The [_ALPHA](_ALPHA) function returns the alpha channel transparency level of a color value used on a screen page or image. ## Syntax > result& = [_ALPHA](_ALPHA)(color~& [, imageHandle&]) ## Description * If imageHandle& is omitted, it is assumed to be the current write page. Invalid handles will create [ERROR Codes](ERROR-Codes) errors. * [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE) 32 bit [SCREEN](SCREEN) modes will always use an [_UNSIGNED](_UNSIGNED) [LONG](LONG) *color~&* value. * Color values that are set as a [_CLEARCOLOR](_CLEARCOLOR) always have an alpha level of 0 (transparent). * [_SETALPHA](_SETALPHA) can set any alpha level from 0 (or fully transparent) to 255 (or opaque). * Normal color values that are set by [_RGB](_RGB) or [_RGB32](_RGB32) always have an alpha level of 255(opaque). * In 4 (16 color) or 8 (256 color) bit palette screens the function will always return 255. *[_RED32](_RED32), [_GREEN32](_GREEN32), [_BLUE32](_BLUE32) and [_ALPHA32](_ALPHA32) are all equivalent to [_RED](_RED), [_GREEN](_GREEN), [_BLUE](_BLUE) and [_ALPHA](_ALPHA) but they are highly optimized and only accept a 32-bit color (B8:G8:R8:A8). Using them (opposed to dividing then ANDing 32-bit color values manually) makes code easy to read. * **NOTE: 32 bit [_NEWIMAGE](_NEWIMAGE) screen page backgrounds are transparent black or [_ALPHA](_ALPHA) 0. Use [_DONTBLEND](_DONTBLEND) or [CLS](CLS) for opaque.** ## Example(s) Alpha transparency levels are always 255 in 4 or 8 bit screen modes. ```vb SCREEN 13 clr~& = _RGBA(255, 0, 255, 192) 'returns closest palette color attribute PRINT "Color:"; clr~& COLOR clr~& PRINT "Alpha:"; _ALPHA(clr~&) END ``` ```text Color 36 Alpha: 255 ``` > *Explanation:* [_RGBA](_RGBA) cannot change the [_ALPHA](_ALPHA) level. [_ALPHA32](_ALPHA32) would return 0 on any non-32 bit image or page. Finding the transparency of a 32 bit screen mode's background before and after [CLS](CLS). ```vb SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) BG& = POINT(1, 1) PRINT "Alpha ="; _ALPHA(BG&); "Press a key to use CLS!" K$ = INPUT$(1) CLS BG& = POINT(1, 1) PRINT "CLS Alpha ="; _ALPHA(BG&) ``` ```text CLS Alpha = 255 ``` > *Explanation:* Set the ALPHA value to 255 using [CLS](CLS) to make the background opaque when overlaying pages. ## See Also * [_ALPHA32](_ALPHA32), [_SETALPHA](_SETALPHA) * [_RGBA](_RGBA), [_RGBA32](_RGBA32) (set color with alpha) * [_CLEARCOLOR](_CLEARCOLOR), [_CLEARCOLOR (function)](_CLEARCOLOR-(function)) * [_RED](_RED), [_GREEN](_GREEN), [_BLUE](_BLUE) * [_RED32](_RED32), [_GREEN32](_GREEN32). [_BLUE32](_BLUE32) * [CLS](CLS), [COLOR](COLOR), [Images](Images)