See [SELECT CASE](SELECT-CASE). [CASE ELSE](CASE-ELSE) is used in a [SELECT CASE](SELECT-CASE) procedure as an alternative if no other [CASE](CASE) statements are true. ## Description * [CASE ELSE](CASE-ELSE) should be listed at the bottom of the case list as it will supersede any case statements after it. * Use it as a "safety net" or as an alternative for all values not covered in the [CASE](CASE) statements. ## Example(s) ```vb a = 100 SELECT CASE a CASE IS < 99: PRINT "a is < 99" CASE 99: PRINT "a is 99" CASE IS > 100: PRINT "a is > 100" CASE ELSE PRINT "a is 100" END SELECT ``` ```text a is 100 ``` ```vb a = 100 SELECT CASE a CASE 10: PRINT "a is 10" CASE 20: PRINT "a is 20" CASE 30: PRINT "a is 30" CASE ELSE: PRINT "a is something other than 10, 20 and 30" END SELECT ``` ```text a is something other than 10, 20 and 30 ``` ## See Also * [SELECT CASE](SELECT-CASE) * [IF...THEN](IF...THEN), [ELSE](ELSE)