The [FIX](FIX) function rounds a numerical value to the next whole number closest to zero. ## Syntax > result = [FIX](FIX)(expression) ## Parameter(s) * expression is any [Data types](Data-types) of literal or variable numerical value or mathematical calculation. ## Description * [FIX](FIX) effectively truncates (removes) the fractional part of expression, returning the integer part. * This means that [FIX](FIX) rounds down for positive values and up for negative values. * Use [INT](INT) to round down negative values. Positive values are rounded down by both. ## Example(s) Showing the behavior of [FIX](FIX) with positive and negative decimal point values. ```vb PRINT FIX(2.5) PRINT FIX(-2.5) ``` ```text 2 -2 ``` The NORMAL arithmetic method (round half up) can be achieved using the function in the example code below: ```vb PRINT MATHROUND(0.5) PRINT MATHROUND(1.5) PRINT MATHROUND(2.5) PRINT MATHROUND(3.5) PRINT MATHROUND(4.5) PRINT MATHROUND(5.5) FUNCTION MATHROUND(n) MATHROUND = FIX(n + 0.5 * SGN(n)) END FUNCTION ``` ```text 1 2 3 4 5 6 ``` ## See Also * [_CEIL](_CEIL) * [INT](INT), [CINT](CINT) * [CLNG](CLNG), [_ROUND](_ROUND) * [MOD](MOD), [\](\) * [/](/)