The keywords listed here are not supported in QB64. QB64 is meant to be compatible with **QB 4.5 or lower** versions. **PDS (7.1) is not supported**. Older code that uses these keywords won't generate errors, as these are ignored by the compiler. * [ALIAS](ALIAS) (supported in [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) only) * [ANY](ANY) * [BYVAL](BYVAL) (supported in [DECLARE LIBRARY](DECLARE-LIBRARY) only) * CALLS * CDECL * DATE$ (statement) (reading the current [DATE$](DATE$) is supported) * DECLARE (non-BASIC statement) * DEF FN, EXIT DEF, END DEF * ERDEV, ERDEV$ * FILEATTR * FRE * IOCTL, IOCTL$ * [OPEN](OPEN) with devices like **LPT, CON, KBRD**, and other devices is not supported. [LPRINT](LPRINT) and [OPEN COM](OPEN-COM) are supported. * ON PEN, PEN (statement), PEN (function) * ON PLAY(n), PLAY(n) ON/OFF/STOP. ([PLAY](PLAY) music is supported.) * ON UEVENT * SETMEM * SIGNAL * TIME$ (statement) (reading the current [TIME$](TIME$) is supported) * TRON, TROFF * **[WIDTH](WIDTH) [LPRINT](LPRINT)** combined statement is not supported. ## Keywords Not Supported in Linux or MAC OSX versions The commands listed here contain platform-specific calls and may be implemented in the future in Linux and macOS. These commands currently result in stub calls which do nothing. NOTE: The IDE does not support the opening or retrieval of more than one program at a time, but multiple instances of the IDE can be used simultaneously. Some OS Specific window/desktop calls: * [_ACCEPTFILEDROP](_ACCEPTFILEDROP), [_TOTALDROPPEDFILES](_TOTALDROPPEDFILES), [_DROPPEDFILE](_DROPPEDFILE), [_FINISHDROP](_FINISHDROP) * [_SCREENPRINT](_SCREENPRINT) * [_SCREENCLICK](_SCREENCLICK) * [_SCREENMOVE](_SCREENMOVE) (available in macOS, not available in Linux) * [_CLIPBOARDIMAGE](_CLIPBOARDIMAGE), [_CLIPBOARDIMAGE (function)](_CLIPBOARDIMAGE-(function)) * [_WINDOWHASFOCUS](_WINDOWHASFOCUS) (available in Linux, not available in macOS) * [_WINDOWHANDLE](_WINDOWHANDLE) * [_CAPSLOCK](_CAPSLOCK), [_NUMLOCK](_NUMLOCK), [_SCROLLLOCK](_SCROLLLOCK) (statements and functions) Modular: QB64 has no limit on file size so BAS file modules can be combined. * [CHAIN](CHAIN) * [RUN](RUN) Mouse related: * [_MOUSEWHEEL](_MOUSEWHEEL) (available in Linux, not available in macOS) Printing: * [LPRINT](LPRINT) * [_PRINTIMAGE](_PRINTIMAGE) Port access: * [OPEN COM](OPEN-COM) File locking: * [LOCK](LOCK) * [UNLOCK](UNLOCK) ## Reference * [QB64 FAQ](QB64-FAQ)