The **QB.BI** file can be used for [INTERRUPT](INTERRUPT) or [INTERRUPTX](INTERRUPTX) routines by [$INCLUDE]($INCLUDE)ing the file in a program. It is useful for the [TYPE](TYPE) and [SUB](SUB) declarations. ## Description * Create your own BI files to [$INCLUDE]($INCLUDE) to hold your own [TYPE](TYPE) definitions. Use notepad and save as All Files as *filename.BI* * In QBasic the BI library or support file MUST be included in a program package or download! * **QB64** programs do not require any INCLUDED files once the BAS file is compiled! ## Example(s) > *The QB.BI file contents:* ```vb '************************************************************************** ' QB.BI - Assembly Support Include File ' ' Copyright 1987 Microsoft Corporation ' ' Purpose: ' This include file defines the types and gives the DECLARE ' statements for the assembly language routines CALL ABSOLUTE, ' INTERRUPT, INTERRUPTX, INT86OLD, and INT86XOLD. ' '*************************************************************************** ' ' Define the [TYPE](TYPE) needed for [INTERRUPT](INTERRUPT) ' TYPE RegType ax AS INTEGER bx AS INTEGER cx AS INTEGER dx AS INTEGER bp AS INTEGER si AS INTEGER di AS INTEGER flags AS INTEGER END TYPE ' ' Define the [TYPE](TYPE) needed for [INTERRUPTX](INTERRUPTX) ' TYPE RegTypeX ax AS INTEGER bx AS INTEGER cx AS INTEGER dx AS INTEGER bp AS INTEGER si AS INTEGER di AS INTEGER flags AS INTEGER ds AS INTEGER es AS INTEGER END TYPE ' ' DECLARE statements for the 5 supported routines ' ----------------------------------------- ' ' Generate a software interrupt, loading all but the segment registers ' DECLARE SUB INTERRUPT (intnum AS INTEGER, inreg AS RegType, outreg AS RegType) ' ' Generate a software interrupt, loading all registers ' DECLARE SUB INTERRUPTX (intnum AS INTEGER, inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegTypeX) ' ' Call a routine at an absolute address. ' NOTE: If the routine called takes parameters, then they will have to ' be added to this declare statement before the parameter given. ' DECLARE SUB ABSOLUTE (address AS INTEGER) ' ' Generate a software interrupt, loading all but the segment registers ' (old version) ' DECLARE SUB INT86OLD (intnum AS INTEGER, inarray(1) AS INTEGER, outarray(1) AS INTEGER) ' ' Gemerate a software interrupt, loading all the registers ' (old version) ' DECLARE SUB INT86XOLD (intnum AS INTEGER, inarray(1) AS INTEGER, outarray(1) AS INTEGER) ``` > *Ethan Winer's compact "RegType.BI" file for [INTERRUPT](INTERRUPT) or [INTERRUPTX](INTERRUPTX):* ```vb TYPE RegType ax AS INTEGER bx AS INTEGER cx AS INTEGER dx AS INTEGER bp AS INTEGER si AS INTEGER di AS INTEGER flags AS INTEGER ds AS INTEGER es AS INTEGER END TYPE ``` > *Explanation:* DECLARE statements in QB4.5 and PDS(7.1) are not required because the Library MUST be included with [INTERRUPT](INTERRUPT), [INTERRUPTX](INTERRUPTX) and [CALL ABSOLUTE](CALL-ABSOLUTE) or a "Subprogram not defined" [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) will occur. ## See Also * [$INCLUDE]($INCLUDE), [INTERRUPT](INTERRUPT), [INTERRUPTX](INTERRUPTX)