[LSET](LSET) left-justifies a fixed length string expression based on the size of the [STRING](STRING) variable and string expression. ## Syntax > [LSET](LSET) {stringVariable = stringExpression | stringExpression1 = stringExpression2} ## Description * If the string expression is longer than a fixed length string variable the value is truncated from the right side in LSET or [RSET](RSET). * If the LSET string expression is smaller, spaces will occupy the extra positions to the right in the string. * LSET can be used with a [FIELD](FIELD) or [TYPE](TYPE) definition to set the buffer position before a [PUT](PUT). ## Example(s) Using LSET with a [FIELD](FIELD) definition. Note: May create an empty (unchanged) file that can be deleted. ```vb OPEN "testfile.dat" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 15 FIELD 1, 6 AS a$, 9 AS other$ FIELD 1, 2 AS b$, 13 AS another$ LSET a$ = "1234567890" LSET other$ = "1234567890" PRINT a$, b$, other$, another$ CLOSE #1 ``` ```text 123456 12 123456789 3456123456789 ``` How LSET can define two different string length values in one statement. ```vb TYPE ninestring head AS STRING * 9 END TYPE TYPE fivestring head AS STRING * 5 END TYPE DIM me AS ninestring, you AS fivestring me.head = "ACHES NOT" CLS LSET you.head = me.head PRINT "me.head: "; me.head PRINT "you.head: "; you.head ``` ```text me.head: ACHES NOT you.head: ACHES ``` ## See Also * [RSET](RSET), [RTRIM$](RTRIM$) * [FIELD](FIELD), [TYPE](TYPE)