quotes when using [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY). * QB64 does not support optional parameters. ## Example(s) Instead of creating a SUB with the Library statement inside of it, just rename it: ```vb DECLARE LIBRARY SUB MouseMove ALIAS glutWarpPointer (BYVAL xoffset&, BYVAL yoffset&) END DECLARE DO UNTIL _SCREENEXISTS: LOOP PRINT "Hit a key..." SLEEP MouseMove 1, 1 ``` > *Explanation:* When a Library procedure is used to represent another procedure name use ALIAS instead. Saves creating a SUB! Just place your name for the procedure first with the actual Library name after ALIAS. ## See Also * [SUB](SUB), [FUNCTION](FUNCTION) * [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY), [BYVAL](BYVAL) * [DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY](DECLARE-DYNAMIC-LIBRARY)