The WIDTH statement changes the text dimensions of certain SCREEN modes. ## *SCREEN* Syntax > **WIDTH** [**columns%**][**, rows%**] ## *File* Syntax > **WIDTH** {***file_number*** | ***device***}, ***columnwidth%*** ## Parameter(s) * When parameters are not specified, columns defaults to 80 with 25 (30 in [SCREEN](SCREEN) 11 or 12) rows. ## Usage * WIDTH should be used AFTER a program SCREEN statement! It does not affect screen graphics or graphic coordinates. * Affects SCREEN 0 Window size and alters the text block size of each screen mode listed in QBasic: * SCREEN 0 can use 80 or 40 columns and 25, 43 or 50 rows. Default is WIDTH 80, 25. * SCREEN 9 can use 80 columns and 25 or 43(not supported on many monitors) rows. Default WIDTH 80, 25 fullscreen. * SCREEN 10 can use 80 columns and 25 or 43 rows. Default is WIDTH 80, 25 fullscreen. * SCREEN 11 and 12 can use 80 columns and 30 or 60 rows. Default is WIDTH 80, 30 fullscreen. * **QB64** can alter all [SCREEN](SCREEN) mode widths and heights which may also affect text or [_FONT](_FONT) block sizes. * If a [$CONSOLE]($CONSOLE) window is active and you set [_DEST](_DEST) [_CONSOLE](_CONSOLE), WIDTH will affect the console output window size (Windows only). * **Note:** WIDTH changes may change screen color settings in QBasic. Use [PALETTE](PALETTE) to reset to default colors. * **[Keywords currently not supported by QB64](Keywords-currently-not-supported-by-QB64)** ## See Also * [SCREEN](SCREEN), [COLOR](COLOR), [OUT](OUT) * [_PRINTWIDTH](_PRINTWIDTH) (function) * [_WIDTH (function)](_WIDTH-(function)), [_HEIGHT](_HEIGHT) (function) * [_FONT](_FONT), [_FONTWIDTH](_FONTWIDTH), [_FONTHEIGHT](_FONTHEIGHT)